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Ten Little Escapians

Posted: 01 Nov 2011, 00:55
by aflycon
Hey all, I used to do a lot of writing and such on other forums and I figured I might as well pick it up again. I'm a bit rusty, I don't have any ideas at the moment, and in the spirit of Halloween, I've decided to borrow from the style of And Then There Were None; you may also know it by other names such as Ten Little Indians and Ten Little Soldiers, or may be familiar with the scenario if you fancied the Dark Brotherhood in Oblivion (Whodunit?).

Although I'm too lazy to check the public domain list, I'm relatively sure that this work is free to be used by the public. However, I've never been one to blatantly copy, so I'm going to add a bit of a twist to the story. I'm thinking of having some of this story take place in-game, and perhaps eventually develop it into a Weekly Event. For now, though, I need ten volunteers who'll be willing to dedicate some time to developing the story and putting up with my sometimes-ridiculous schedule. Each individual will play the part of an important member of Escapian history, invited to a lavish ball in Noblewood by Aflycon, a shady and mysterious host (what's cliche?). At first, spots will be reserved for these particular characters (with the exception of those banned/inactive, if any). If these parts are refused, they'll be open to normal players.

Host: Aflycon plays himself
Escapian I: SneakyPie plays himself
Escapian II: wokka1 - _____
Escapian III: Lord_Mountbatten - _____
Escapian IV: Blackadder51 - Skunk_Giant
Escapian V: Derigin - _____
Escapian VI: Furdabip - _____
Escapian VII: Jagorrax - _____
Escapian VIII: Vallorn plays himself
Escapain IX: Volstag9 - _____
Escapian X: Pinmissile - _____

For those familiar with the story:
Spoiler! :
As you know, one of the guests will be chosen to kill off the others. For each encounter with another Escapian, the location and room will be described and the killer will be given the option (via PM) of killing the former, and of how to do so; brute force is not recommended, as blowing the killer's cover will result in the (perhaps not so) untimely death of all attending the party. This game will run on an honor system; I'm trusting those that have been killed to not share the killer's identity with the other players, as that would just spoil the game.
For those who choose to participate, this isn't a game like Skunk_Giant's where he writes all the posts out. Each member will participate in progressing the story, so I ask you to please use your best grammar and grammar accessories.

- Afly

Re: Ten Little Escapians

Posted: 01 Nov 2011, 02:21
by Iron_Fang
I wants to be in tha partay lol can I be sneaky because sneaky is cool

Re: Ten Little Escapians

Posted: 01 Nov 2011, 14:48
by Skunk_Giant
This looks amazing...
I'd be anyone, but ideally, if he refuses, could I be my Australian buddy Black? :D

Re: Ten Little Escapians

Posted: 01 Nov 2011, 16:55
by vallorn
can i be me? :)

Re: Ten Little Escapians

Posted: 01 Nov 2011, 18:38
by SneakyPie
Psh, none of you are worthy to play SneakyPie.

Therefore I must play myself.

Re: Ten Little Escapians

Posted: 01 Nov 2011, 18:45
by aflycon
OP updated.

Iron, please actually read the OP before posting.

Skunk, I'll send Black a PM asking if he wants to play himself. If he doesn't, you've got the part.

Vallorn, Sneaky, your parts have been updated. I'd appreciate if each of you would post a brief description of your character, be it your ingame character or the real you. (:

Re: Ten Little Escapians

Posted: 01 Nov 2011, 18:56
by SneakyPie
Erm. I'm generally going to be myself. Do I need to describe my personality or something?

Re: Ten Little Escapians

Posted: 01 Nov 2011, 19:01
by aflycon
Yes, along with your appearance if you'd like - it helps me to write out the base of the story and continue to progress it without continually referring to you as a generic individual.

I should put something along these lines in the OP.

Re: Ten Little Escapians

Posted: 01 Nov 2011, 19:04
by SneakyPie
aflycon wrote:Yes, along with your appearance if you'd like - it helps me to write out the base of the story and continue to progress it without continually referring to you as a generic individual.

I should put something along these lines in the OP.
What's the time period?

Re: Ten Little Escapians

Posted: 01 Nov 2011, 19:12
by aflycon
Modern, but the location is isolated. OP edit incoming.

Re: Ten Little Escapians

Posted: 01 Nov 2011, 19:39
by SneakyPie
The Sneaky Persona
Calm, compassionate, kind, reasonable, logical, well-spoken, intelligent I dare say, a natural Leader. (Also very, very humble.)

Easily becomes jealous, lazy when confronted with something he is indifferent about, callous at times. Suspicious of motives.

Not one to panic easily and would rather find a solution to a problem or confrontation rather than run or give up. Also known to be kind and compassionate to a fault and blind him to a situation rather than moving emotions aside. To other people's annoyance he might try to take control of a situation rather than include a group decision.

The Sneaky Image
Common, comfortable clothing. (Bask in the glory of my fashion sense)

Spoiler! :
Spoiler! :

Re: Ten Little Escapians

Posted: 01 Nov 2011, 19:43
by Lord_Mountbatten
He also has the added advantage of being invisible.

Re: Ten Little Escapians

Posted: 01 Nov 2011, 19:58
by vallorn
here goes:
Vallorns fevered brain wrote:Vallorn:
a young man with a reckless streak that complements his intelligence and speed. However his wisdom and strength of character leave much to be desired. He has a tendency toward being loud and quick to answer questions or attempting to solve problems to the point where he comes across as kind of a jerk.

when put under pressure he has a tendency to either function very well or simply ignore it and do something else instead depending on how much he enjoys the task and what his mood is.

he tries his best to be kind and compassionate but can be quick to judge others when under pressure. he also has a tendency to take charge of groups whether he means to or not because of his speed at making decisions. this can lead to clashes with better leaders.

Vallorn's attire:

Hat: Black felt trilby
Spoiler! :
Spoiler! :
Clothes: Black tuxedo suit
Spoiler! :
is that enough information for you Alfy?

Re: Ten Little Escapians

Posted: 03 Nov 2011, 05:07
by Blackadder51
I got no pm >.> Skunkg o nuts :)

Re: Ten Little Escapians

Posted: 03 Nov 2011, 15:35
by Skunk_Giant
Happyface! I'll do us proud, Black!

Re: Ten Little Escapians

Posted: 03 Nov 2011, 16:26
by aflycon
Vall, Sneaky, that's awesome. Thank you. If the rest of you could follow a similar format it'd be great, but you don't need to include pictures if you don't want to.

Sorry Black, totally slipped my mind. Getting my AP classes in order the last few days has made my mind a bit of a jumble, all settled down now.

Skunk, I'll add you to the list as Blackadder. (:

Re: Ten Little Escapians

Posted: 03 Nov 2011, 17:23
by vallorn
aflycon wrote: you don't need to include pictures if you don't want to.
ignore Afly.

totally get as many images of your Clothes (or... lack of clothes) as you can! putting them in order like me and Sneaky helps too ;)

it all helps us get an image of your character in our minds eye. :)

Re: Ten Little Escapians

Posted: 03 Nov 2011, 17:45
by Sti_Jo_Lew
Blackadder should wear a suit, but without the pants.

That is all.