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Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 14 Nov 2011, 14:59
by vallorn
Sti_Jo_Lew wrote:Vall, did your pony senses not work?
i was in class... :(

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 15 Nov 2011, 21:28
by tanisjihanis
Modly shenanegans from a while ago :D
Spoiler! :

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 16 Nov 2011, 10:25
by hobohazard
irc lolz
Spoiler! :
[10:11] <hobohazard> this is the topic [With close reference to Keynesian economic theory, discuss who really did let the dogs out.]
[10:12] <hobohazard> exsplain plz
[10:12] <SurvivalBot> [g] SMWasder: it the subject of debate for today
[10:12] <hobohazard> :D
[10:12] <hobohazard> somoe alive!
[10:12] <hobohazard> are you a zombi
[10:12] <SurvivalBot> [g] SMWasder: I firmly believe it was the fault of George W Bush.
[10:12] <SurvivalBot> [g] SMWasder: and yes, yes I am.
[10:12] <hobohazard> everything is his fault
[10:13] <hobohazard> and *lodes shot gun
[10:13] <SurvivalBot> [g] SMWasder: everything?
[10:13] <hobohazard> yes
[10:13] <hobohazard> everything
[10:13] <SurvivalBot> [g] SMWasder: including Minecraft, beer and pizza?
[10:13] <hobohazard> no
[10:13] <hobohazard> only that bad stuf
[10:13] <hobohazard> like um
[10:13] <hobohazard> mushroms
[10:14] <hobohazard> oh no
[10:14] <hobohazard> hes dead jim!
[10:14] <hobohazard> hes deaaaaad?! :"(
[10:14] <SurvivalBot> [g] SMWasder: sorry, I was busy eating someone's brain
[10:14] <hobohazard> D"":
[10:14] <hobohazard> :D
[10:15] <hobohazard> yay
[10:15] <hobohazard> did it have sause?
[10:15] <SurvivalBot> [g] SMWasder: brain sauce.
[10:16] <hobohazard> the best kind
[10:16] <SurvivalBot> [g] SMWasder: :O
[15:16] <hobohazard> shut up
[15:16] <bukkit> NO U.
[15:16] <SurvivalBot> [g] SMWasder: I appear to have lost the entrance to my underground sandmine
[15:16] <hobohazard> lol
[15:16] <hobohazard> D:
[15:16] <hobohazard> bukkit, hobohazard
[15:16] <bukkit> I don't know anything about that.
[15:16] <Vallorn> well if we assume that in this case the "Dogs" are the econimic crysis i belive those in charge of government let them out by stifiling the market mechanisms with bail outs instead of letting market forces fragment the weak banks so something stronger can grow in thier place. what this has caused is insulation in the top tiers of the economy from the reality imposed by the markets which never ends well.
[15:17] <hobohazard> bukkit, hobohazard is perty
[15:17] <bukkit> Please don't edit your own factoids, hobohazard.
[15:17] <hobohazard> D:
[15:17] <SurvivalBot> [g] SMWasder: I believe your spelling is atrocious.
[15:17] <hobohazard> yes
[15:17] <SurvivalBot> [g] SMWasder: 'crysis'?
[15:17] <Vallorn> bukkit, hobohazard is a derp
[15:17] <bukkit> Okay, Vallorn.
[15:17] <hobohazard> D:
[15:17] <Vallorn> look im bad at spelling i know this

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 16 Nov 2011, 10:55
by Lord_Mountbatten
hobohazard wrote:irc lolz
I didn't see any.

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 17 Nov 2011, 19:05
by vallorn
i love it when this happens:
Spoiler! :
[23:53] <SurvivalBot> [n] Austinj2200: im from planet minecraft
[23:53] <SurvivalBot> [n] Austinj2200: i need to test these servers
[23:54] <SurvivalBot> [n] Austinj2200: can you make me op
[23:54] <SurvivalBot> [n] SMWasder: of course
[23:54] <SurvivalBot> [n] SMWasder: didn't you get banned for that crap?
[23:54] <SurvivalBot> [n] SMWasder: or was that someone else
[23:54] <SurvivalBot> [n] Austinj2200: please do so now
[23:54] <SurvivalBot> [n] SMWasder: because no one is buying it
[23:54] <@DuplicateValue> Lol
[23:54] <vallorn> one second i need to check your name on google first
[23:54] <vallorn> cant be too carefull
[23:55] <SurvivalBot> [n] SMWasder: even if you were, what makes you think you would be granted op status?
[23:55] <@DuplicateValue> But no, we don't promote because of status elsewhere
[23:55] <SurvivalBot> [n] Austinj2200: please make me op so i can test the server
[23:55] <@DuplicateValue> No.
[23:55] <SurvivalBot> [n] SMWasder: ha!
[23:55] <SurvivalBot> [n] Austinj2200: im from planet minecraft!
[23:55] <SurvivalBot> [n] SMWasder: this ever worked for you anywhere?
[23:55] <@DuplicateValue> I doubt Planet Minecraft reps would beg.
[23:55] <SurvivalBot> [n] Austinj2200: ill ban this server
[23:56] <@DuplicateValue> Haha
[23:56] <SurvivalBot> [n] SMWasder: course
[23:56] <SurvivalBot> [n] SMWasder: let's take bets!
[23:56] <vallorn> okay have fun
[23:56] <vallorn> we dont need planet minecraft mate
[23:56] <SurvivalBot> [n] SMWasder: I'll pierce my nipples if he's not lying.
[23:56] <SurvivalBot> [n] gittonsxv: owch
[23:56] <SurvivalBot> [n] Austinj2200: im banning this server
[23:56] <SurvivalBot> [n] SMWasder: and post the pictures on the forums
[23:56] <vallorn> okay!
[23:56] <SurvivalBot> [n] SMWasder: have fun with that
[23:57] <SurvivalBot> [n] gittonsxv: if this server goes down in the next 5min i will eat glass
[23:57] <vallorn> enjoy banning the official Escapist Magazine server!
[23:57] <SurvivalBot> [n] SMWasder: in other news, I'm flying to mars on a Pegasus
[23:57] <SurvivalBot> [n] serubin323: How does one ban a server?
[23:57] <SurvivalBot> [n] Austinj2200: make me op or i will have to ban the server
[23:57] <vallorn> no were not making you an op. go away
[23:57] <SurvivalBot> [n] SMWasder: oh sorry, I forgot this is reality, not an LSD induced hallucination!
[23:57] <SurvivalBot> [n] serubin323: Explain how you ban a server first?
[23:57] <SurvivalBot> [n] gittonsxv: if you can ban servers why cant you make yourself op?
[23:57] <SurvivalBot> [n] gittonsxv: hmmm?
[23:57] <Lord_Mountbatten> Hahahahahaha
[23:58] <SurvivalBot> [n] Austinj2200: bye your server is toast
[23:58] <SurvivalBot> [n] gittonsxv: ok
[23:58] <Lord_Mountbatten> lol
[23:58] <vallorn> bye your brain is a cat
[23:58] <SurvivalBot> [n] serubin323: lol wtf
[23:58] <SurvivalBot> [n] SMWasder: my nipples are safe
[23:58] <@DuplicateValue> Whelp, it's been fun guys.
[23:58] <@DuplicateValue> Nice knowing you all :(
[23:58] <SurvivalBot> [n] gittonsxv: and then the sever goes down
[23:58] <SurvivalBot> [n] gittonsxv: lol
[23:58] <SurvivalBot> [n] serubin323: Haha sw
[23:58] <Lord_Mountbatten> I do like toast though
[23:58] <SurvivalBot> [n] SMWasder: cue The Doors
[23:58] <SurvivalBot> [n] SMWasder: this is the end...
[23:58] <SurvivalBot> [n] XxGhOsTxReCoNxX: Bye guys D:
[23:58] <vallorn> i play minecraft on my toaster
[23:58] <SurvivalBot> [n] XxGhOsTxReCoNxX: See you only on the forums
[23:58] <SurvivalBot> [n] XxGhOsTxReCoNxX: the server is getting banned :(
[23:59] <SurvivalBot> [n] SMWasder: in the words of jacko, beat it.
[23:59] <SurvivalBot> [n] neonraven: Is there an issue?
[23:59] <SurvivalBot> [n] SMWasder: we think it's cleared up
[23:59] <vallorn> neon its nothing
[23:59] <SurvivalBot> [n] neonraven: Ok kewl :)
[00:00] <vallorn> some kid claiming to be from planet MC and begging for OP
[00:00] <SurvivalBot> [n] gittonsxv: i love this server so much
[00:00] <vallorn> threatened to ban the server and we sarcasmed him to death

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 17 Nov 2011, 19:17
by XxGhOsTxReCoNxX
I'm waiting... And waiting... And waiting...

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 17 Nov 2011, 19:26
by Sti_Jo_Lew
I facepalmed when I read "My nipples are safe."

Seriously SMW, wtf?

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 17 Nov 2011, 19:27
by Lord_Mountbatten
What do you mean by that? He said he's pierce his nipples if the guy was actually from MC Planet.

You did read it didn't you?

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 17 Nov 2011, 19:30
by SMWasder
Sti_Jo_Lew wrote:I facepalmed when I read "My nipples are safe."

Seriously SMW, wtf?

Something seems odd to you?

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 17 Nov 2011, 19:42
by XxGhOsTxReCoNxX
SMWasder wrote:
Sti_Jo_Lew wrote:I facepalmed when I read "My nipples are safe."

Seriously SMW, wtf?

Something seems odd to you?
Nothing wrong with piercing your nipples.

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 18 Nov 2011, 00:28
by Serubin323

Code: Select all

<Lord_Mountbatten> Woo, pest control!
<SurvivalBot> [m] serubin323: ?
<Lord_Mountbatten> Spraying flies
<SurvivalBot> [m] serubin323: xD
<Lord_Mountbatten> Adopting an Italian American accent whilst I watch one die and call it Bugsy
<Lord_Mountbatten> I am completely sane
<SurvivalBot> [m] serubin323: Yes you are...
<Lord_Mountbatten> Now there's just a battlefield of dead flies

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 18 Nov 2011, 00:56
by Sti_Jo_Lew
I think out of all of the mods, Mountbatten says the funniest stuff. It's so random...

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 18 Nov 2011, 03:40
by vallorn
im glad noone put my reaction to infinite lava on here...

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 18 Nov 2011, 05:30
by Blackadder51
As always I am the most mature OP.

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 18 Nov 2011, 05:58
by Jakeman214
As a fellow Australian Black, I call BS. WE ARE NEVER MATURE!

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 18 Nov 2011, 06:07
by Spyboticsguy
Well, you see, I coined a little term for his reaction to infinite lava.
Lord didn't like it.
Nor did Dupe.

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 18 Nov 2011, 09:58
by vallorn
not one of my proudest evenings:
Spoiler! :

Code: Select all

[00:28] <SurvivalBot> [o] SMWasder: aren't they adding the ability to make infinite lava sources?
[00:28] <SurvivalBot> [o] furdabip: NOU!
[00:28] <vallorn> uh... infinite lava?
[00:29] <SurvivalBot> [o] Spyboticsguy: vallorngasm
[00:29] <vallorn> yes... YES.... YEEEEEEESSSSS
[00:29] <SurvivalBot> [o] furdabip: Yep*
[00:29] <vallorn> EVERYTHING WILL BURN
[00:29] <vallorn> BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA
[00:29] <Lord_Mountbatten> Some things just shouldn't be said O_o
[00:29] <SurvivalBot> [o] Spyboticsguy: Oh, dear.
[00:29] <SurvivalBot> [o] furdabip: Making a cross of Lava and grabbing the middle makes infinite Lava in 1.9/RC2.
[00:29] <SurvivalBot> [o] Spyboticsguy: My bad.
[00:29] <SurvivalBot> [o] Spyboticsguy: YES
[00:29] <vallorn> IM IN LOVE
[00:30] <SurvivalBot> [o] Spyboticsguy: Now I can make TnT/lava/obsidian structures!
[00:30] <vallorn> YES!... YES...
[00:30] <Lord_Mountbatten> Someone make him calmer please
[00:31] <SurvivalBot> [o] Spyboticsguy: Vallorn, TnT
[00:31] <vallorn> is it infinite too?
[00:31] <SurvivalBot> [o] Spyboticsguy: Vallorn, calm down or your lava is forfiet. And yes
[00:31] <vallorn> liar
[00:31] <SurvivalBot> [o] furdabip: Ha.
[00:31] <Lord_Mountbatten> Ice
[00:31] <Lord_Mountbatten> Water
[00:31] <Lord_Mountbatten> Cobblestone
[00:32] <Lord_Mountbatten> Obsidian
[00:32] <SurvivalBot> [o] furdabip: I am also from Planet Minecraft. I can has op?
[00:32] <vallorn> MURDER
[00:32] <SurvivalBot> [o] Spyboticsguy: of course
[00:32] <SurvivalBot> [o] Godavari: OKAY!
[00:32] <vallorn> also to Furd
[00:32] <SurvivalBot> [o] furdabip: Yay!
[00:32] <SurvivalBot> [o] Spyboticsguy: /op furdabip
[00:32] <Lord_Mountbatten> You can choose from a range of Ops. There's me, for instance
[00:32] <SurvivalBot> [o] SMWasder: OKEH
[00:32] <Lord_Mountbatten> But I'm probably a bit out of your pay grade /horrific snub
[00:32] <SurvivalBot> [o] furdabip: Define "have" you then. ;-)
[00:32] <SurvivalBot> [o] SMWasder: pleez dont ban us!
[00:32] <SurvivalBot> [o] furdabip: Oh i can get the money, babby. ;-)
[00:32] <SurvivalBot> [o] Spyboticsguy: don ban me or i ban ur srvr
[00:33] <Lord_Mountbatten> I don't think I've felt more creeped out
[00:33] <SurvivalBot> [o] furdabip: Teehee.
[00:33] <SurvivalBot> [o] Spyboticsguy: vallorngasm
[00:33] <Lord_Mountbatten> Okay, now I have
[00:33] <SurvivalBot> [o] Spyboticsguy: There ya go.
[00:33] <SurvivalBot> [o] furdabip: Ha.
[00:33] <vallorn> i cannot wait till 1.0
[00:34] <vallorn> INFINITE LAVA!
[00:34] <SurvivalBot> [o] Spyboticsguy: oh look a sign
[00:34] <SurvivalBot> [o] Spyboticsguy: I am drawn to it.
[00:34] <SurvivalBot> [o] Spyboticsguy: Even though it is surrounded by lava!
[00:34] <vallorn> like a moth to INFINITE LAVA!
[00:34] <SurvivalBot> [o] Spyboticsguy: like newbies to lava pools
[00:34] <vallorn> XD
[00:34] <vallorn> like creepers to a guy with his first ever diamond
[00:35] <SurvivalBot> [o] Spyboticsguy: I makes it to de top of teh volcano!
[00:35] <vallorn> nice
[00:35] <vallorn> wait... theres a sign up there?
[00:35] <SurvivalBot> [o] Spyboticsguy: Yes, you put it there
[00:35] <vallorn> oh
[00:35] <vallorn> i forgot
[00:35] <vallorn> what does it say?
[00:36] <SurvivalBot> [o] Spyboticsguy: Congrats you made it to the top
[00:36] <SurvivalBot> [o] SMWasder: makkal's volcano went downhill after the removal of my lava towers
[00:36] <Lord_Mountbatten> Also the removal of Makkaal probably
[00:36] <vallorn> it was that or Beard was bringing TNT
[00:36] <Lord_Mountbatten> We think he LARP'd to his untimely demise
[00:37] <SurvivalBot> [o] Spyboticsguy: LARP
[00:37] <SurvivalBot> [o] Spyboticsguy: Reminds me of PETA for some reason.
[00:37] <Lord_Mountbatten> Nerds dress up
[00:37] <Lord_Mountbatten> Basically
[00:37] <SurvivalBot> [o] SMWasder: makkal was a larper?
[00:37] <SurvivalBot> [o] Godavari: He was a DM, I believe.
[00:38] <SurvivalBot> [o] SMWasder: well, he is german
[00:38] <Lord_Mountbatten> Yeah, he made a thread in July about going on some LARP holiday
[00:38] <Lord_Mountbatten> And then he NEVER CAME BACK
[00:38] <Lord_Mountbatten> He was a Deutschmark :D
[00:38] <SurvivalBot> [o] SMWasder: probably got hit by a wizard's fireball
[00:38] <Lord_Mountbatten> Rest in pieces Makkaal
[00:38] <SurvivalBot> [o] SMWasder: dangerous thing, pretend fighting


[00:48] <SurvivalBot> [o] Spyboticsguy: Infinite lava
[00:48] <SurvivalBot> [o] Spyboticsguy: IN SPACE


[01:15] <vallorn> guys. who thinks i should use infinilava to burn Fyra to dust and to hell with the consequesnces?
[01:15] <SurvivalBot> [o] Spyboticsguy: I do!
[01:15] <DuplicateValue> Think of the career possibilities!
[01:15] <SurvivalBot> [o] Spyboticsguy: Which reminds me, vallorngasm
[01:15] <SurvivalBot> [o] furdabip: Rollbacks kinda make griefing pointless...
[01:15] <SurvivalBot> [o] powerfulkingt: wut? .-.
[01:16] <vallorn> if i crash the server with it i might get OP!
[01:16] <SurvivalBot> [o] furdabip: "Oh no, you temporarily broke my house"
[01:16] <SurvivalBot> [o] Spyboticsguy: Ah, power, were you not here earlier?
[01:16] <Lord_Mountbatten> You will get AN Op, visiting your house
[01:16] <SurvivalBot> [o] powerfulkingt: no spy
[01:16] <DuplicateValue> If we can never say the word "vallorngasm" again, that'd be great.
[01:16] <SurvivalBot> [o] SMWasder: :D trapped creeper in a hole, holding lava bucket. YES
[01:16] <SurvivalBot> [o] XxGhOsTxReCoNxX: Considering all the materials you'll need to give everyone back
[01:17] <SurvivalBot> [o] Spyboticsguy: We should add that to the wiki.
[01:17] <SurvivalBot> [o] Spyboticsguy: With one word: lava
[01:17] <SurvivalBot> [o] powerfulkingt: so what was it spy
[01:17] <vallorn> dont even thiink about it
[01:17] <vallorn> or i will visit your house with the lemons
[01:17] <SurvivalBot> [o] Spyboticsguy: THE LEMONS
[01:17] <SurvivalBot> [o] Spyboticsguy: I'll just visit pip&woona in space.
[01:18] <DuplicateValue> Carrot.
[01:18] <SurvivalBot> [o] Spyboticsguy: Apples.
[01:18] <SurvivalBot> [o] powerfulkingt: juice
[01:18] <vallorn> right midnight snack time!
[01:18] <SurvivalBot> [o] Spyboticsguy: Smoke apples.
[01:18] <vallorn> 1 giamoungus Toblerone!
[01:18] <SurvivalBot> [o] SMWasder: you mean quarter past one snack time?
[01:19] <Lord_Mountbatten> Well now I'm hungry
[01:19] <SurvivalBot> [o] powerfulkingt: QUICK. FEED LORD CRACKERS


[01:29] <SurvivalBot> [o] Spyboticsguy: Well, I must be off.
[01:29] <SurvivalBot> [o] Spyboticsguy: So long.
[01:29] <SurvivalBot> [o] Spyboticsguy: Also, vallorn
[01:29] <SurvivalBot> [o] Spyboticsguy: infinite lava
[01:29] <SurvivalBot> [o] SMWasder: goodbye.
[01:29] <SurvivalBot> [o] SMWasder: in space?
[01:29] <SurvivalBot> [o] Spyboticsguy: With Luna.

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 21 Nov 2011, 07:16
by Jakeman214
Well, I went to say goodnight before I left tonight, and NOBODY ELSE WAS ON TO SAY GOODNIGHT!

So, I left the lights on for the next person to drop by.

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 21 Nov 2011, 10:53
by random980
Jakeman, forever alone...

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 21 Nov 2011, 23:35
by Jakeman214
This is all I have to say.
And now Metallica's "Turn the Page" comes to mind, and I shall proceed to drive off into the sunset, alone, in my car, at FULL VOLUME.

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 22 Nov 2011, 02:44
by Iron_Fang
I was alone for hours, ages ago. 1.6 I think

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 23 Nov 2011, 00:22
by ziggylord
i was foreveralone for an hour when it was 1.8 came out.... then some people came on and we we're talking about david bowies balls for some reason...

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 23 Nov 2011, 18:59
by Wildwill002
When i first joined the server there was only Haxx online then he went off for a bit so I was kinda confused as to what I should do... This was in alpha so a looong time ago :3

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 23 Nov 2011, 19:17
by arogon343
Heres a few ive found while cleaning out my computer.

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 23 Nov 2011, 20:33
by Spyboticsguy
What about that time today when I science?

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 23 Nov 2011, 21:57
by Sti_Jo_Lew
Aw... you missed the whole reason why that was the ban reason. That was the last thing he said before he got smacked with the hammer.

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 24 Nov 2011, 11:25
by arogon343
Spyboticsguy wrote:What about that time today when I science?
I failed to get a screen of it D:

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 25 Nov 2011, 20:31
by Darktaint
I found this whilst looking through my screen shots :)

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 25 Nov 2011, 20:57
by Aenir_bEPU
Darktaint wrote:I found this whilst looking through my screen shots :)
deleted these videos, way off topic - wokka

Re: Genuinely Amusing Moments in Chat

Posted: 02 Dec 2011, 08:42
by vallorn
Serubin can do good erngliish today.
(slightly bad language at the end)
Spoiler! :
[12:39] <SurvivalBot> [m] serubin323: Defrent question
[12:39] <SurvivalBot> [m] serubin323: diffrent*
[12:39] <SurvivalBot> [m] vallorn: you can spell good today
[12:39] <SurvivalBot> [m] serubin323: Every played brink
[12:39] <SurvivalBot> [m] vallorn: nope
[12:39] <SurvivalBot> [m] serubin323: ever*
[12:39] <SurvivalBot> [m] serubin323: Dan
[12:39] <SurvivalBot> [m] serubin323: damn*
[12:39] <SurvivalBot> [m] serubin323: Fucking
[12:39] <SurvivalBot> [m] vallorn: XD
[12:39] <SurvivalBot> [m] serubin323: Fucker*