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Posted: 08 Dec 2013, 15:06
by MrWhales
Fluff yo cube space games, this is cooler:

No Man's Sky ... o-Mans-Sky

Re: Spaaaaaaace

Posted: 08 Dec 2013, 15:50
by Invunarble

such graphics

so Star Citizen

much BF4

Re: Spaaaaaaace

Posted: 10 Dec 2013, 06:41
Take that game, and make it 1000 times better and less crappy looking, and you have Star Citizen/ Battlefield 4

Re: Spaaaaaaace

Posted: 10 Dec 2013, 08:23
by Lord_Mountbatten
It's like competition is a bad thing.

I think it looks cool

Re: Spaaaaaaace

Posted: 10 Dec 2013, 08:38
by haxxorzd00d
Not really sure what Star Citizen or BF4 have to do with this, but hey.

Having played none of these three games, here's my perspective:

Star Citizen - their website makes it look like Spaceship Porn: The Game, and the way people talk about it reminds me disturbingly of EVE Online. Nopenopenope.

Battlefield 4 - Isn't this just Battlefield 3.1? Also, "levolution"? Not a word. Looked it up, definitely not a word.

No Man's Sky - Ooh, pretty space game! Wait, this is from the guys that made Joe Danger!? SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY

Re: Spaaaaaaace

Posted: 10 Dec 2013, 12:02
by Sti_Jo_Lew
Has Star Citizen actually shown any actual gameplay? As far as I know, they've only shown that hanger thingy.

This game though... seems interesting. I'll have to keep an eye on it.

Re: Spaaaaaaace

Posted: 10 Dec 2013, 12:48
by MrWhales
It feels like what I was promised with Spore but a bit different. I'm worried and excited at the same time.

Re: Spaaaaaaace

Posted: 10 Dec 2013, 17:03
by LS13
MrWhales wrote:It feels like what I was promised with Spore but a bit different. I'm worried and excited at the same time.
That is actually along the lines that I was thinking. I hope its not a laggy game, but it could be judging by the size of things combined with the graphics. I think the game looks awesome, and screw it I don't care if it reminds me of another game, it is its own game and looks pretty neat so I'm gonna try it out.

Re: Spaaaaaaace

Posted: 11 Dec 2013, 15:09
by Invunarble
Lord_Mountbatten wrote:It's like competition is a bad thing.
Well yeah, I've never heard of a Wendy's manager being happy that McDonalds exists, or an Apple executive being happy that Androids are a thing, or a nVidia executive being happy that some computers have AMD cards.

But that's off the point. What I was trying to relay from my limited, 8 word post was that right now the game doesn't really seem to have much else than good graphics and exploration mechanics. Since there's already games that fulfil the purpose of having nice graphics (Star Citizen and BF4) and exploration (There's too many examples for me to start listing), the game just doesn't appeal to me. Maybe that would change if there were plans to add something more unique, but as it is by itself I can't say it's interesting.

Re: Spaaaaaaace

Posted: 12 Dec 2013, 10:27
by MrWhales
Invunarble wrote:
Lord_Mountbatten wrote:It's like competition is a bad thing.
Well yeah, I've never heard of a Wendy's manager being happy that McDonalds exists, or an Apple executive being happy that Androids are a thing, or a nVidia executive being happy that some computers have AMD cards.
I'm almost 100% sure that most companies, at least in less-food industries, are quite happy there are competitors to either borrow ideas from or compete against. Being the only one is rather boring, ask Tigger that is why he hangs out with a bear.