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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 10 May 2013, 18:04
by Skunk_Giant
Sti_Jo_Lew wrote:Still need to catch up so I know what the balls is going on.
I'm not sure anybody knows what's going on. :lol:

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 11 May 2013, 15:50
by aeroeng15
I are reading, despite my apparent disappearance <.<

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 11 May 2013, 19:33
by minnerthecat
Still reading!

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 11 May 2013, 19:37
by Lord_Mountbatten
I sometimes acknowledge it

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 11 May 2013, 21:18
by LS13
I may be hidden away in some random shadows somewhere, but im still readin

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 12 May 2013, 00:51
by random980
DEREK! What are you doing DEREK! (still reading)
Also if you could wedge me back into the story that'd be awesome :D

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 12 May 2013, 14:59
by jonnybo72
Gandhi would be proud

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 17 May 2013, 20:45
by Victini998
Welp, I guess the drought is hitting us all hard >.> But yes, I am still reading, even if it is a bit late.

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 17 May 2013, 22:50
by Someguy42
Always reading.

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 18 May 2013, 04:52
by Iron_Fang
I am back to kick ass and chew gum!

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 18 May 2013, 18:15
by Spyboticsguy
Oh, yeah, I'm still here.

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 18 May 2013, 19:48
by Skunk_Giant
" conclusion, I suppose it's quite simple.
My men need to work with you for this to work out for either of us. You and I both want the same. Just for different reasons. Therefore, I am hereby requesting you accept my apology and agree to work with my Agents once more. I understand now that the Beta has not been released, and I think you'll agree that we must work together, for the good of Craftmine to stop this imposter, this Collective. For who knows how dangerous it is?
Your friend,
Notch put the letter down.
"Perhaps we should consider his request," Jeb suggested. "His manpower is-"
"Why?!?" Notch demanded.
"Well because he-"
"No, I mean why does he care?" Notch began to pace, muttering to himself with the occasional burst to Jeb. "Why does he care about the Creature activity in Craftmine? What does he have to gain? What's in it for he and his Agents?"
"Do we really care, Sir? The Creatures have served their purpose. It's time for Phase Two. The Beta. The Griefers, the wrong-doers of Craftmine aren't afraid of Creatures anymore, but they still pose a threat to those trying to live a normal life. I'm all for releasing the Beta, but we need to wipe out the Creatures."
Notch sighed. "Write to him immediately. Tell him we accept his apology. Mojang will work together with their Agents. For a brighter future."

"TAKE COVER!" Iron yelled, leaping to the deck as a cannonball soared by the ship. He peered out onto the seas. Inv and Derek were wading through the shallows towards the shores of Futuria, flaming cannonballs flying over their heads. "INVUNARBLE!" he yelled, but the Escapian could not hear him. Furious that such a dangerous mission had gone ahead without his knowledge, Iron pushed his way through the sailors to the other side of the deck. He called across to Spy's ship. "Spy! What the hell's going on?!?"
But no response came.

"LS?!?" Spy yelled, rushing down to the cabin. "Inv said he couldn't-" Spy arrived at an empty room.

Random shivered in the cold. Snow was forming around Escapia's roads, and fountains had frozen over. In the space of hours, the rebels had taken over most of the town. After Mountbatten's capture, Wokka had ordered all Escapian soldiers to surrender to the rebels, and their leader revealed himself.
"So... an Escapia ruled by Sneaky again... What do you think?" he asked.
The remaining loyalist soldiers had been either killed or captured and taken to small houses that the rebels had converted into prisons, though most had followed Wokka's orders. The rebels were yet to make an attack on the Escapian prison, which held countless loyalist guards who refused to surrender. Those that hadn't fought against the rebels relocated to small camps throughout the Empire. They were free to come and go as they pleased, but were under heavy guard by the rebels.
Aero shivered in his blanket. He turned to Random. "Sneaky led this Empire to greatness... But right now, I'd rather he hadn't staged a coup."
That seemed to be the general consensus around the camp of cold, wet Escapians.
"I just can't believe Wokka surrendered that quickly," Tyrese whispered. "I mean, sure, the majority of the army is off fighting in Futuria, but his power is just... so immense. I never thought he'd go down without a fight."
"Same with Mountbatten," Robipod added. "He just let them take him... I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks that's odd."
The group went silent for a while until Tyrese spoke again. "So do you think this will last? The rebels and Sneaky, I mean?"
"Who's gonna stop them? By the time the army arrives back from Futuria, they'll be exhausted, and the rebels will have had ages to prepare," Robi uttered. "I hate to say it, but I actually miss CUT."
"What if the army got back early?" Aero whispered.
"They wont. They wouldn't risk coming back through the storm," Tyrese explained, nodding to the violent storm still raging over the ocean. It could last for months."
"They wouldn't usually risk it, but what if they knew the Empire was under attack? What if we brought them back?" Aero asked. "We could do it."

"Inv! Derek!" Iron yelled, water splashing as he ran. "Where do you think you're going?"
"Looking for survivors!" Inv yelled, not looking back.
"I'm coming with you!"
"No you're not!"
"Yes I am!"

Zin and LS had trudged for days, but Mojang still seemed like an impossible destination.
"If my map's correct, there should be a village up ahead," said LS. "Then again, this map's old. It could be abandoned."
Zin peered into the distance where a red glow lit up the horizon. "I think I see your village," he whispered.
LS met his gaze. A few kilometres away, a wooden tower collapsed in flames. "It's burning! The whole village is on fire! It's under attack!"
"It's not Escapian, we don't have time to worry about it," said Zin, as though reading his partner's thoughts.
"They could have supplies!"
"But we don't even have power!"
"We have weapons!" LS yelled, raising his bow.

Wokka took a seat, surrounded by the swords of guarding rebels. Next to him, in handcuffs, Mountbatten sat. Across the table was Sneaky. He gestured for the guards to leave the room.
"Gentlemen, we have quite the situation on our hands," Sneaky said calmly.
"Stop this, Sneaky," Wokka said sternly.
"What do you mean? Everything's going as planned. This is what we agreed. The rebels take over, and a restart of Government makes everyone happy again."
"This isn't what we agreed! You were to hand the Empire back over to us. We were meant to be the heroes that saved Esc-"
"Heroes. Wouldn't you like that?"
"This isn't about principals, Sneaky! We agreed! Hell, this whole rebellion's pointless anyway!" Mountbatten explained. "Zin interrogated Towler and Proz, right before you set Victini and his rebel army on the town. We got the information we needed. We were going to save Milo, defeat the Griefers. It would have all been over!"
"Like that ever happens!" Sneaky yelled. "It's never all over. You always get so close... but you never finish it. Take it from me. I used to rule an Empire." He stood up. "Oh, I still do."
Wokka stood. "Sneaky, enough! This is-"
"Guards!" Sneaky yelled. Five guards entered the room. "Take Wokka and Mountbatten here to a couple of nice cells. Nearby. I'll want to speak with them again."

"I SEE PEOPLE!" Stalke yelled.
"NO, IT'S I SEE DEAD PEOPLE!" Skunk corrected.
"No, people! Running through the fire! Three!" Stalke said, pointing.
Foxes pointed the other way. "Yeah, well I see Creatures... Lots of them. The fire must have forced them out of their habitats! Zombies, Creepers, the lot! There are too many of them to fight!"
"The fire will keep them back!" Daemon yelled.
"I wouldn't count on it..." a voice said from behind them. LS stood, chuckling.
"LS! What are you- when did-"
"LS is gone. I wont pretend I'm him. I've taken advantage of a hackbot in Mojang to take this form..." the imposter explained.
"Like Zin..."
LS nodded. "I need this body, you see. Because I want you to die not knowing. Not knowing who I am, or why I'm here."
"You... you killed Glitch, didn't you?" Stalke asked.
LS laughed. "Me? No... But I know who did... Or, what did. And I would advise you to avoid it."
With that, LS waved his arm around, raising the ring of fire to above their heads. Foxes pulled out her sword and charged at him, but was pushed back by the force of a tnt blast as LS pushed his arm towards her. "I have the power of a God!" LS yelled. "And you think you can fight me?"
"Why are you doing this?" Foxes demanded. "Are you working with the Agents?"
"No, my dear. Glitch and I have a few differences. Mainly, he wasn't willing to kill you." LS pushed his sword against Foxes throat. She closed her eyes and waited for the end... But it didn't come. An arrow flew through the fire, landing at LS' feet.
"I didn't miss." Inv yelled. "Let them go!"
Inv and Derek leapt through the flames fully armoured, a bow and arrow in Inv's hand and a steel sword in his accomplice's. Moments later, Iron followed, also fully armoured, a diamond sword raised high.
LS sighed and pulled his sword from Foxes' throat, blocking Derek's first strike. He kicked the CUT agent to the floor, but was quickly tackled by Iron, who stabbed him in the arm. As the sword hit LS' arm, he flickered, the colour of his eyes briefly changing. His eyes widened, realising that his identity could be revealed. "NO!"
LS headbutted Iron and pushed him away with his power. "I've been kicked by you and your Empire for too long! I won't lose again!" With that, he lowered the fire behind Daemon, allowing Creatures to pour into the ring.
"Foxes!" Inv yelled, throwing an iron sword to her. "Protect the others! Iron and I have this guy!"
Foxes nodded and rushed towards the zombies entering the ring. "Skunk, I need you to find us a way out of this ring! Stalke, Minner, go help Daemon!" Daemon was lying on the ground pushing zombies off him.
Skunk rushed around the ring, searching for some sort of a way out. Reaching the conclusion that they were trapped, he threw himself into the fire, yelling in pain.
"Derek!" Inv cried. "Help Skunk!"
"He's in the fire! If we go in after him, we'll burn!"
Inv and Iron were both trying to take on LS, who was using a combination of power and sword skills to keep them at bay, and neither could concentrate. "JUST DO SOMETHING!"
Stalke and Minner kept fighting through the Creatures, but they were unable to get to Daemon, who was backed up against the fire, surrounded by Creatures. "Foxes, we need help over here!"
"Little busy!"
"Iron? Inv?"
But the two soldiers were still struggling with LS. Finally, the imposter kicked them back and used his power to open a gap in the fire for him to escape through. "WE'VE GOT HIM ON THE RUN!" Inv yelled, charging after him, with Iron following close by.
"No!" Minner yelled. "Come back! We need your help! Daemon's going to die!"
But the two had already rushed into the burning forest after their foe.
"Where's Skunk?" Foxes demanded.
Still burning, Skunk had finally finished climbing a tall tree that stood over the rest of the forest. He grabbed one of the vines and through it down into the ring. "Grab on, I'll pull you up!" he yelled.
"Skunk, we need to save Daemon!" Minner cried.
"GO!" Daemon yelled. "NOW!"
"No!" Stalke yelled, pushing the Creatures aside. But it was too late. Daemon had taken a defensive step back straight into the fire. "DAEMON!"
Foxes fell back to the vine. "Minner, grab onto the vine!" she yelled.
Minner quickly did so, and Skunk pulled up. Next it was Stalke's turn.
"We can still save him!" Stalke cried as Daemon flailed madly, burning and surrounded by the Creatures.
"It's too late!" Foxes yelled, pulling Stalke back. "Skunk, Minner, pull us both up!"
The two at the top of the tree struggled, but managed to bring the Escapians up, moments before the Creatures overran them.
When they reached the top, all four rested on the thick branches. The tree was on fire too, but they had minutes before they would need to find some way to escape. Minutes they would savour.
"He's... gone... After everything... he's gone," Stalke whispered.
"But he didn't die in vain," said Foxes. "He allowed us to escape... And we'll take our escape and use it. We'll find whoever that was, and we'll make them pay. I promise."

a) Go help defend the village
b) Ignore the village and continue on

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 18 May 2013, 20:43
by Invunarble
collective gasp, he killed off Daemon!

What a plot twist!

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 18 May 2013, 23:52
by Iron_Fang
The first to die...

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 19 May 2013, 00:57
by Skunk_Giant
Technically Glitch was the first, as he was an actual player ages ago.

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 19 May 2013, 04:21
by RobipodSupreme
Woot, I'm in it! And I made a relevant statement to the continuity!!!
Thx skunk :)

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 19 May 2013, 05:04
by Skunk_Giant
Forgot to put in this choice.

Aero, Robipod, Tyrese, Random
a) Take a ship and try to bring the Escapian army/navy back to fight the rebels
b) Take a ship and go somewhere else (state where)
c) Stay put

Also, anyone else who isn't already in a role (so you can't have been mentioned at Futuria or as a rebel or anywhere else) who wants to aid those who choose to take a ship and find the Escapian army/navy, post here.

Edit: You're welcome Robi! :D

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 19 May 2013, 06:52
by TyrasEngineer
I reckon we should wait until the storm dies down a bit, then grab a ship and try and gather any remnants of the army and navy.

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 19 May 2013, 07:47
by RobipodSupreme
So with a), that's getting the armies of Wokka and Mountbatten to fight the power mad sneaky?
I'd probably go with that.

EDIT: I think a power crazy Sneaky is the greater evil than the CUT which we know and love to hate. The rebel cause has been bastardised by him and we should attempt to return the world to before war tore apart families and dat shizzle

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 19 May 2013, 08:09
by random980
I'm a bit confused >.>
With Wokka and Mount locked up in Escapia, who's leading the army thats in futuria? And why are they there again and what's their goal?
Why do we want to betray the rebels and notify the army to come back to stop Sneaky? I dont see the motivation here? Also i dont understand why i would say, "I hate to say it, but I actually miss CUT." What are the circumstances that have made me say that?

And i choose to stay put.

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 19 May 2013, 15:29
by LS13
Onwards to the village! I will destroy them... or it... or whatever is there with my bow!

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 19 May 2013, 21:10
by Sti_Jo_Lew
What the balls is going on? :lol:

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 20 May 2013, 05:40
by Skunk_Giant
random980 wrote:I'm a bit confused >.>
With Wokka and Mount locked up in Escapia, who's leading the army thats in futuria? And why are they there again and what's their goal?
Why do we want to betray the rebels and notify the army to come back to stop Sneaky? I dont see the motivation here? Also i dont understand why i would say, "I hate to say it, but I actually miss CUT." What are the circumstances that have made me say that?

And i choose to stay put.
The Futuria soldiers are being led by Spybotics. They're there for two reasons. One, to find SuperGlitch (who's existence would prove that the Seahaven Base (and its nuclear weapons) had been destroyed, and two, to keep the army and navy away from Escapia and allow ReCUT to take over (as Mountbatten and Wokka originally wanted this to happen so they could take it back and be seen as heroes, thus restoring the Empire's reputation as well as CUT's).
As for you wanting to betray the rebels - Maybe you don't want to. It's up to you. However, a lot of Escapians want life back to normal, as right now, they've been forced out of their homes and are being forced to live in cold camps in the snow. Those would also be the circumstances for you saying you miss CUT (as CUT represented the normal-er days). However, as per your previous request, I'll edit it so that you don't say that line.
Sti_Jo_Lew wrote:What the balls is going on? :lol:
Well, there are 3 real arcs going on right now.
First and most simply - Following their capture by an unknown group (who claimed to not be Griefers), LS and Zinrius found themselves completely powerless. They escaped back to Escapecraft, but wanted to find out what happened.
Zinrius finally got to interrogate Towler and Proz (who were captured a while ago when 697 - who was pretending to be a convicted Griefer, but was ACTUALLY working for CUT - led Mountbatten to a large Griefer base which Towler was in charge of). During the interrogation, Zinrius discovered that the Griefers were using Hackbots. They used these Hackbots (which were believed to no longer exist) to pose as Notch and later Zinrius. Realising these Hackbots existed, Zinrius convinced LS to come with him to Mojang HQ to find a Hackbot which could restore their powers. Along their travels, the two came across a village under attack, and have decided to intervene.

Meanwhile, Mountbatten and Wokka needed to do something regarding the Empire's perception. After a number of events culminating in the Battle of Seahaven (led by a fake, Hackbot Zin), the Escapians were getting restless and angry with CUT and Escapia as a whole. Sneaky entered the picture, suggesting that he lead a rebellion which Mountbatten and Wokka allow to succeed. Then, with the rebels (ReCUT) in power, he would let the new government slowly rot until Wokka, Mountbatten and CUT as a whole come back in and save the day, thus portraying them as heroes. After agreeing to this, they needed a way of getting rid of the army so that the rebels could easily take over.
After the return of LS, Zin and other members of the Seahaven Army, CUT learned that the Seahaven base (which was in Tekland and housed nuclear weapons) had been destroyed in an attack by a horde of zombies as well as an unknown group of people (this is where LS and Zin were captured).
As the nuclear weapons posed a huge threat, CUT needed to be sure that they were gone, and since they didn't know the location, they agreed to search for SuperGlitch, an Agent who was at the Seahaven Base during its attack. SuperGlitch set of the nuclear bombs to wipe out the zombies. LS informed CUT that SuperGlitch had mentioned heading around Futuria. It is still unknown what Glitch or his other Agents are doing and why they were at the Seahaven Base or Futuria. What we do know is that they pose some sort of threat, as a group of other Agents (apparently under Glitch's command) captured Foxes after she tried to stop them from burning down Futuria's natural life.
So, to combat the issue of 'how do we keep the army from posing a threat to ReCUT?' and also to ensure that the Seahaven Base was destroyed, Mountbatten and Wokka had Spy lead the Escapian Navy and Army to Futuria in search of Glitch. Unfortunately, a strong storm was arriving at the same time, and so Spy realised coming back would be far too risky for some time.
With the Army and Navy out of the way, Sneaky organised the beginning of the rebellion. Unfortunately, right before the rebellion (and before he and LS left in search of Mojang HQ), Zin informed Mountbatten that during his interrogations, Towler had revealed the location of a number of Griefer bases that could hold Milo (who was captured long ago). This meant that the rebellion no longer needed to go ahead, as finding Milo would restore CUT's reputation. Sneaky, however, insisted that this new information changed nothing and had Victini continue with the rebellion. Mountbatten and Wokka surrendered and were imprisoned.
After most of Escapia was taken over by ReCUT (a notable exception being the prison, guarded by Escapian loyalists), a group of Escapians have begun devising a plot to alert the Escapian Navy and Army.

MEANWHILE AGAIN, Spy, Iron, Derek, Inv and LS (but wait, I thought he was somewhere else!) among others were on their way to Futuria. When they got near, they discovered another fleet. Spy boarded one of the unknown ships and spoke with a man named Walker. Walker explained that Glitch and his Agents were on Futuria now preparing to attack Escapia. He explained that Glitch and his Agents were dangerous and had to be stopped, and that he and his soldiers had been following the Agents in attempts to stop them.
Despite some of his crew thinking it was a dangerous move, Spy agreed to aid Walker in the attack against the Agents, resulting in a massive sea battle as the Agents tried to escape the Escapian ships and Walker's ships. At the same time, in a desperate attempt to escape, Glitch and his Agents needed to speed up some sort of process, and began burning Futuria. Glitch and Foxes (who was still a prisoner) were the last of the Agents on the island, when suddenly Glitch was killed by something referring to itself as 'we'. This being, (the Collective), was seen before in Escapia I and II. Sti witnessed it after New Central began getting bombarded by unknown ships, and some of those in Escapia I witnessed it after Collin and his group passed through. It was also mistaken by the Agents (as seen in their letters to Notch), as something Mojang was working on, known as Phase Two or the Beta.
Seeing Futuria burning, Inv and Derek left their ship and rushed towards the shores, followed closely by Iron. At the same time, Minner, Skunk, Daemon and Stalke had crash landed on Futuria's shores, having taken a small, fragile ship from the Escapian docks. The ship, damaged in the storm, was impossible to use again.
Skunk charged into Futuria in an attempt to work out why it was on fire, and found Foxes and the dead Glitch. Minner, Daemon and Stalke arrived shortly after him. Foxes explained that there had to be another ship off the island (that Glitch planned to use), but before they could find it, they found themselves surrounded by a ring of fire. LS arrived and revealed himself to be one of the Griefers, using a Hackbot to take LS' appearance (as with the Notch and Zin cases). Before he could kill the Escapians, Iron, Inv and Derek arrived on scene and attempted to fight him off. At the same time, the mobs of Futuria (which had been growing since its abandonment), broke through the ring of fire (due to LS letting them in). In the resulting battle, LS escaped, with Iron and Inv chasing after him. Daemon was killed, and Skunk, Minner, Foxes and Stalke climbed to safety on a tall tree. Derek's whereabouts are unknown.

Long Story Short
Three arcs -
1. Zin and LS travelling to Mojang HQ to use a Hackbot
2. Escapia's under attack by ReCUT rebels led by Sneaky
3. Spy's leading the Escapian Army and Navy to Futuria to fight the Agents and find and question Glitch (who was killed by the Collective).

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 20 May 2013, 06:10
by Spyboticsguy
So I'm searching for a dead man? Yaaaaaay.

Also, SNEAKY IS FAKE AGAIN. That's not real SneakyPie; it's a hackbot!

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 20 May 2013, 11:08
by random980
Im not sure the crappy conditions under Sneaky's rule was actually explained in the story, it makes sense now though, regarding wanting to signal the army, I'll still stay behind. :P
And a few more questions >.>

Mainly, Who the crap is walker, why is he at Futuria and how does he know Glitch and of his plans?

Also i'm a bit lost regarding the "collective" Who's side is it on, where did it come from and what is it (physically)? Or are we not meant to know any of that yet? Also the "unknown ships" that attacked New Central, Who's were they?

And the rebellion, why was it needed and how could have finding Milo stopped it? I dont see how CUT ever felt they were loosing control of the empire?

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 20 May 2013, 14:57
by Invunarble
Skunk_Giant wrote:-snip-
And I thought deri was bad for making wall of text posts... o_o

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 20 May 2013, 20:09
by Sti_Jo_Lew
This is all completely bonkers, and I have no clue where I am or what I am doing, lol.

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 21 May 2013, 07:05
by Skunk_Giant
Spyboticsguy wrote:So I'm searching for a dead man? Yaaaaaay.

Also, SNEAKY IS FAKE AGAIN. That's not real SneakyPie; it's a hackbot!
Quite the theory!
random980 wrote:Im not sure the crappy conditions under Sneaky's rule was actually explained in the story
My bad. Should have made it clearer.
random980 wrote:Who the crap is walker, why is he at Futuria and how does he know Glitch and of his plans?
We don't know a lot about Walker yet. From what he told Spy, we can piece together that he's clearly an enemy of Glitch and the Agents. It sounds like he has been following the Agents. Why? We don't know. But from what he says, the Agents are attacking Empires and pose a threat to Escapia (hell, he says they even were responsible for the bombing of New Central while you were there), and he and his men want to stop them.
random980 wrote: Also i'm a bit lost regarding the "collective" Who's side is it on, where did it come from and what is it (physically)? Or are we not meant to know any of that yet?
Well, we don't know a lot about the Collective. We can piece together from the Notch sections that it's quite similar to something Mojang are creating called the Beta, but aside from that, we don't know much. It refers to itself in third person (we don't know why), and appears to be able to travel fast or have some sort of ship, as it has been sighted in New Central, Escapia I, near the Seahaven Base, and now Futuria. We don't know how powerful it is, but we do know that it killed Glitch, and may well be responsible for Itchy's disappearance (who was last seen in New Central).
As for where it's from, we don't know. In terms of its physical form, we don't know much either. Nobody has seen it close up (aside from Glitch, but he's dead, so that's no use). It's always seen as a figure in the distance. We also don't know who's side it's on. In New Central, it caused some trouble for everyone, including Escapians, but more recently in Escapia, it spared Foxes and just killed Glitch.
random980 wrote:Also the "unknown ships" that attacked New Central, Who's were they?
While there's no proof, Walker claims that Glitch and his Agents were responsible for the New Central attack. This is backed up by the fact that Foxes overheard some of the Agents talking about New Central.
random980 wrote: And the rebellion, why was it needed and how could have finding Milo stopped it? I dont see how CUT ever felt they were loosing control of the empire?
Well, that's more of a debatable point, but in general, the public were losing trust in CUT and Escapia. The Griefer attacks started getting more frequent, which led to people getting more worried. Sneaky stepped down after Mountbatten was arrested for stealing the VCLB for Proz, and while he claimed that it was all planned, many Escapians suspected that this was all a ploy to allow Mountbatten to avoid jail and continue questioning Proz (which is the truth). On top of that, there was the false Zin incident, which caused panic, the secret documents stolen which led to a number of trials and heated debates. The biggest factor in losing the public's support, however, was the Seahaven Battle which led to the complete destruction of Seahaven as well as the deaths of multiple Escapians.
With all of this happening, people were beginning to despise CUT and the Empire. They planned the rebellion on Sneaky's suggestion, believing they might be able to appear as heroes again if the rebels brought about a worse way of life and then the Empire came back in and restored normal life, thus seeming to be heroes. Hope that makes sense.
The reason finding Milo would have changed this is that it would have restored some panic. It also would have been the first step forward in finding and stopping the Griefers in months (not counting the arrest of Proz and Towler). The other reason that Zin's interrogation of Proz and Towler had an effect on the rebellion is it revealed that the Griefers could be in possession of Hackbots or working with Mojang. This meant that a rebellion wouldn't be the best idea, as it would weaken the Empire at a time that it needed to be ready for anything.

Hope that all makes sense. :D

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 21 May 2013, 09:13
by Invunarble
Skunk_Giant wrote:Well, we don't know a lot about the Collective.

They aren't the collective, they must be collectors! Quickly, someone call Commander Shepard!

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 21 May 2013, 12:16
by Sti_Jo_Lew
So Skunk... where exactly am I?