A Tale of a Lone Admiral-Let's Play BattleFleet Gothic!

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A Tale of a Lone Admiral-Let's Play BattleFleet Gothic!

Post by Jakeman214 » 03 Nov 2011, 07:45

Hello all, Fleet Admiral Jakeman here!

So, you've all seen me around on the server, right? Well, it turns out I have a second hobby, Warhammer 40k! Thats right, I belong to the hobby that makes other Nerds turn away in shame, because it is TOO NERDY! Anyways, I'm getting into Battlefleet Gothic, the Space Naval Warfare game tied into the Warhammer 40k universe. It's great fun, and I've got all the models to start my fleet. I figured I'd give you guys a look into my life outside Minecraft a bit, so have a little looksies as I go.

This will essentially be a Work In Progress thread, with lots of jokes, alcohol, random thoughts and bad music along the way, with a side dish of the actual work done thrown in!

Here's my tools *erm*, yeah lets just go with tools of the trade. Gotta have high quality tools to do a good job!

And here is my first ship of Battlegroup Sapphira and also the Fleet Flagship, Spirit of Fire. She is a Vengeance Class Grand Cruiser and an older ship in universe, but she has a lot of firepower at long range, something the Imperial Navy and my fleet lacks. She still seems to be in pieces though......

Alright, this what I am aiming for Spirit of Fire to look like.


Anyways, I've trimmed the flashings and got the pieces all fitting nicely, now I just need to glue it all together and not my fingers as well, LOL! I'll put up some more photos later on, when I get the better camera out and properly set up a photoshoot space.

Until next time, May The Emperor Most Holy give His Protection to you All!
Tabi no tochū.
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Re: A Tale of a Lone Admiral-Let's Play BattleFleet Gothic!

Post by Blackadder51 » 03 Nov 2011, 08:02

ooh, I look forward to the update!

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Re: A Tale of a Lone Admiral-Let's Play BattleFleet Gothic!

Post by Jakeman214 » 03 Nov 2011, 08:51

The good news- Spirit of Fire is now a whole ship and not just spare parts!
The bad news- My fingers got all glued together. Lol, dammit.

Here you go, some pics of the now assembled Vengeance Class Grand Cruiser and Fleet Flagship, Spirit of Fire!

Here is the Size Comparison shot. That's a 2nd Generation iPod Nano next to her. She's 5 inches long from bow to stern and just short of 2 inches wide from wingtip to wingtip.

And that's me for the night, I've gotten my first goal accomplished!

Tommorrow On!!!!
A Tale of a Lone Admiral! - I'll start cutting out Cruiser hulls and putting them together (They're all plastic, THANK THE EMPEROR!). I have to then magnetise the rear loadout bays of 4 of the Cruisers to allow them to be modular cruisers/battlecruisers just incase my playstyle changes or the classes that I make them are useless.


That will all for tonight, and Emperor Bless!
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Re: A Tale of a Lone Admiral-Let's Play BattleFleet Gothic!

Post by Iron_Fang » 03 Nov 2011, 11:49

Wolf Lord Iron Fang approves this :)

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Re: A Tale of a Lone Admiral-Let's Play BattleFleet Gothic!

Post by Jakeman214 » 03 Nov 2011, 18:42

Good Day all, Fleet Admiral Jakeman reporting in.

Well, I got up early this morning after only a few precious, precious hours of sleep and now that I'm awake I won't be goin back to bed anytime soon. So I figured that I'd do a bit more work on my Imperial Navy Fleet!

Here are all the parts needed to assemble 2 Imperial Cruisers, which are all basically the same hull with different weapons configurations. This is due to the Imperial Navy being one of two starter fleets, the other being Chaos, and therefore being designed for ease of use. The 2nd pic is of a Tyrant Class Cruiser, a mid range Ship of the Line. I will eventually have two of these, as they shall provide my fleet with a decent bit of mid range firepower, something us Imperials sorely lack. The 3rd pic is of a Gothic Class Cruiser, which is a close range Lance boat, and one of the hardest hitting ships in the Fleet. Lances don't need to roll to cause damage, if they hit they automatically do 1 point of damage per shot. I'll have two of these as well. EDIT: Next time I put a Gothic together though, I'm gonna glue the lance turrets onto the decks BEFORE I glue the decks to the ship. Took me damn near 10 minutes of fiddling once the decks were on cause there wasn't a lot of room.

And here is our Tyrant Class Cruiser all assembled!

Here we go, some semblance of an actual Fleet! Here we have the Vengeance Class Grand Cruiser Spirit of Fire in the centre, the Tyrant Class Cruiser All Nightmare Long on the left and the Gothic Class Cruiser Winter Tide on the right. Paint not included!


I won't be putting up pics of the next two ships, as they will be another Tyrant/Gothic pair and therefore exactly the bloody same. Still on the to-do list are 2 Overlord Class Battlecruisers and 2 Dictator Class Cruisers. The Overlords are long range hard hitters, and the Dictators are Carrier Cruisers. An interesting point to note is that the Imperial Navy does not have a dedicated Carrier variant at all. The Emperor Class Battleship comes close, but it has enough guns and hitpoints to get into the fighting and do quite well, and I have to take a specialised Fleetlist to take Escort Carriers, which die in a single hit and can only carry small amounts of Fighters. That Fleetlist also prohibits me from taking lots of Cruisers.

Until next time, Emperor Protect!
Tabi no tochū.
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Re: A Tale of a Lone Admiral-Let's Play BattleFleet Gothic!

Post by vallorn » 03 Nov 2011, 19:19

you need a Blackstone Fortress mate ;)
Lord_Mountbatten wrote:I didn't quite hear you over the sound of my eyebrow shooting into the sky.

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Re: A Tale of a Lone Admiral-Let's Play BattleFleet Gothic!

Post by Jakeman214 » 03 Nov 2011, 19:59

Vallorn, I don't need one. They sit still and have "TARGET ME!!!!" written all over them. Besides, I'm going up against Chaos, and they'll only steal it and use it against me!

After actually cutting out all the weapon sprues, it turns out I haven't got enough of everything, and so I'll be changing the list a little bit. I am now going to have 2 Mars Class battlecruisers, which are Carriers with a decent midrange punch, and the 2 Dictators are now going to be Gothic Class cruisers. That means I've now got a very Lance heavy list, which is great! Essentially, if anyone gets within 30cm of my Fleet, they are very dead. I am still going to magnetise 4 of my ships, just in case.

Thought for the Day-Only the insane have strength enough to prosper. Only those who prosper may truly judge what is sane.
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Re: A Tale of a Lone Admiral-Let's Play BattleFleet Gothic!

Post by Jakeman214 » 06 Nov 2011, 20:54

Good Day all!

Here's todays update!

I got the Fleet assembled and undercoated black, ready for painting. Here is the first ship to get painted, the Indiana Jones, a Mars Class Battlecruiser.

The second ship to get a coat of paint is the Gothic Class Cruiser InuYasha.

And I figured it would be good to get a pic of the entire Battlegroup together, so here is Battlegroup Sapphira!

Using the top photo, I'm gonna name all the ships in the Battlegroup. From the top ship down we have:
Tyrant Class Cruiser "All Nightmare Long"
Lunar Class Cruiser "Winter Tide"
Gothic Class Cruiser "InuYasha"
Mars Class Battlecruiser "Jack Sparrow"
Vengeance Class Grand Cruiser "Spirit of Fire", Admiral Bundaberg's Flagship.
Mars Class Battlecruiser "Indiana Jones"
Gothic Class Cruiser "Duke Nukem"
Lunar Class Cruiser "Midnight Wandering"
Tyrant Class Cruiser "Enter Sandman"

There you go, a 2000pt Imperial Navy Battlegroup ready for casual games. Once I get all the ships painted, I'll have a tournament ready fleet!

Jakeman214, signing off! May the Emperor's Light guide you!

Thought for the Day- It takes 43 muscles to Frown, 17 to Smile, and 3 to pull the trigger on a good rifle.
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Re: A Tale of a Lone Admiral-Let's Play BattleFleet Gothic!

Post by Jakeman214 » 07 Nov 2011, 18:59

Hi everybody! I NEED YOUR HELP!

Well, I painted another cruiser this morning before I go to work in a bit, and I'm a bit baffled. Of the three cruisers I've painted, they all use the same base but have differently painted Prows/details. And I like all three!

So help me choose!

The Indiana Jones has a Ultramarines Blue prow, Blood Red raised surface and Shadow Grey highlights.
The InuYasha has a Dark Angles Green prow, Dark Angels Green raised surface and Blood Red highlights.
The All Nightmare Long has an Ice Blue prow and Ice Blue raised surfaces and highlights.

All ships have white/silver weapons highlights and Red/with White highlights for their engines. It's mainly the prow and highlights I'm confused over, cos I like all three but I want the fleet to look similar and nice together!
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Re: A Tale of a Lone Admiral-Let's Play BattleFleet Gothic!

Post by Sti_Jo_Lew » 07 Nov 2011, 22:18

Personally I think the first one looks the best, since the colors don't look so harsh together. Have you tried doing a golden or bronze prow? That might be interesting.

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Re: A Tale of a Lone Admiral-Let's Play BattleFleet Gothic!

Post by Jakeman214 » 10 Nov 2011, 20:18

G'Day all, and welcome back to another UPDATE of "A Tale of a Lone Admiral"!

Over the past few days I've been rather lazy, and I've only painted another 2 cruisers, for a total of 5 cruisers painted. However, I got up this morning and said "Right, enough of this buggering about, let's make like /tg/ and GET SHIT DONE!"

And so, Jake Paint Productions Proudly Presents the Vengeance Class Grand Cruiser, Spirit of Fire!!!

For those wondering, here is what she looked like at the first undercoat, at about 10 mins of work.

And then I didn't take anymore pics inbetween, as I was too busy PAINTING, dur! She took me something close to 5 hours to paint, as I suck at painting and did all the gold highlights with a tiny 10/0 brush. I also spent half an hour reattaching the base after it fell off. Damned cheap ass superglue!

And some more pics, of the 5 cruisers together and All Nightmare Long, InuYasha, Spirit of Fire and Indiana Jones together.

So now I have 3 cruisers to go, and thats only about 3 hours of painting! YEAH!

Until Next Time, Jakeman214, signing off!

Thought for the day - Do not waste your tears. I was not born to watch the world grow dim. Life is not measured in years, but by the deeds of men.
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Re: A Tale of a Lone Admiral-Let's Play BattleFleet Gothic!

Post by Jakeman214 » 11 Nov 2011, 16:53

Hey gaiys, just so I don't feel all lonely in this thread, can you all post that you're watching and stuff? Compliments and criticism are welcome too! Just today, the view count is at 140+ and so far, on Blackadder51, Iron Fang and Stii_Jo_Lew have posted replies!

Kthnkx byez!
Tabi no tochū.
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Re: A Tale of a Lone Admiral-Let's Play BattleFleet Gothic!

Post by vallorn » 11 Nov 2011, 16:55

hey you forgot me! *checks every new posts*
Lord_Mountbatten wrote:I didn't quite hear you over the sound of my eyebrow shooting into the sky.

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Re: A Tale of a Lone Admiral-Let's Play BattleFleet Gothic!

Post by Jakeman214 » 14 Nov 2011, 07:36

G'day all, Admiral Jakeman here!

Yesterday I went to our fortnightly game day, and much fun was had. We mostly play warhammer 40k, and my Imperial Guard troopers fought valiantly and came 2nd in a 1v1v1 battle. My men wiped out the Chaos Marine forces but couldn't get to the objective to call for reinforcements, so we effected a Tactical Withdrawal to save our forces for the next battle in the campaign next weekend. I also got in a small BFG game with one of the local guys, who didn't have his fleet there, so we split my 8 cruisers into 2 even fleets and the Grand Cruiser sat out. It was an interesting first battle, and due to bad dice rolls on my behalf, my half of the fleet lost. The end count was 2 cruisers destroyed and 2 crippled in my fleet, and 1 cruiser destroyed, 1 crippled and 2 damaged for Lee's fleet. I disengaged, nursing my near destroyed ships off the board.

We each had a Carrier cruiser, Gun cruiser, Lance cruiser and a mixed Gun/Lance cruiser. My first ship to be lost with all hands was my carrier cruiser, and from then on I got hammered by unopposed enemy bombers. Bombers are nasty nasty things. Very nasty. But much fun was had and I saw that if I could field my whole fleet, the pairs of cruisers could support each other quite nicely.

ANYWHO, with my Imperial Navy fleet almost done (3 ships to paint! That's tommorrow's job!) I've decided to build my second fleet. I had a looksies at what other fleets I liked, and figured why not build an Ork Fleet? I run orks in 40k and I have lots of fun with them as they are unpredictable and hard hitting, albiet a little inaccurate. A quick peek at the Games Workshop website revealed that the models are all old and metal, so the decision was made to scratchbuild the fleet! Thats what Orkz are about modelwise, in that each army/fleet is unique, and EVERY Ork player customises his boyz for that custom "it's mine!" touch. The Ork fleet operates on a close range krumpin' principle, in that they charge all ahead full into the enemy and open up with every gun in the fleet at close range, then board to get stuck into the enemy lads. If they can get there, due to their ships being cobbled together from literal scrap and spare big guns bolted around some engines. Orks also have the ability to launch lots and lots of fighta-bommaz, which are quite deadly as they can operate as both fighters and bombers, both offensive and defensive. Think the US Navy F-18E Super Hornet in space, and that's the ork fighta-bomma.

So, here's the assorted bitz from my junkyard skrapheap, ready for assembly!

And after much sanding and cutting and glueing, we have our first Terror Kroozer! The All Nightmare Long Tyrant class cruiser is in the background for a bit of size comparison. Terror Kroozerz are the ork carrier cruiser, and they'll be forming the main core of our fleet. We can only have six of them, but six is a good even number so its all good. That and it'll leave us enough points to sneak in a few squadrons of escorts to wreak havoc as well!

Well, I stopped there cause I ran outta superglue and it's like 11pm so everything is shut. So, my aim for this week is to finish painting up Battlegroup Sapphira (3 cruisers left!), put together another 5 Ork Terror Kroozerz and about 6 or so escort frigates and maybe paint them if I can get my arse in gear. This Sunday is the next games day, and the other Battlefleet Gothic guys are gonna be there with their fleets as well. I'll make sure to take the camera and get some shots of the games day just so you can see me in action!

Admiral Jakeman, signing off for the night!

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Re: A Tale of a Lone Admiral-Let's Play BattleFleet Gothic!

Post by Blackadder51 » 14 Nov 2011, 07:49


I'll look forward for the weekend update! =D

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Re: A Tale of a Lone Admiral-Let's Play BattleFleet Gothic!

Post by Lord_Mountbatten » 14 Nov 2011, 08:03

Jakeman214 wrote:Hey gaiys, just so I don't feel all lonely in this thread, can you all post that you're watching and stuff? Compliments and criticism are welcome too! Just today, the view count is at 140+ and so far, on Blackadder51, Iron Fang and Stii_Jo_Lew have posted replies!

Kthnkx byez!
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Re: A Tale of a Lone Admiral-Let's Play BattleFleet Gothic!

Post by Sti_Jo_Lew » 14 Nov 2011, 14:39

That ork ship has an interesting shape, can't wait to see how it turns out painted.

I've always wanted to get into 40k, but just to paint and build the models. What can I say, I like to create stuff.

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Re: A Tale of a Lone Admiral-Let's Play BattleFleet Gothic!

Post by Jakeman214 » 15 Nov 2011, 00:24

G'day all, Admiral Jakeman here!

I'm back with moar glue and some better ideas for ships ov Kommodoar Barbossaar's Pirate Ladz!

And here is the first ship to be kommisioned from the Mek Boyz Shipyards, the Terror Krooza Blakk Pearl! I've added a few bitz to her, and now she's finished and ready for paintin'!

The second ship to depart the docks is another Terror Krooza, Entaprize!

And the third ship for today to fire up her enginez is the Terror Krooza Red Orktobar!

And here's two pics of the three ships assembled and ready fer war!

The next Terror Krooza is gonna be modelled to look like the Battlestar Galactica, these three were just built around the fighterbays and engines as their cores, with other bitz tacked on to flesh them out as actual ships. Expect to see lots and lots of sprue next time!

Thanks fer lookin', and keep ya eyes open fer moar pics to come of anuvva few Terror Kroozaz and some dinky blasted escorts, YA PANZY GROT!
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Re: A Tale of a Lone Admiral-Let's Play BattleFleet Gothic!

Post by Jakeman214 » 16 Nov 2011, 04:23


I gots an update! Well, after hunting though some drawers, I found, I mean, looted a 1:72 scale F-18 Hornet. It's nose section has made a great hull for teh Galaktika! The Galaktika will actually be a battleship, the Gorbag's Revenge for those interested. I must say though, she ain't as pretty or as close as I'd hoped, but I fell sick today and honestly feel like crap. ANYWHO, PIKTURES!

Last edited by Jakeman214 on 16 Nov 2011, 06:02, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Tale of a Lone Admiral-Let's Play BattleFleet Gothic!

Post by vallorn » 16 Nov 2011, 04:47

Sheldon Me Gusta.jpg
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Re: A Tale of a Lone Admiral-Let's Play BattleFleet Gothic!

Post by Jakeman214 » 16 Nov 2011, 05:44

@Vallorn - Not sure if happy, disgusted at my destruction of a perfectly good Hornet Kit, or Trolling.
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Re: A Tale of a Lone Admiral-Let's Play BattleFleet Gothic!

Post by vallorn » 16 Nov 2011, 06:16

Lord_Mountbatten wrote:I didn't quite hear you over the sound of my eyebrow shooting into the sky.

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Re: A Tale of a Lone Admiral-Let's Play BattleFleet Gothic!

Post by Jakeman214 » 18 Nov 2011, 22:53

G'Day all, Admiral Jakeman here!

I've done it, I've finally finished painting Battlegroup Sapphira! WOOO! Still on the to do list includes 2 more Terror Ships, 9 Onslaught Escorts and 2 Savage Gunships. BUT BG SAPPHIRA IS DONE! WOOO!

So here is a mass update of pics to show!

Spirit of Fire, Avenger Class Grand Cruiser, Battlegroup Flagship.

Winter Tide, Gothic Class Cruiser. Magnetized to swap into Lunar Class Cruiser at will along with sister ship Midnight Wandering.

Jack Sparrow, Mars Class Battlecruiser. Sister ship is the Indiana Jones.

Enter Sandman, Tyrant Class Cruiser. Sister ship is the All Nightmare Long.

InuYasha, Gothic Class Cruiser. Sister ship is the Duke Nukem.

There we go, on Fleet all done, and just half of the Ork Fleet to go!
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Re: A Tale of a Lone Admiral-Let's Play BattleFleet Gothic!

Post by vallorn » 19 Nov 2011, 08:41

those ships are freaking awesome.
Lord_Mountbatten wrote:I didn't quite hear you over the sound of my eyebrow shooting into the sky.

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Re: A Tale of a Lone Admiral-Let's Play BattleFleet Gothic!

Post by Jakeman214 » 01 Dec 2011, 06:55

G'day All! Admiral Jakeman here with an update!

Well, its not a BFG update, my fleets are currently sitting in the display case of my Local Gaming Store! YEAH! Anyways, I found two boxes of Lord of the Rings Cavalry, and I was bored, so I began to convert them into Rough Riders for my Imperial Guard warhammer 40k army. I only snagged one pic after I was done, but I've got another few boxes of cavalry from the Warhammer Fantasy range on order for a second squad. They should be really fun to play in my army, and so here is the pic!

I'll be out of town and away from my models over teh weekend, so stay tuned for another squad of Rough Riders, perhaps a heavy weapons squad or 3, and I MAY JUST get back to making lots and lots of escorts for my Ork Fleet in Battlefleet Gothic. Maybe not though, cause I've joined a D&D group on wednesday nights and Magic: The Gathering on saturday nights.

Admiral Jakeman, signing out!
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Re: A Tale of a Lone Admiral-Let's Play BattleFleet Gothic!

Post by Jakeman214 » 08 Dec 2011, 03:01

Its not a BFG update again, I'm working on my 40K stuff this month to have both my armies set for the new year.

Ok, so I got bored, fiddled around with my ork list a bit, and somehow managed to fluff in a Deff Dread into my Speed Freakz list. The go is, the Deff Dread WAS the warboss, but then he was overthrown by the new Big Mek. However, the Big Mek didn't do the job properly, and the Warboss got a different Mek and a Painboy to stich him up into a snazzy looted Tau Crisis suit they had lying around. SO now he is wired in SM dreanought style, the suit keeping him alive until he can claim his spot as the Big Boss again.


So what do you guys reckon? Does he look big and bad enough or what?
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Re: A Tale of a Lone Admiral-Let's Play BattleFleet Gothic!

Post by Sabalora » 08 Dec 2011, 06:16

jeez, I remember the war hammer shop everything was SO expensive! how do you afford so much! D:

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Re: A Tale of a Lone Admiral-Let's Play BattleFleet Gothic!

Post by Jakeman214 » 08 Dec 2011, 07:41

The quick answer, is that I work 40 hours a week at coles. The Imperial Navy Fleet was $200, the ork fleet was free (Built from random bitz and pieces lying around) and that battlesuit/Deff Dread conversion was $40.

I don't drink that much, I don't smoke, my car is paid off and I've only bought Gears of War 3 and The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword this year.

In short, I've got money to burn, and warhammer keeps me off the streets.
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Re: A Tale of a Lone Admiral-Let's Play BattleFleet Gothic!

Post by Iron_Fang » 08 Dec 2011, 11:52

I may have to post a Wolf Lord's Army thing like this also keep up the good work!

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Re: A Tale of a Lone Admiral-Let's Play BattleFleet Gothic!

Post by Jakeman214 » 12 Dec 2011, 19:11


Hey all, I had a local gamesday yesterday, and I took my BFG along to scout who had it there. I managed to snag a game against the local BFG main player/guru/god, Lee, so it worked out well. He played his Space Wolves Fleet, rather than his Chaos fleet, and I played my Line Cruiser Imperial Navy Fleet.

So we both set up for a cruiser clash, over the planet of Alderaan, as a "Training Excersize" for our two fleets to find out the weaknesses and strengths of the fleets in sector.

My Imperial Fleet:
Battlegroup Sapphira
Dictator Class Cruiser "Indiana Jones". Fleet Admiral Bundaberg's Flagship. (Carrier Cruiser)
Dominator Class Cruiser "Enter Sandman". (Big Gun Cruiser)
Gothic Class Cruisers "Winter Tide", "InuYasha" and "Midnight Wandering". (Lance Cruisers)

Lee's Space Wolves Fleet:
Battle Barge (BB)
Strike Cruiser (SC)
3x Gladius Frigates
2x Nova Frigates (Squadroned with the Battle Barge)
3x Hunter Frigates

I had the advantage in HP, outright firepower and Torpedoes and Lee had the advantage in manovourablity and experience. This was my second actual Fleet action, and the experience difference would prove deadly.

Fleet Setup.
BG Sapphira: http://i1120.photobucket.com/albums/l48 ... NFleet.jpg
SW Fleet: http://i1120.photobucket.com/albums/l48 ... WFleet.jpg

I won the dice off and elected to go first. I forgot to take a photo turn 1, but both fleets moved towards each other, using the planet as cover.

Turn 2 was a bit different. I split my fleet, sending Winter Tide and Midnight Wandering towards the planet's small moon, and sending the rest of the fleet around the far side, hoping to box the Space Wolves inbetween the 2 Gothics and catch Lee's unguarded rear. Indiana Jones launched a wave of 4 Bomber Squadrons, out to hit the Battle Barge and distract some of his Thunderhawks from the 2 Gothics. Lee moved his entire fleet towards the moon, sending his Gladius Squadron out as a screen, his Hunters out wide for some reason and keeping his Nova's in base to base with his Battle Barge and sharing turrets. The 2 Gothic Cruisers of mine were now quite heavily outnumbered, but not outfought. Yet. His shooting was terrible, only taking down a shield on each Gothic, with the rest being out of range or firing arc.
http://i1120.photobucket.com/albums/l48 ... GTurn2.jpg

My Turn 3 brought about retribution from Admiral Bundaberg and his half of the fleet, with Enter Sandman opening up with her Nova Cannon and taking down the shields on the BB and her Nova escorts, and inflicting a point of damage on the BB herself. The other 4 cruisers all fired their Torpedoes, with a salvo from Indiana Jones passing through the BB and then taking out both Nova Escorts and a salvo from Midnight Wandering inflicting a hit on the Strike Cruiser. All other Torpedoes proved ineffective against the 6+ armour of the BB and SC. Midnight Wandering opened up with her lances on the Gladius Squadron, able to hit two of the three frigates and inflicting 3 lance hits, dropping the shields on one and blowing the other up. Winter Tide couldn't see anything in her firing arcs and her captain raged as he had to stay on course to target the outflanking Hunter Squadron next turn.
http://i1120.photobucket.com/albums/l48 ... GTurn3.jpg

Lee brought his ships around in his turn 3 and absoloutely battered Winter Tide and Midnight Wandering, dropping them to 2 and 3 HP respectively. Then he launched and hit with his thunderhawks, crippling both ships prow torpedoes and thruster assemblies. I did brace both Gothics, but they still took damage due to my poor rolling.

My turn 4 came around and the pincer trap was sprung, albiet too late to really be effective. Half of the pincer was crippled, Admiral Bundaberg's half of the fleet was out of firing arcs and shooting was poor.
http://i1120.photobucket.com/albums/l48 ... GTurn4.jpg

Then we ran out of time, and both agreed it was still either's win, though I had destroyed a single enemy ship and Lee none, however he had severely crippled 2 Gothic Class Cruisers at 180pts each. Lee said his strategy would have been to cover his BB and SC as they withdrew towards my deployment zone with his Escorts, aiming to disengage his big stuff before my remaining Gothic, Dictator and Dominator could catch him in gun range and deal serious damage. My plan was to continue straight on and blast his BB with everything and move towards the short table edge directly ahead to withdraw the fleet.

Another battle is planned for before Christmas, and that should be fun!

Things I learned:
1) Lances are really nice against 6+ enemies.
2) Torpedoes aren't so good against 6+ enemies.
3) Nova Cannon using the FAQ2010 rules are pretty damned good.
4) Don't split the fleet, as it presents two weaker elements the enemy can focus on one at a time.
5) Thunderhawks and Hit and Run attacks are REALLY FREAKING ANNOYING!
6) An all Cruiser list is fun to play, but slow to get where they're going and rather vulnerable in a moving fight rather than a gunline close in brawl. Some Sword Class Frigates have been duly ordered.
7) Battle Barges are hard to kill, and hit hard themselves. Fancy putting a battleship in a 1000pt match!
8) The IN is quite sorely lacking in Attack Craft, but I magnetized a few of my cruisers just in case I figured that I needed more AC. One of the spare Lunar's I had is now a 2nd Dictator, and both Dictators will be taken in my 1000pt fleet and up.


Then I got in a game of Warhammer 40k with my Imperial Guard, and much fun was had there as well. I had a single game of 40k with my 1500pt Rencorus 14th Combined Arms Imperial Guardsmen up against a mate's Generic Marines of genericalness. To be fair, he is trying to convert to Blood Angels, not quite Sphees Mehreen flavour of the month but not far off it. Marine bashing aside, it was a good game! Oh and before you call his list/our playing unfair/illegal/whatever, we're a bit lazy at my local gamesdays, we play for fun and dice off stuff to see who is right etc. And looser buys lunch, sometimes. But not today cause I took a packed lunch, cheap old me!

Rencorus 14th, Charlie Company, Traitor Guard.
HQ: Company Command Squad with 4 Grenade Launchers
1st Platoon
-PCS with 4 flamers, officer with plasma pistol, mounted in a chimera
-3 Infantry Squads, each with Autocannon and Grenade Launcher, blobbed.
2nd Platoon
-PCS with 4 flamers, officer with meltabombs
-2 Infantry Squads, each with Autocannon and Grenade Launcher, blobbed.
-Heavy Weapons Squad with Lascannon
Veteran Squad with 3 Meltaguns, mounted in a chimera
Fast Attack: Sentinel Squadron with 3 Scout sentinels, all with Autocannon
Rough Rider Squad of 10 models, sergeant with power weapon
Heavy Support: 3 individual Leman Russ Battle Tanks

Generic Space Marines
HQ: Marneus Calgar and honour guard of 5 marines
Elites: Terminators, 9 with storm bolters.
Lost and Damned Squad of 5 men, 4 bolters and a heavy bolter.
Troops: Scout squad with mix of bolters and snipers, 1 heavy bolter, 10 men.
Scout Squad with snipers and bolters, 1 Missile Launcher, 10 men.
Fast Attack: 1 Landspeeder
Heavy Support: 1 Landraider with twin linked lascannon sponsons.
I don't remember his individual upgrades, sorry.

We decided against playing a scenario and called the objective as a Breakout from a city, with my army trying to get as much as possible into his deployment zone. We rolled off and I won, electing to be the breaking out force of Heretical Guardsmen fighting to escape the doomed city and open a way for the remaining Heretic forces to flee. The terrain was a crossroads with a water filled ditch to my right (Amphibious Chimera's anyone? LOL), razor wire emplacements (difficult terrain) to my right and 2 ruined buildings and a crater in front of me in his deployment zone. I set up with my tanks in a column advancing on the road with the Sentinels on the far left flank, 1st Platoon and the command squad on the left flank, 2nd platoon on the right flank, Rough riders behind them, and the two chimeras on the far left flank. He deployed his Landraider with Calgar and Honour guard riding shotgun directly infront of my Leman Russes on his side of the board, his 1st scout squad with missile launcher in the ruined building to my forward left and his other scout squad infiltrated right infront of 2nd Platoon behind some cover on the crossroad, just meeting 12" away from my men. He held his Terminators and Lost and Damned in reserve.

This ruined him as he had nowhere near enough models for me to split my shooting, and left my right flank (His left flank) COMPLETELY OPEN! Remember the objective was for me to escape, and this meant I could just put up a screen of tanks and escape to the right with everything else! His only Anti-tank were the Landraider and the lone missile launcher in cover.

He still had a chance IF he could get his Termies and LaD down turn two into my men for assault.

His reserves:http://i1120.photobucket.com/albums/l48 ... G_1398.jpg

My mate won the roll, and went first. His first turn entirely was to move his landraider flatout to the cross of the crossroads, blocking my tanks main route of escape and forcing me to move everything else around and through the terrain. DAMN IT! His rear scout squad wiped 2nd Platoon's command squad off the board, and his forward scout squad killed a few men from 2nd platoon's blob squad, forcing them to take a morale check, which they promptly passed with snake eyes. Aaaaand that was it.

My first turn, after shooting: http://i1120.photobucket.com/albums/l48 ... G_1397.jpg
My first turn went brilliantly. The sentinels moved forward on the far left flankThe tanks moved forward and left, forming a staggered column to shield 1st Platoon and the CCS who also moved further up behind the tanks for a shot at the landraider's soon to be disgorged cargo. The rough riders moved out from behind 2nd Platoon, using Fleet of foot to make it inbetween the rear two tanks, guarunteeing them a charge if the Landraider dropped its troops. 2nd platoon stood their ground, Autocannon, GLs and Lasguns primed and ready to shoot the forward scout squad. The HWS stood fast too, a Landraider in their sights. The two chimera moved forward just in front of the ditch to fire to full effect on the rear scout squad.

In my shooting phase the HWS missed all three shots on the LR. The first Russ opened up with its battlecannon and scattered the full 12" to the rear of the LR. The second Russ opened up as well, scoring a direct hit and Penetrating, but only shaking the bloody thing. The third Russ commander turned on his Vox and said to the other two "Watch this boys!", fired his battlecannon, scattering for snake eyes (making it a direct hit anyways), penetrating on double sixes and then wrecking the Landraider! Calgar and his Honour guard dropped out the front, slightly pissed their shiny ride was now a smoking wreck. A loud cheer went up from all who saw, and the Sentinel pilots turned their Autocannon at near maximum range and rolled 2 shaking glances and a penetration that completely exploded the Landspeeder sending a ball of flames out D6" to hit nothing at all but a small crater. 2nd Platoon kicked into gear next, firing everything they had at teh scout squad hiding behind the 4+ wall, inflicting a measly 4 wounds. All of those were lasguns, of which 3 saves were failed! The CCS fired their GLs with Krak grenades at Calgar's honour squad, who shrugged off the 2 hits with ease. The two chimera's opened up with mulitlasers and heavy bolters on the far scout squad, causing two casualties.

As nothing else could shoot, the Rough Rider sergeant saw an opening and called the charge, well within range.
http://i1120.photobucket.com/albums/l48 ... G_1400.jpg

It was rather interesting to see my mate laugh at the 10 brave cavalry charging at Calgar, till I revealed what exactly the hunting lances they had would do. Str5 I5 power weapons are nothing to laugh at. At all. And cause he was a few points over I had asked him for, and got, a power sword on the sergeant. 22 dice were thrown, 12 hit and 8 wounded. 3 Honour guard were removed, and Calgar lost 2 wounds, saving 3. The remaining honour guard fluffed their to hit rolls and Calgar pulped 5 riders by himself. However, we had caused more wounds and won the combat, forcing them to fail the morale check and be run down with nowhere to run to or take the wounds for staying. He choose to stay, and the last honour guards fell, failing their saves!
http://i1120.photobucket.com/albums/l48 ... G_1401.jpg
Still an even fight next assault round......

Me mate rolled for reserves in turn 2, getting his LaD, but failing miserably with their scatter, getting sixes(!) both times with his reroll. They were now out of range to assault the chimera's AND 2nd platoon without running hard. He moved nothing else, shooting up 2nd Platoon with his forward scout squad, breaking them. They only fell back 3" though, which was great! His rear scout squad fired their krak missile at the Veteran's chimera, getting lucky and wrecking it, forcing the Vets out and now looking directly at the LaD squad to their rear. He then proceeded to try and use that rear scout squads sniper rifles on the lascannon HWS, to which I reminded him squads have to shoot at the same target, so no dice. So he shot up the Veterans instead with his LaD, killing half of them. Bolters still make mincemeat out of guardsmen, even vets. They held their ground though. He declined to assault with them as he fired, which was good, cause on the charge he would have probably wiped them out.
http://i1120.photobucket.com/albums/l48 ... G_1404.jpg
Scattered LaD's

Then came the assault phase. Cause calgar has powerfists, he strikes at I1. YEAH! So the 5 remaining Rough Riders proceed to hit and wound with 8 dice, wound with 6 and the sergeant's 2 power sword attacks. He saves the 6 normal wounds and then fails the 2 power sword attacks! Calgar falls to my Rough Rider sergeant, and the squad consolidates the full 6", ending up on the left of the wrecked LR to avoid being shot up by the scout squads.
http://i1120.photobucket.com/albums/l48 ... G_1405.jpg

Start of my turn 2
http://i1120.photobucket.com/albums/l48 ... G_1406.jpg
My turn 2 was brutal to say the least. Everything wheeled left, except Russ no3 who killed the LR which moved to the right to support 2nd platoon and the chimera, and the Rough Riders who moved behind the LR and aimed to charge those pesky front scouts and offer a target to the rear scouts so save the rest of my men. 2nd Platoon rallied as well, moving forward to shoot back at the forward scout squad. Big guns shoot first I thought to myself, and Russ no3 fired at the rear scouts. DIRECT HIT! Large blast template covers all scouts. They ALL fail their 4+ cover save. Thats right, 10 saves, all under 4's. This tank is freaking magic! Russ no2 fires at the LaD squad, scattering wide by miles. The chimera with 1st Platoon's PCS moves up into the water filled ditch (Heh Amphibous bitch!) and flames the scouts, hitting three and failing to wound. AT ALL!. So 2nd Platoon and the Lascannon HWS open up at the front scout squad, the HWS missing once more and 2nd Platoon causing 8 odd wounds. He fails 4 of the saves, causing the squad to take a morale check, which they promptly fail on double sixes! They fall back 4", out in the open and right in front of my Rough Riders! The meltavets fire upon the Lost and Damned lads, insta-killing only one.
http://i1120.photobucket.com/albums/l48 ... G_1407.jpg
Start of turn 2 shooting

http://i1120.photobucket.com/albums/l48 ... G_1409.jpg
The meltavets seek revenge!

Still on a high after killing Calgar, the rough riders follow their sergeant on another charge.
http://i1120.photobucket.com/albums/l48 ... G_1408.jpg
After the combat, 1 Rough Rider had fallen, but 4 marines lay dead. With the combat won once again, the 2 remaining Scouts fled 3" and the Rough Riders rolled a 6 for their sweeping advance, butchering the fleeing scouts. We both forgot about the Lost and Damned and the Vets, funnily enough.

For his turn he rolled to see if his termies would come on, and promptly rolled a one! With only 4 men left, he conceeded the game. It would have been an interesting assault with the 4 veterans against the 4 Lost and Damned, but it was over. The 2 squads muttered curses and insults at each other as the Lost and Damned disappeared before the veteran's eyes to fight another day and the vets called for evac from the remaining chimera.
http://i1120.photobucket.com/albums/l48 ... G_1409.jpg

It was a great game, we both had a blast playing and I fell in true love with my rough riders! The two heroes of this game were Leman Russ number 3, which is soon to be fully painted, named and given it's first kill mark in honour of it's achievements in battle, and the rough riders, who will get a second squad to boost their numbers and a paint job also in honour of their kills!
http://i1120.photobucket.com/albums/l48 ... G_1412.jpg
Men of the Rencorus 14th! I present the HEROES of the Crossroads!

Thoughts on the battle:
1) I could focus my firepower, which was nice. Leman Russ are great for Anti-tank and Anti-MEQ. Lascannon HWS suck balls. They didn't hit nothing!
2) it would have been nasty if his termies had of shown up turn 2, but they didn't, allowing me to use my Rough Riders against Calgar and his boys rather than holding them back to oppose/tie up the deepstriking Terminators.
3) blobbing infantry squads is nice to soak up wounds and give effective orders, when you don't put said order giving officers right in front of the enemy in rapid fire range. However, said officer and PCS are armed with flamers and I don't have enough chimeras to go around.

So thoughts and comments? Whilst the server is still down ATM I might make up a few more Ork ships for the Fleet.
Tabi no tochū.
Proud Queenslander, reminding the New South Welshmen exactly WHY they keep losing the State of Origin.

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