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London riots. AHAHAHHHH!

Posted: 08 Aug 2011, 18:05
by ojamamask
It's the thing in England now, a load of riots are happening in London at the moment and they are spreading to other towns. The Primark in my town high street is already set on fire.

Our prime minister is coming home early from his holiday to see whats happening. The gov' thinks it's because too many youths are unemployed and are just angry. It's said over 200 people have been arrested in the past 3 days. BBM (blackberry messenger) is supposed to be the main use of communication between the riot groups because it's private. Teens have been see looting and damaging stores and several building have already been set on fire.

Look at me, I sound like a news reporter! :lol: :lol:

EDIT: Fixed the link for you. :3 --- Flux

Re: London riots. AHAHAHHHH!

Posted: 08 Aug 2011, 18:17
by vallorn
its Riot Free down in Andover... could be because of all the military bases in Hampshire/Wiltshire...

speaking of military isnt this what we have the TA and Reserve for? give em rubber bullets and let em take the fight to the looters and arsonists rather than having to stand at the end of the street in riot gear waiting for the crowd to lob a petrol bomb...

apologies if i sound angry. i dont like the idea of peoples jobs, homes and livelihoods burning to the ground... :(

Re: London riots. AHAHAHHHH!

Posted: 08 Aug 2011, 18:21
by ojamamask
Neither do I, to be honest the police should've lashed out ages ago but nooooo they just stand there holding their plastic shields.

Re: London riots. AHAHAHHHH!

Posted: 08 Aug 2011, 18:41
by Sti_Jo_Lew
Tell them to get in there and start cracking skulls. Seriously, rioters are just asking for it. If I lived there and they tried to burn down my house, I'd find a chainsaw and yell "Get of mah lawn!"

Re: London riots. AHAHAHHHH!

Posted: 08 Aug 2011, 18:44
by vallorn
they wanted to tread softly on day one or the media would attack them for being heavy handed.

unfortunately they lost the momentum then and because we don't have Water Cannon or most other riot control stuff (beanbag guns and the like for example) they could only pull off an attack with a full on charge with mounted officers and riot police. of course then images of that charge would be all over the web and the Guardian and Independent would decry them for being heavy handed... the poor police just cannot win... :(

Re: London riots. AHAHAHHHH!

Posted: 08 Aug 2011, 18:50
by The Bum
vallorn wrote:charge with mounted officers
While that would be awesome, it would be the equivalent of a modern day cavalry charge, cavalry charges routinely killed people back in the day.

But yeah, they should totally stick it to those rioters.

EDIT: After looking into this further, I've come to the conclusion that they should totally use a Cavalry charge, those eejits deserve it.

Re: London riots. AHAHAHHHH!

Posted: 08 Aug 2011, 19:50
by Lord_Mountbatten
ojamamask wrote:Neither do I, to be honest the police should've lashed out ages ago but nooooo they just stand there holding their plastic shields.
Because there is never any such thing as public backlash. People hate the police, not just people with good reason to hate the police (criminals etc.), and everyone's watching them closely, especially in highly publicised events such as this. Imagine what would happen if they went all in. The aftermath would be horrendous, and I'm talking political consequences, not the predictable consequences of baton meets face.

However, I am also amused that a Primark is on fire.
vallorn wrote:of course then images of that charge would be all over the web and the Guardian and Independent would decry them for being heavy handed
Because only leftist editorials are biased. I generally despise the media due to its leeching opportunism (from all sides), and because many people are so willing to take everything that is said at face value. Whilst news cannot be ignored, it must always be taken with a most generous pinch of salt.

Re: London riots. AHAHAHHHH!

Posted: 08 Aug 2011, 20:41
by MrWhales
The rioters are having a whale of a time.

Re: London riots. AHAHAHHHH!

Posted: 08 Aug 2011, 23:15
by Zehydra
yeah, ever notice that whenever the government or law enforcement does something that ticks them off, a large chunk of them just attack civilians? What the hell, guys, are you drunk?

Re: London riots. AHAHAHHHH!

Posted: 08 Aug 2011, 23:16
by 697134002
Zehydra wrote:What the hell, guys, are you drunk?

Re: London riots. AHAHAHHHH!

Posted: 09 Aug 2011, 00:12
by Eddietester1066
They could put a quick end to all this by announcing that looters will be shot on sight. Of course, this is quite unlikely to occur in the UK. It's more a Texas kind of thing, y'know?

Re: London riots. AHAHAHHHH!

Posted: 09 Aug 2011, 04:13
by vallorn
thats why we have the TA eddie... :twisted:

Re: London riots. AHAHAHHHH!

Posted: 09 Aug 2011, 09:05
by SachielOne
vallorn wrote:its Riot Free down in Andover... could be because of all the military bases in Hampshire/Wiltshire...

speaking of military isnt this what we have the TA and Reserve for? give em rubber bullets and let em take the fight to the looters and arsonists rather than having to stand at the end of the street in riot gear waiting for the crowd to lob a petrol bomb...

apologies if i sound angry. i dont like the idea of peoples jobs, homes and livelihoods burning to the ground... :(
A democracy deploys its military against its own people only with the greatest of care. In most Western countries, this deployment requires some kind of act of parliament, or the invocation of the War Measures Act (at least, that's what we call it here in Canada). This is typically reserved for dire situations, such as an organized, armed uprising against the government.

Soldiers are not trained in riot control techniques. They are trained to kill people. And when you deploy reservists (whose discipline is dodgy at best), you have a recipe for an even bigger disaster.
Eddietester1066 wrote:They could put a quick end to all this by announcing that looters will be shot on sight. Of course, this is quite unlikely to occur in the UK. It's more a Texas kind of thing, y'know?
Well, the police there would need to have guns for that.

Re: London riots. AHAHAHHHH!

Posted: 09 Aug 2011, 09:47
by SneakyPie


Re: London riots. AHAHAHHHH!

Posted: 09 Aug 2011, 09:54
by ojamamask
Yeah, and to think we have to host the Olympics next year. We haven't even finished it, and we might not be able to do it in time.

Re: London riots. AHAHAHHHH!

Posted: 09 Aug 2011, 09:56
by mydrox
Is rioting the correct way to express your discontent?

"Yes," said the young man. "You wouldn't be talking to me now if we didn't riot, would you?"

The TV reporter from Britain's ITV had no response. So the young man pressed his advantage. "Two months ago we marched to Scotland Yard, more than 2,000 of us, all blacks, and it was peaceful and calm and you know what? Not a word in the press. Last night a bit of rioting and looting and look around you." ... ondon-riot

Re: London riots. AHAHAHHHH!

Posted: 09 Aug 2011, 09:58
by Lord_Mountbatten
ojamamask wrote:We haven't even finished it, and we might not be able to do it in time.
I happily predicted this when we first got given the responsibility. If it fails it's going to be hilarious.

Re: London riots. AHAHAHHHH!

Posted: 09 Aug 2011, 10:50
by ojamamask
Here's something to make your blood boil:

I haven't watched it because I might go hulk smash mode and destroy the galaxy.

Re: London riots. AHAHAHHHH!

Posted: 09 Aug 2011, 10:54
by XDelphi
That is utterly disgusting.

Re: London riots. AHAHAHHHH!

Posted: 09 Aug 2011, 11:02
by Lord_Mountbatten
Poor people are funny.

Re: London riots. AHAHAHHHH!

Posted: 09 Aug 2011, 11:39
by vallorn
we need a bit more HALT CRIMINAL SCUM! on our streets...

more to the point let Bethesda design the justice system for Britan. cant be any worse that our one. :lol:

Re: London riots. AHAHAHHHH!

Posted: 09 Aug 2011, 11:45
by DuplicateValue
And amidst the chaos:
As looters and rioters smashed up shops, looted and fought with police in Camden Town, Philippa Morgan-Walker, 25 and her husband, Jonny Walker, 31, made tea for the police who were protecting their street. Some of the officers had been on duty for more than 30 hours.

Re: London riots. AHAHAHHHH!

Posted: 09 Aug 2011, 11:47
by ojamamask
Death sentence need to be revived because it will put more fear into England. There are three way to get to someone. Through love, through respect and through fear. We know that youths don't love or respect PM's so if we make our punishments more severe, then they can actually be in control.

Re: London riots. AHAHAHHHH!

Posted: 09 Aug 2011, 11:47
by Eddietester1066
ojamamask wrote:Here's something to make your blood boil:
Spoiler! :
I haven't watched it because I might go hulk smash mode and destroy the galaxy.
And yet had he taken a swing at the dirtbag rifling through his pack, in the enlightened criminal justice system of the UK, he would have been found guilty of assault. That's the truly disgusting thing, along with the fact that none of the bystanders lifted a finger.

Re: London riots. AHAHAHHHH!

Posted: 09 Aug 2011, 11:50
by Eddietester1066
DuplicateValue wrote:And amidst the chaos:
As looters and rioters smashed up shops, looted and fought with police in Camden Town, Philippa Morgan-Walker, 25 and her husband, Jonny Walker, 31, made tea for the police who were protecting their street. Some of the officers had been on duty for more than 30 hours.
In Los Angeles during the riots, some shopkeepers let the looters see them on the roof, armed. Oddly, their shops were spared...

Re: London riots. AHAHAHHHH!

Posted: 09 Aug 2011, 13:21
by Sti_Jo_Lew
Wow, those rioters in England have absolutely no respect for others. They just all stand by as a kid gets robbed. Great people, they are.

Re: London riots. AHAHAHHHH!

Posted: 09 Aug 2011, 13:23
by vallorn
Eddietester1066 wrote:
DuplicateValue wrote:And amidst the chaos:
As looters and rioters smashed up shops, looted and fought with police in Camden Town, Philippa Morgan-Walker, 25 and her husband, Jonny Walker, 31, made tea for the police who were protecting their street. Some of the officers had been on duty for more than 30 hours.
In Los Angeles during the riots, some shopkeepers let the looters see them on the roof, armed. Oddly, their shops were spared...
we dont have many guns here in Britan :( otherwise i would have traveled to london myself to make a stand against these scum.

Re: London riots. AHAHAHHHH!

Posted: 09 Aug 2011, 13:52
by TyrasEngineer
Even where I live, which is a relatively small town about thirty miles from central London, people are starting to board up windows in the town centre because people are gathering and starting to become unrestful. It's pretty unnerving, only 1 mile down the road.

Re: London riots. AHAHAHHHH!

Posted: 09 Aug 2011, 14:02
by SneakyPie
This is what your police need:
Filled with bean bags.

And teargas. Lots of teargas.

Re: London riots. AHAHAHHHH!

Posted: 09 Aug 2011, 14:14
by vallorn
nah sneaky were using armoured cars driving at full tilt at them now... apparently they run like hell when several tons of metal hurtles at them down the street. also:

this makes me very happy
turns out people are stupid enough to post stuff online about what they stole... im laughing my ass off.

please also note the picture in the article. Games, Blu Ray's Xbox stuff... Power Shake, BodyBuilder powder, Mango Body Butter, Lips microphone O_o

someone has... eclectic tastes... :?