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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft - Y u so new post?

Posted: 08 Jun 2014, 03:50
by RobipodSupreme
(Still interested in beep booping around)

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft - Y u so new post?

Posted: 08 Jun 2014, 09:01
by Skunk_Giant
Then beep boop you shall!

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft - Y u so new post?

Posted: 08 Jun 2014, 12:24
by Iron_Fang
Hopefully the saga of the great Iron continues...

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft - Y u so new post?

Posted: 08 Jun 2014, 17:18
by LS13
Yes! Add me back in, let's go! :D

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft - Y u so new post?

Posted: 08 Jun 2014, 18:58
by Spyboticsguy
I'm still here, ye bitches. And 200% interested in this.

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft - Y u so new post?

Posted: 09 Jun 2014, 03:36
by random980
These so called 'little' investigations shall continue!

At this point i may as well have a private investigators agency/base established.
Minner can join too

As far as rebooting goes, can my character now come across as more mature? I mean still living up to my name, just compared the derpy persona i had going on previously.

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft - Y u so new post?

Posted: 09 Jun 2014, 06:04
by Skunk_Giant
It shall be done!

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft - Y u so new post?

Posted: 09 Jun 2014, 10:33
by Sti_Jo_Lew
Keep me in there, I must be captured or knocked unconscious again!

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft - Y u so new post?

Posted: 16 Jun 2014, 10:27
by haxxorzd00d
I've been a bit part in this story for far too long... time to shine!



Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft - Y u so new post?

Posted: 16 Jun 2014, 20:04
by Sti_Jo_Lew
haxxorzd00d wrote:I've been a bit part in this story for far too long... time to shine!


I laughed way harder than I should have at this. :lol:

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft - Y u so new post?

Posted: 27 Jun 2014, 22:45
by Skunk_Giant

Years Ago...
The boy felt a chill run up his spine as his bare feet touched the cold mossy cobblestone. The ruins around him were certainly interesting, but he had no time to inspect them. He had his duty.
"He's ready to speak to you, Sir," the boy said when he reached his destination. "However, before he comes to you, he demands a name."
The figure ahead smiled. "Just call me Proz."
The boy nodded and ran back to his master. Moments later, a new figure replaced him. "The name's Walker," the figure said, offering his hand.
Proz hesitated.
"What, the Griefers don't enjoy a formal greeting? I suppose that's no surprise," Walker muttered.
"And exactly what does that mean?" Proz asked.
"Nothing at all. It's just... well, we're in a separate class to each other. By your very nature, you Griefers aren't even organised."
"Not organised? Tell that to my boss."
"I would, had I the opportunity."
"Get to the point Walker. What are we here for?"
"I wanted to explain what happened the other day. I know we had some of your Griefers with us, and I know not all of them made it." Walker hesitated. "I also know that the Griefers aren't in it for each other, and that you don't care about the Griefers that died working for me, so don't expect compensation."
"Perhaps a 'my condolences' would be more suitable," Proz interrupted.
"Nonetheless, on behalf of my boss, I apologise to yours. You're familiar with SuperGlitch?"
"Glitch and I had a... disagreement. On a number of matters."
"That's not much of an explanation, Walker."
"And yet it's all I can give. I sincerely hope this won't create any sort of problems between us in the future."
"You keep paying, we'll keep supplying the mercs," Proz assued Walker.
Walker smiled. "That's all then." He began to walk away. "I'll be in touch soon."
Proz headed in the opposite direction until he reached the coast, where a small boat waited. "Let's go, Towler."
"Proz? What's the situation?"
"Walker and Glitch aren't going to be playing nice anytime soon."
"So what do we do?"
"We keep supplying our men to both sides. I couldn't care less who wins. We've got a contract with Glitch, and if we want any Hackbots, we've got to fulfil it, and for our plans, we're gonna need a lot of cash, and that's something Walker can offer. Let the sails down."

"I'M BACK, ESCAPIA!" LS Called out, seeing the Empire on the horizon. "Well, I mean, by the end of the day I will be. Feels good to be heading home, Spy."
Spy joined LS on the crow's nest. "It HAS been a while."
"Feels like we've just been in a limbo for like, six months or something. Like, even though a lot of stuff happened, it's as though it didn't... Y'know what I mean?"
"Not in the slightest," Spy asnwered.

Vallorn set his buckets of lava down without care. "You know what? I'm happy."
Foxes sighed. "Why's that? We didn't complete our mission. The entire Escapian Navy searched for months, and failed to find Milo."
"But we DID manage to take down multiple Griefer bases. Besides, I think things are finally starting to get back to normal in Escapia. That whole Civil War thing is behind us. Sneaky, Mountbatten and Wokka are all in power, and it's gonna be smooth sailing from here. Right?"
Foxes thought back to her conversation with Random during the Civil War. She wasn't so sure. "I guess... But what about the Collective? The Griefers? The Agents... and Walker?"
"Pfft, Wokka, Mountbatten and Sneaky can defeat the Collective and any Griefers. And those Agents and that Walker guy? They're busy in their own little conflict by the sounds of it. I doubt we'll hear much more of it."

A few hundred metres off the coast of Tekland, Iron watched, taking notes every few minutes.
'Loading Tekland resources onto ship. Unsure of what materials/safety.'
His grip around his sword tightened. 'I could do this,' he told himself. 'I could easily stop them right now, if Haxx had given me permission.'
"I hate surveillance," he muttered.

"Ex-excuse me, Haxx!" Minner called through the CUT hallways.
Minner cautiously patted his head to ensure the wig was still on. "Bob Block, from the Escapian Journal, I-"
"Minner, I know it's you. I recognise just about everyone in this town."
"Well crap."
"If you're here to ask about CUT secrets, I can't help you, so you may as well go."
"No, it's... well... yeah. 697."
"Why are there no public records of what happened to him after Operation Diamond Key?"
"Why would there be?" Haxx retorted.
"Random leaked countless documents in relation to Diamond Key, and yet there's nothing about 697 after you had him go undercover."
"Leave it, Minner. I have a meeting to get to," Haxx said, slamming the door to his office. There was a knock at the door. "I said go away!"
"OK... Uh, yes Sir. I just thought we had a meeting..." came Iron's voice.
Haxx opened the door. "Sorry, I thought you were Minner. How did the surveillance go?"
Iron handed his notes over. "Basically what you expected. These guys have been moving resources from Tekland. No word on who they're working for."
"We know who they're working for."
"Right. Anyway, I can take them out easy. I'll just follow 'em next time and kill 'em or capture 'em."
"No, you've done what you need to do. Enjoy a break. I'll speak to you soon."
Iron nodded and stood to leave. "Yes Sir."
Haxx handed the surveillance notes back to Iron. "Before you go, place these on Louis' desk."

"You ready to go?" Tyrese asked.
"Mr Fluffy III is ready, and so am I," said Robi, leading his horse to the dirt road. "Shame we miss the return of the Escapian Volunteers by a couple of hours though."
"I know, but we should leave before nightfall."
"Remind me, where are we heading?"
"The ruins of Genesis, the first Escapia. Rumour is Sti was attacked by the Collective there. And hey, if we're lucky, we might actually find some useful clues this time."

"No luck," Minner sighed.
"I told you<" said Random. "This is CUT. Of course they're not gonna share their information."
"I just thought that after some time had passed, maybe-"
"No maybes. CUT don't share their secrets. Not willingly anyway. Anyway, enough of the 697 investigation. Back to the real stuff. Walker. The Agents."
"We've got no leads. Everything we've followed up has led to dead ends," Minner complained.
"But that's going to change. Foxes gets back from the Crusades today."
"So she's just as interested in the Agents and Walker as we are, and before it burnt, she knew Futuria better than anyone in Escapia. Where better to search for clues than a battlefield?" Random grabbed his armour and sword. "I want you to head to the docks. The fleet should be arriving soon. Find Foxes and prepare our ship. I'll meet you there soon enough, but I have some errands to run first."

"Escapia." Notch muttered, watching as the ADMIN room was still being repaired months later.
"Escapia. That's where the intruders claimed to be from."
"Yes, Sir."
"All the more reason to perfect the Beta. And the Scrolls."
"Sir, Agent Christoph is here to speak to you."
"Send him in."
Jeb left the room quietly as Christoph entered. "Mornin' Notch."
"What is it, Christoph?"
"I've come to check on the repair process. How IS the Beta?"
"Damaged. Still nowhere near its full functionality. Not that that matters to you."
"Excuse me?"
"You've travelled all the way to Mojang, I can only assume you had reasons other than checking up on a beast."
"As Agent Glitch's successor, it's my duty to handle just about everything. I report to one man only, but that man is a powerful one nonetheless. Right now, my duty is to ensure you get the Beta functioning to replace the Creatures."
"Why? So you and your boss can control it? The amount of labour you Agents have put into this Beta really makes me question your motives more. You have nothing to gain from the Beta."
"I represent a man who is extremely unhappy with the infestation of Creatures in Escapia, a man who is willing to accept this Beta if it means Creatures are gone. The Beta is something good for everyone in Escapia. So are the Scrolls. We're on the horizon of a new league of peace by enforcement. We just want to help you reach that league, Notch. Keep us informed." Christoph flashed a smile and headed for the exit.
"One more thing," Notch called. "I won't deny I've become more of an isolated man in recent times, but I still hear my fair share of rumours. Like, for example, Griefers roaming with Hackbots."
"Hackbots? I didn't think they were real."
"Really? Because I thought you might be able to shed some light on the topic."
"Excuse me?"
"It's just that, after the ADMIN room was blown up by those intruders, we did a long, laborious search of the wreckage for any technology we might be able to save. And yet, we found no trace, not even any wreckage of a Hackbot."
"Are you telling me the Hackbots exist?"
"I think you know they exist. The only question is, where did they go? After all, the only people who would have been anywhere near them are Mojang staff... Well, Mojang staff and... your Agents."
"Just what are you implying?"
"I don't know what the Griefers gave you, but-"
"Notch, this is ridiculous. I understand that you're pretty shaken up about what happened here. A large part of your facility was destroyed. Maybe you should take a while longer to rest. Anyway, I should be going. I've got myself a busy schedule ahead of me." Christoph let himself out. Outside Mojang HQ, he met his guards. "Head home quickly and cancel my schedule for the next few days. If anyone asks, I got caught up here at Mojang negotiating with Notch."
"Yes Sir."

Louis sighed, reading through the surveillance notes. "Sneaky," he breathed, "why must you complicate things." He stepped over to Haxx's office. "You going to the ceremony for the return of the Escapian Volunteers?"
"That was the plan, but I suspect you're about to deviate it."
"Not at all. I got the surveillance notes."
"Yeah... not good. Sneaky's bringing dangerous Tekland materials in, and we don't know why."
"Right now, I don't care why. I won't have nuclear material being brought to Escapia. I'm supposed to give a welcome speech at the ceremony, but these notes change my plans a bit. Congratulations, you've got some improvising to do. Oh, and clear my schedule for the rest of the day."

"Just the man I was looking for," Random called out.
Sti turned around. "How are the investigations coming?"
"I know, I was listening in on your conversation with Minner."
"Leader Powers are a heck of a thing. I so you're planning a little field trip to Futuria, eh?"
"Are you in?"
"My responsibilities lie in Escapia. I'm a Leader. I'm sorry, Random."
"I thought you might say that," Random sighed. "Well, its been fun, Sti. Let me know if you hear anything important."

Louis watched as the fleet docked in the distance to the cheering of the crowd of Escapians. They had it easy. If only they knew how hard everything could become in the blink of an eye. But that wasn't their job. It was his. He stepped into the secure facility, leaving the room in darkness.
"Last time I was hear, I explained to you that you were a tool for CUT, no more," he announced. "Do you understand that?"
"Are you willing to do what is asked of you without any questions?"
"Then you have your first assignment." Mountbatten dropped the surveillance notes on the floor. A CUT Agent will equip you in the morning. Be ready."

Books watched from the prison. Being a prison guard certainly had its perks, he decided, but also its restrictions. He would have loved nothing more than to be at the ceremony, but instead, here he was, dealing with visitors.
A man approached. "I'm here to see Proz."

"Proz, you've got yourself another visitor!"
"My, I'm like a social butterfly," Proz uttered from his cell.
Books let the man into the visitor's room and waited outside.
Proz hesitated, watching the man across the table. "You're new."
"I represent an old friend."
"I haven't many of them anymore," Proz responded.
"My name is Agent Jack Christoph, I am the successor of Agent SuperGlitch, and Notch knows about the Hackbots."
Proz smiled.

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft - Y u so new post?

Posted: 27 Jun 2014, 23:31
by Sti_Jo_Lew

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft - Y u so new post?

Posted: 27 Jun 2014, 23:49
by Spyboticsguy
Tekland? Shit. I have investments there. Not that I know that he's doing anything of course.

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft - Y u so new post?

Posted: 28 Jun 2014, 00:41
by LS13
Sti_Jo_Lew wrote:HOORAY!

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft - Y u so new post?

Posted: 29 Jun 2014, 04:22
by random980
What's this? A new post!