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Hail to the King, baby.

Posted: 21 Jan 2011, 14:09
by Tehbeard
Warning: Mature content, this is duke we're on about here.

Re: Hail to the King, baby.

Posted: 21 Jan 2011, 14:34
by Furdabip
I played Duke Nukem back in the day, but only briefly. Either way, I WILL buy this, regardless of any reviews or opinions on it.

Re: Hail to the King, baby.

Posted: 23 Jan 2011, 14:42
by SachielOne
I have a whole bunch of bets I now need to collect on. Then I am going to use those funds to build an underground bunker, because this is one of the signs of the apocalypse.

Re: Hail to the King, baby.

Posted: 23 Jan 2011, 17:25
by Jaling
Wasn't it announced that gearbox picked this up like 3 months ago? Either way, nice to see the duke back

Re: Hail to the King, baby.

Posted: 23 Jan 2011, 19:36
by vallorn


Re: Hail to the King, baby.

Posted: 23 Jan 2011, 23:31
by Baron_Hellsing
Im a HUGE Duke fan, have every Duke game, But DNF... Im in two minds about, will buy it because its freaking Duke, but im not sure that this will turn out to be a mind-blowing Duke title... I hope to god it is though :P

Re: Hail to the King, baby.

Posted: 25 Jan 2011, 17:38
by itbarany

Re: Hail to the King, baby.

Posted: 25 Jan 2011, 18:57
by Cho
No way in heck I'm pre-ordering Forever. Sorry, but I'm gonna have to see several reviews before I lay down cash for this piece of former vaporware. I'm worried it's just gonna be a pastiche of old one-liners, crap story, and shoddy gameplay.

Re: Hail to the King, baby.

Posted: 25 Jan 2011, 20:34
by Furdabip
Cho wrote:No way in heck I'm pre-ordering Forever. Sorry, but I'm gonna have to see several reviews before I lay down cash for this piece of former vaporware. I'm worried it's just gonna be a pastiche of old one-liners, crap story, and shoddy gameplay.
Isn't... that what Duke's all about? :-D

Re: Hail to the King, baby.

Posted: 26 Jan 2011, 02:51
by moimanticore
Well I'm definatly buying it, I miss the funny parts of games and this one seems to have many of those things I miss, funny gameplay similar to plattform boss fights, funny quotes that's going to be remebered for a long long time longer just like all the other games have given us. I think it's going to spark up the FPS experience and maybe give it what we find in very few games today, pure pitch black humor.

Did anyone see the demo? After removing the plans to Operation : COCKBLOCK on the whiteboard and drawing a penis the NPC enthusiastically exclaims
"Genius! ... Wow! I don't understand any of that, but if I did, I bet that guy over there would still have his arm!"
*Points to dismembered corpse*

Re: Hail to the King, baby.

Posted: 26 Jan 2011, 19:13
by OptimusHagrid
Hoooooly crap. DN1 and 3D are some of the best bloody games ever. And this looks... kinda like Prey but without the portal/gravity gimmick. And really crappy driving. I admit we haven't had much to go on but I can't help but shake the impression.

But it's DOOK.

Re: Hail to the King, baby.

Posted: 27 Jan 2011, 06:32
by Tehbeard
Well i'm planning on getting beta access with borderlands GOTY, so i'll let everyone know what its like.

Re: Hail to the King, baby.

Posted: 27 Jan 2011, 15:37
by moimanticore
tehbeard wrote:Well i'm planning on getting beta access with borderlands GOTY, so i'll let everyone know what its like.
My thoughts exactly.

Re: Hail to the King, baby.

Posted: 20 Feb 2011, 05:25
by colbylovin
im a big duke fan im geting these the day its out anyone want to play
ps. i have duke for the xbox gt tmk colby hit me up

Re: Hail to the King, baby.

Posted: 20 Feb 2011, 05:31
by vallorn


my reaction to the trailer =
want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now want now