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Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 09 Aug 2012, 21:58
by vallorn

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 09 Aug 2012, 22:03
by Invunarble
Oh that vallorn fella...

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 10 Aug 2012, 16:33
by DuplicateValue
I have wasted precious seconds of my life removing unnecessary posts from this thread.

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 18 Aug 2012, 23:15
by motormaniac
Typical night in Br chat.

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 19 Aug 2012, 01:21
by LS13
Thats only like the last 30 seconds of it XD should have gotten the whole freaking conversation, it was amazing.

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 19 Aug 2012, 19:08
by J4Numbers
... Should I venture in game to get more of that chat? Or will I be emotionally scarred for life?
Honest question.

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 19 Aug 2012, 19:44
by LS13
Yes you should.

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 13:10
by mydrox
Lets get back to the Topic
Spoiler! :
Aug 20 19:20:13 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: kk
Aug 20 19:21:00 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: im at the hub now what
Aug 20 19:21:23 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: kk
Aug 20 19:22:03 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: how do i get a world
Aug 20 19:24:16 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: how do i get a plot
Aug 20 19:24:48 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: help how do i get a plot
Aug 20 19:24:56 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: how do i get a plot
Aug 20 19:25:11 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: how do i get a plot
Aug 20 19:25:29 <SurvivalBot> [h] Lord_Mountbatten: First of all, you read the signs behind you
Aug 20 19:25:34 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: i did
Aug 20 19:26:29 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: hello?
Aug 20 19:26:36 <SurvivalBot> [h] Lord_Mountbatten: Then you find an empty plot. You'll know because the signs say "Click here to claim a plot"
Aug 20 19:26:44 <SurvivalBot> [h] Lord_Mountbatten: Then just right click the sign
Aug 20 19:26:45 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: kk
Aug 20 19:26:48 <SurvivalBot> [h] Lord_Mountbatten: Only one plot though
Aug 20 19:26:53 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: k
Aug 20 19:27:02 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: how r u a mod thats not fair
Aug 20 19:27:13 <SurvivalBot> [h] DZinnanti: hey there is a sign on my plot i cant move
Aug 20 19:27:14 <SurvivalBot> [h] Lord_Mountbatten: What do you mean by that?
Aug 20 19:27:23 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: how r u a mod
Aug 20 19:27:32 <SurvivalBot> [h] Lord_Mountbatten: Because I worked hard
Aug 20 19:27:38 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: darn
Aug 20 19:27:39 <SurvivalBot> [h] Lord_Mountbatten: Which as far as I can tell is very fair
Aug 20 19:27:57 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: is there anyway i can work hard for mod? plz
Aug 20 19:28:02 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: for me
Aug 20 19:28:12 <SurvivalBot> [h] Lord_Mountbatten: By getting in line with everyone else who wants to be a mod
Aug 20 19:28:26 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: oh and how would i do that
Aug 20 19:28:39 <SurvivalBot> [h] Lord_Mountbatten: Oh, you're already there. Big line though
Aug 20 19:29:16 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: cant u just make me mod tho plz
Aug 20 19:29:25 <SurvivalBot> [h] Lord_Mountbatten: Why would I? I don't even know you
Aug 20 19:29:44 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: cant u do something nice for a girl like me
Aug 20 19:29:54 <SurvivalBot> [h] Lord_Mountbatten: lol, try harder next time
Aug 20 19:30:02 <SurvivalBot> [h] M477h3w1012: cook, lets hypothetically say that you do become mod, what's to stop you from doing something bad?
Aug 20 19:30:03 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: what do u mean
Aug 20 19:30:26 <Hydrox> going mad with power
Aug 20 19:30:29 <SurvivalBot> [h] Lord_Mountbatten: I don't give anyone favours based on gender
Aug 20 19:30:43 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: i wont i mean i dont grief or anyhting
Aug 20 19:30:52 <SurvivalBot> [h] Lord_Mountbatten: A lot of people who aren't mods don't grief
Aug 20 19:31:02 <SurvivalBot> [h] M477h3w1012: mhmm, and you have a track record of how long?
Aug 20 19:31:12 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: i no i no but i wont do anyhting bad
Aug 20 19:31:21 <SurvivalBot> [h] MrWhales: know*
Aug 20 19:31:31 <SurvivalBot> [h] Lord_Mountbatten: We don't promote people based on less an hour of seeing them, and that's final
Aug 20 19:31:38 <SurvivalBot> [h] M477h3w1012: Cook, if we believed everyone who said that, then the server would be a molten wreck.
Aug 20 19:32:01 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: plz for me
Aug 20 19:32:11 <SurvivalBot> [h] Lord_Mountbatten: And I say please, do not ask again
Aug 20 19:32:41 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: plz
Aug 20 19:32:49 <SurvivalBot> [h] M477h3w1012: cook, drop it.
Aug 20 19:32:50 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: ill stop if u...
Aug 20 19:32:53 <SurvivalBot> [h] Lord_Mountbatten: If you ask again you will be moderated INSTEAD of made one
Aug 20 19:33:05 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: plz lol
Aug 20 19:33:07 <SurvivalBot> [h] Lord_Mountbatten: I have been more than patient
Aug 20 19:33:17 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: plz
Aug 20 19:33:30 <SurvivalBot> [h] Lord_Mountbatten: Do not do it again
Aug 20 19:33:31 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: plz
Aug 20 19:34:02 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: plz
Aug 20 19:34:17 <SurvivalBot> [h] Lord_Mountbatten: Last chance
Aug 20 19:34:27 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: if u make me one ill stop
Aug 20 19:34:43 <SurvivalBot> [h] Lord_Mountbatten: You realise it will be less bother for me if I simply ban you?
Aug 20 19:35:07 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: ill say how suckish this sever is
Aug 20 19:35:15 <SurvivalBot> [h] Lord_Mountbatten: So... threats now?
Aug 20 19:35:23 <Tulonsae> threatening the server is a very bad idea
Aug 20 19:35:31 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: yes and u no u could of just made me mod
Aug 20 19:35:34 <SurvivalBot> [h] Lord_Mountbatten: Why do you think I'd promote someone who's threatening me?
Aug 20 19:35:44 <SurvivalBot> [h] Lord_Mountbatten: And why do you think those threats would bother me?
Aug 20 19:35:46 --> SneakyPie (~chatzilla@ has joined #help
Aug 20 19:35:53 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: im not threatening i will if u dont promote mer
Aug 20 19:35:56 <SurvivalBot> [h] Lord_Mountbatten: I don't even know you. You're rather insignificant on my scope
Aug 20 19:36:09 <SneakyPie> I'm the owner, how can I help you?
Aug 20 19:36:18 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: i wanna be mod
Aug 20 19:36:22 <SneakyPie> Why?
Aug 20 19:36:45 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: to help u guys with the server and help u
Aug 20 19:36:54 <SneakyPie> Okay, what kind of experience do you have?
Aug 20 19:37:08 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: what do u mean like building or?
Aug 20 19:37:16 <SneakyPie> Moderator/administration
Aug 20 19:37:31 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: i was op on legend craft
Aug 20 19:37:35 <SneakyPie> Okay
Aug 20 19:37:40 <SneakyPie> Is English your first language?
Aug 20 19:37:46 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: yes
Aug 20 19:38:04 <SneakyPie> Are you prepared to adhere to strict grammar and spelling regiments?
Aug 20 19:38:19 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: what do u mean
Aug 20 19:38:25 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: like saying bad stuff
Aug 20 19:38:28 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: ?
Aug 20 19:38:36 <SneakyPie> Proper capitalization and spelling.
Aug 20 19:38:45 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: yes
Aug 20 19:38:48 <SneakyPie> As well as the appropriate use of punctuation marks.
Aug 20 19:39:04 <SneakyPie> Okay, from here on out, I expect those thing in our conversation.
Aug 20 19:39:23 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: Okay
Aug 20 19:39:49 <-- M477 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
Aug 20 19:40:14 <SneakyPie> Great. The next thing I will need is to you to send me a resume, at least seven pages long, detailing your responsibilities and duties being a moderator as well as character references and all past job experiences.
Aug 20 19:40:28 <SneakyPie> At lest five character references.
Aug 20 19:40:36 --> M477 ( has joined #help
Aug 20 19:41:03 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: seven pages long?
Aug 20 19:41:20 <SneakyPie> Please use proper capitalization, and yes, seven pages.
Aug 20 19:41:39 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: On chat?
Aug 20 19:41:42 <SneakyPie> Single space, 12 point font.
Aug 20 19:41:58 <Spyboticsguy> I suggest using nano
Aug 20 19:42:07 <Spyboticsguy> It's a perfect text editor
Aug 20 19:42:18 <SneakyPie> No, please PM me that information on our forums. My forum name is Lord_Mountbatten.
Aug 20 19:42:54 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: How would i write something that long seven pages long about being moderator i didnt do that fo lege
Aug 20 19:43:02 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: for legend craft
Aug 20 19:43:12 <SneakyPie> Also, please include some head shots for the position as we are very vain at Escapecraft and only hire attractive people.
Aug 20 19:43:18 <SurvivalBot> [h] Spyboticsguy: We have rigorous standards.
Aug 20 19:43:42 <SneakyPie> Please continue to follow proper grammar standards and spelling.
Aug 20 19:44:11 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: Okay but is there another way to become moderator?
Aug 20 19:44:19 <SneakyPie> No.
Aug 20 19:44:19 <SurvivalBot> [h] comic_sans: the mogul's gambit
Aug 20 19:44:23 <SurvivalBot> [h] Lord_Mountbatten: Playing normally like I originally said
Aug 20 19:44:24 <SurvivalBot> [h] comic_sans: but let's not discuss that
Aug 20 19:44:33 <SurvivalBot> [h] steveab: $10,000
Aug 20 19:44:46 <SneakyPie> Once I receive your resume, I will then begin the vetting process and contacting your references.
Aug 20 19:44:53 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: 10,000 dollars?
Aug 20 19:45:03 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: someone said
Aug 20 19:45:05 <SneakyPie> That is also correct.
Aug 20 19:45:20 <SneakyPie> Then there's the monthly fee after wards of $1,000 a month
Aug 20 19:45:24 <Tulonsae> i thought it was 10,000 for admin and only 5,000 for mod
Aug 20 19:45:26 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: Can I get a job here then?
Aug 20 19:45:33 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: to make money
Aug 20 19:45:41 <SurvivalBot> [h] Spyboticsguy: None of us get paid.
Aug 20 19:45:43 <SneakyPie> No, money must come up front.
Aug 20 19:46:03 <SurvivalBot> [h] MrWhales: i get paid in krill... but that is for other things
Aug 20 19:46:24 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: then how do I get money
Aug 20 19:46:28 <SurvivalBot> [h] Lord_Mountbatten: Not from us
Aug 20 19:46:32 <SneakyPie> May I ask your age?
Aug 20 19:46:34 <SurvivalBot> [h] comic_sans: usually employment
Aug 20 19:46:39 <SurvivalBot> [h] comic_sans: in exchange for a good or service
Aug 20 19:46:42 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: 17
Aug 20 19:46:56 <SneakyPie> You are old enough to be employed.
Aug 20 19:47:03 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: I am
Aug 20 19:47:14 <SneakyPie> So money should not be an issue
Aug 20 19:47:51 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: Oh, In real life?
Aug 20 19:47:58 <SneakyPie> Yes, of course.
Aug 20 19:48:12 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: Well how would I do that then
Aug 20 19:48:41 <SneakyPie> By either sending us a resume, or paying the $10,000 entry fee and then the $1,000 subscription fee.
Aug 20 19:49:06 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: You are not the owner are you?
Aug 20 19:49:10 <SneakyPie> I am.
Aug 20 19:49:38 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: Really
Aug 20 19:49:41 <SneakyPie> Oh, how many languages do you know?
Aug 20 19:49:54 <SneakyPie> Ideally we're looking for people who speak at least four.
Aug 20 19:49:55 <-- M477 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
Aug 20 19:50:02 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: four?
Aug 20 19:50:05 <SurvivalBot> [h] steveab: but preferably 7.
Aug 20 19:50:07 <SneakyPie> Four languages, yes.
Aug 20 19:50:19 <SurvivalBot> [h] comic_sans: we're very qualified here
Aug 20 19:50:31 <SurvivalBot> [h] mydrox: we are indeed
Aug 20 19:50:35 <SurvivalBot> [h] Spyboticsguy: Si.
Aug 20 19:50:37 <SneakyPie> Currently we're looking for those who specialize in African dialects.
Aug 20 19:50:38 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: Then say something in all four languages you know
Aug 20 19:50:53 <SurvivalBot> [h] Spyboticsguy: Oui.
Aug 20 19:51:00 <SurvivalBot> [h] Spyboticsguy: Yes.
Aug 20 19:51:01 <SurvivalBot> [h] mydrox: wiso solltie ich
Aug 20 19:51:04 <SurvivalBot> [h] MrWhales: two down
Aug 20 19:51:05 <SneakyPie> Si, Ja, Yes, oui.
Aug 20 19:51:10 <SurvivalBot> [h] Spyboticsguy: And Ja.
Aug 20 19:51:34 <SurvivalBot> [h] Lord_Mountbatten: Du bist durchfallsaft
Aug 20 19:51:35 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: Do I really have to speak four languages
Aug 20 19:51:41 <SneakyPie> Of course.
Aug 20 19:51:49 <SneakyPie> We're an international community.
Aug 20 19:51:50 <SurvivalBot> [h] Spyboticsguy: Oui, madamousielle.
Aug 20 19:51:57 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: What if I dont speak four languages
Aug 20 19:52:08 <SurvivalBot> [h] comic_sans: we have a line of applicants behind you who do
Aug 20 19:52:08 <SneakyPie> Then I'm afraid you're not qualified.
Aug 20 19:52:24 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: Oh my god!
Aug 20 19:52:27 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: :C
Aug 20 19:52:31 <SneakyPie> I know. That's a shame.
Aug 20 19:52:45 <SneakyPie> You had such promise.
Aug 20 19:53:05 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: Im a good builder
Aug 20 19:53:20 <SneakyPie> Well, when you do learn the three additional languages, please apply again.
Aug 20 19:53:35 <SurvivalBot> [h] steveab: you have to have studied architecture at some level to become staff here.
Aug 20 19:53:40 <SurvivalBot> [h] Lord_Mountbatten: Okay, enough of this. Either you drop this now cookdog or we just escalate from here
Aug 20 19:53:47 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: I can help with the server a lot though
Aug 20 19:54:08 <SneakyPie> I'm sorry, Cookdog. But the position is not available to you.
Aug 20 19:54:18 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: Please
Aug 20 19:54:23 <SneakyPie> I'm afraid you are underqualified.
Aug 20 19:54:33 <SurvivalBot> [h] Lord_Mountbatten: I shall not tell you again. Drop it. Now.
Aug 20 19:54:36 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: Just for the languages?
Aug 20 19:54:41 <SneakyPie> Yes.
Aug 20 19:54:51 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: Awwww
Aug 20 19:54:57 <SneakyPie> Yeah, bummer.
Aug 20 19:55:10 <SurvivalBot> [h] cookdog123: Please can i just know English
Aug 20 19:55:21 <SneakyPie> No, sorry. Now please stop asking.
Aug 20 19:55:22 <SurvivalBot> [h] steveab: you have been told no.
Aug 20 19:55:44 <SurvivalBot> [h] Spyboticsguy: The end.

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 13:17
by Wildwill002
Brilliant :') This is one of the reasons EC's staff are the greatest XD

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 13:20
by J4Numbers
hrmm, so now we have 2 ways to become a moderator,
To donate an amazing amount of money, or to write an impossibly long report on yourself and your experiences. Anyone game?

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 13:33
by tanisjihanis
This is amazing. hahaha.

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 14:26
by Invunarble
Now, imagine if he was from Planet Minecraft...

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 18:33
by LS13
Damn why did I miss this :(

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 19:57
by vallorn
Aug 20 19:42:18 <SneakyPie> No, please PM me that information on our forums. My forum name is Lord_Mountbatten.
I imagined Lord sending a death glare all the way across the Atlantic to sneaky and then I cracked up...

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 20:08
by Invunarble
vallorn wrote:
Aug 20 19:42:18 <SneakyPie> No, please PM me that information on our forums. My forum name is Lord_Mountbatten.
I imagined Lord sending a death glare all the way across the Atlantic to sneaky and then I cracked up...
I actually envisioned something like that happening after reading that line too. :lol:

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 21:53
by trovo22
Oh I'm cracking up! Haha some people just are that naive..

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 23:07
by LS13
There's been stuff about that good in the past. Multiple times. Frequently.

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 21 Aug 2012, 01:24
by Someguy42
What if the resume just looked like this:

I am handsome bla bla bla, worked as an admin on several servers like bla bla bla. I have experience as a (Insert sophisticated job here). I will contribute to server with bla bla bla. Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla (The last 6 pages are just bla bla bla).

Pretty sure that's still a resume that's seven pages long and will be sufficient for becoming a moderator right? :P

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 21 Aug 2012, 16:45
by Hytro
Stalke wrote:What if the resume just looked like this:

I am handsome bla bla bla, worked as an admin on several servers like bla bla bla. I have experience as a (Insert sophisticated job here). I will contribute to server with bla bla bla. Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla (The last 6 pages are just bla bla bla).

Pretty sure that's still a resume that's seven pages long and will be sufficient for becoming a moderator right? :P
Anyone who puts a little effort into it can write a resume like that... and yes, being handsome is a big part of being a Mod!

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 22 Aug 2012, 01:15
by Someguy42
So uhh I get to be a mod cause I'm handsome? Here's a picture of me:

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 22 Aug 2012, 06:55
by trovo22
That's some sexy stuff man.

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 22 Aug 2012, 13:41
by Invunarble
Stalke wrote:So uhh I get to be a mod cause I'm handsome? Here's a picture of me:
The lady folk must be all after him.

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 23 Aug 2012, 21:26
by trovo22
I bet Megan Fox will be calling you up, real soon

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 24 Aug 2012, 01:33
by Someguy42
If you ever pay attention to news you'll see me in those popular shoots, pretty damn famous if you ask me.

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 25 Aug 2012, 22:33
by BigC_1
I'm never in the funny chat. :(

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 25 Aug 2012, 22:42
by BigC_1
Suddenly a discussion about batman turns into a chat about batman and a whale.

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 25 Aug 2012, 22:58
by LS13
Inv how do u come up with some of the things u say XD

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 26 Aug 2012, 13:08
by vallorn
modchat wrote:[10:56] <Lord_Mountbatten> spyboticsguy, you there?
[10:56] <Lord_Mountbatten> You have failed me
[10:57] <Lord_Mountbatten> *gunshot*
[10:57] <SurvivalBot> [m] Godavari: Spy! Noooooooooo!
[10:58] <SurvivalBot> [m] steveab: congratulations... ADMIRAL eggster.
[10:58] <Lord_Mountbatten> By not being there Spy has been executed. Since his presence is required to be executed, I am not sure how this has worked
[10:58] <Lord_Mountbatten> I AM ZIM

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 26 Aug 2012, 19:59
by Sti_Jo_Lew
Even more proof that Mountbatten says the most entertaining things out of anyone on the server.

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 26 Aug 2012, 23:07
by MrWhales
LS13 wrote:Inv how do u come up with some of the things u say XD
I'm pretty sure you could take anything from that night and it would very much qualify this thread.

BigC_1 wrote:
Suddenly a discussion about batman turns into a chat about batman and a whale.
Off-topic, Sea, that floor, I think it needs to be cleaned....

And I am disappoint that the giant Harry Potter thing wasn't captured.