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Re: Borderlands 2 O_O

Posted: 23 Sep 2012, 19:40
by vallorn
Are rocket launchers less absolutely terribly in this game then?

Re: Borderlands 2 O_O

Posted: 23 Sep 2012, 19:50
by Jake55778
Oh definitely. A good barrage of rockets will take down a constructor or similar miniboss in seconds. The ammo is expensive mind, and pretty rare when you don't have a vendor, and of course the reload speed is slow. Being a gunzerker helps, I have 50% chance not to consume ammo, 25% chance to add ammo to a clip instead of depleting it, and +48% clip size.

Re: Borderlands 2 O_O

Posted: 24 Sep 2012, 06:30
by SneakyPie
Went Commando. It's nice having an extra gun that auto aims on everything. That combined with a class mod that decreases the cool down of it by 25%, I can whip it out not too long after it's used up.

As for weapons, I use everything if the stats are good enough, but I always carry a sniper rifle.

Re: Borderlands 2 O_O

Posted: 24 Sep 2012, 06:38
by Jake55778
How is everyone doing with collecting badass ranks? Has anyone got to a point where the buffs are actually noticeable?

I'm at 1418
Maximum health 2.8%
Shield capacity 3.3%
Melee damage 2.8%
Grenade damage 3.3%
Gun accuracy 3.8%
Gun damage 4.3%
Gun fire rate 4.3%
Recoil reduction 4.8%
Reload speed 2.8%
Elemental effect chance 1.7%
Critical hit damage 2.8%

Re: Borderlands 2 O_O

Posted: 26 Sep 2012, 00:26
by Jake55778
Woo! Beat the main quest. Much more involving story this time around.

As well as some nice loot and a ton of eridium, you also unlock True Vault Hunter mode, and a lvl 50 side quest to kill a vaguely defined giant monster. Given that 2-3 levels in Borderlands can mean the difference between tough as nails, and complete cakewalk, I'm guessing attempting to fight something 18 levels my senior would not end well. The quest tracking system has therefore helpfully marked the mission as "impossible".

Re: Borderlands 2 O_O

Posted: 26 Sep 2012, 02:04
by aeroeng15
Hah, good to know.

I don't remember my rank, but I'm getting percentages around 2% for most categories with a rank under 1000.

Re: Borderlands 2 O_O

Posted: 26 Sep 2012, 09:32
by Jake55778
Minor final boss spoilers
Spoiler! :
So apparently you can go back and fight the warrior multiple times for loot & experience. It won't let you fast travel straight there so you'll have to run through that whole section again, which is decent experience in itself and takes you past a few chests. One you reach the boss, just jump down to trigger it then immediately kill yourself in the lava. When you respawn it'll be back up on the ledge where, besides the occasional thrown rock, you're complete safe from damage. Kill the boss at your leisure and jump down again to collect the loot. Even if you don't get lucky with the drops you still gain a ton of eridium doing this. From launching the game to killing the boss took me 15 minutes at level 33. I don't know if there are better areas to farm but this seems like a good one.

As a side note: I just got a new shield that puts my capacity at, wait for it... over 9000.

Re: Borderlands 2 O_O

Posted: 01 Oct 2012, 12:19
by aeroeng15
Anybody have any news on the Mechnomancer?

Re: Borderlands 2 O_O

Posted: 02 Oct 2012, 17:32
by Sti_Jo_Lew
Yeah, I was wondering about that too...

I want to summon a giant robot to fight for me dammit! Oh, and I want to have the actual game... :/

Re: Borderlands 2 O_O

Posted: 03 Oct 2012, 02:06
by Jake55778
Is anybody at, or close to, level 50? Imma need some help with terramorphous the invincible. I'm told soloing him is technically possible, but I'm lacking either the skill or the gear.

Re: Borderlands 2 O_O

Posted: 04 Oct 2012, 17:47
by Jake55778
Just beat the warrior on true vault hunter mode. Also joined up with some randoms online to fight terramorphous the invincible. We killed him 3 times, and wiped at least 6. The only decent loot I got out of it was an orange class mod for a Siren (which I'm happy to trade if anyone has any offers).

Re: Borderlands 2 O_O

Posted: 09 Oct 2012, 15:21
by aeroeng15
Mechromancer has been released.

Looks like I know what I'm doing tonight :-D

Re: Borderlands 2 O_O

Posted: 09 Oct 2012, 20:34
by Sti_Jo_Lew
Want to buy the game for me so I can join you? ;)

Re: Borderlands 2 O_O

Posted: 09 Oct 2012, 21:45
by aeroeng15
Ehe. If I was on co-op, I'd consider it :-I

Re: Borderlands 2 O_O

Posted: 09 Oct 2012, 22:12
by Sti_Jo_Lew

Re: Borderlands 2 O_O

Posted: 10 Oct 2012, 02:45
by aeroeng15
Welp, let's say I found out two things.

1) The mechromancer = bad-ass

2) She may seem more bad-ass because the bad-ass rank carries over from character to character (hence me one-shotting bullymongs and bandits very early on :-D). I was able to down Boom Bewm and Flint with essentially just my Deathtrap.

Re: Borderlands 2 O_O

Posted: 31 Oct 2012, 16:36
by Darktaint
beat terramorphous solo :) level 80 commando. WOOOO

Re: Borderlands 2 O_O

Posted: 31 Oct 2012, 18:54
by Jake55778
Level cap is 80 now? How'd I miss that.

Terramorphous is both the easiest and hardest boss I think I've ever fought. Beating him the first time was one of my greatest struggles in gaming. However now that I have some decent gear he goes down in minutes (seconds if I equip the Bee).

Vermivorous is the only thing left that's a challenge. More than x2 the health of Terrramorphous. Although it's not the boss itself that makes it hard, it's staying alive surrounded by swarms of varkids long enough to summon him.

Re: Borderlands 2 O_O

Posted: 28 Aug 2013, 13:53
by Wildwill002
Yes yes woe is me thread necro blah de blah,

Now, is anyone up for assisting me in killing hyperius the invincible? I can get rid of his minions swiftly and get him down to a third health but I can never seem to kill the bugger (Level 40 assassin focusing on sniping tree and using grog nozzle for health) The Norfleet legendary he has a chance of dropping is very attractive to me and I'd like to cross the particular mission off the list

I believe you need the Captain Scarlett dlc to assist me, but if you do so then any drops are yours if you want (With possible exception to awesome snipers)

Re: Borderlands 2 O_O

Posted: 28 Aug 2013, 18:30
by Wildwill002
Oh and y'all should probably know that in prepping for the level 72 dlc coming next week gear box have jacked up the chances of getting rare/legendary shields. Due to this, I've now got The Sham, The Bee and Neogenator :P