LA Noire - The Future

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LA Noire - The Future

Post by Skunk_Giant » 15 Jun 2011, 05:49

So, apparently Rockstar have stated that all the DLC they've announced is all they have planned for LA Noire. :cry:

On the bright side, they've heavily hinted that a sequel is in the works, so I'm hoping they'll make up for the lack of DLC with that.

Where do you want to see LA Noire go in the sequel/any DLC to be announced?

Spoiler! :
Here's basically what I wrote over at the LA Noire forums. They were discussing the ending, and saying they wanted to play as Kelso in the end.
I think the only problem with having Kelso as the lead in a sequel, is he's not as interesting.
Think about it. Phelps came across as the Golden Boy, but a massive part of the plot is learning that he's not as good as he originally seemed.

Cut to LA Noire 2. If we had Kelso as the main character, I think the story would feel less personal. The LA Noire story was personal, because in the end, it all tied into Cole's past. Kelso never made the mistakes Cole did, he has no family, he was the perfect one in the end. Sure, he had some attitude to Cole in his army days, but that's nothing as bad as Cole's past.

Cole caused an entire hospital of civilians to be burnt alive. He caused a man to go crazy. He caused that man to kill families, believing he was helping them, and he caused a large amount of the corrupt guys to come out happy in the end.

Kelso did nothing. To add a backstory on the same level as Cole's in the sequel would seem stupid. If Kelso has some dark past, why didn't we hear or even get a mention of it in the first?

I personally loved the story of LA Noire, including the ending, so who knows, maybe Rockstar and Bondi can come up with some backstory that IS believable, but I can't see how it'd work.

I'm interested to see where they go with LA Noire 2. I can see them simply changing everything, and just keeping the same concept, but not story. That could go well, but I personally want to see something related to this story. Like I said above, I don't really want to have Kelso as the lead, he's not interesting enough. I think it'd be nice to have a new character with a great backstory, but keep the story. So keep the characters coming back, keep this new character on the trail of corruption, and keep the dark past Cole had.

Having said that, there's a small part of me that would love to play as Cole after he survives the sewer incident, but only if his survival was pulled off properly, and I can't see anyway that'd be possible.
Spoiler! :
Phelps is an interesting character, and part of me would love to play as him again, but I don't see anyway that Rockstar can have him survive that ending without it seeming unbelievable, and un-Noire-ish. Kelso is a possible lead, but he's not interesting enough, he's too perfect.
Possible option: New main character, but keep the story. Keep this new character meeting all the old partners, Kelso, and all other characters. Give him the same sort of dark past as Phelps.
So, what do you guys think?
Oh hey, I have a signature now! 26/07/11

haxxorzd00d wrote:Keep talking, Skunk. Everybody likes you and you're stunningly handsome.

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