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Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 09 Feb 2013, 20:03
by ItchyNL
Skunk what happend to me? Am i dead?

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 09 Feb 2013, 20:50
by Skunk_Giant
You're still missing, last seen in New Central.

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 09 Feb 2013, 22:08
by minnerthecat
WHOO! Booze and cigars for all! Sounds like we're in for a good trip, even with the storm.

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 11 Feb 2013, 19:33
by Spyboticsguy
Work with him. He can't hurt us while we still have our powers.

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 13 Feb 2013, 23:49
by LS13
A crazy torture happy wood elf plus a power deprived ice god who would do anything to regain his former power... what could possibly go wrong?

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 26 Feb 2013, 11:33
by Sti_Jo_Lew
Sounds like the premise for a sitcom.

Anywho, I STILL need to get around to rereading this so I know what theballs is going on.

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 26 Feb 2013, 16:22
by Skunk_Giant
And I STILL need to get around to finishing the next post.
Sti, if you like, I can write up a quick summary of what you've missed. Just tell me where you got up to.

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 26 Feb 2013, 19:54
by Sti_Jo_Lew
Don't worry about it, I'll just catch up on it tonight while waiting for my brain to stop being a jerk and let my body sleep.

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 17 Mar 2013, 02:47
by Someguy42
And so PoE died. D:

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 17 Mar 2013, 03:43
by random980
It's not dead yet! Skunk is busy with other stuff, he said when he comes back to minecraft he will continue everything

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 17 Mar 2013, 13:57
by Invunarble
>someone proclaims PoE is dead
>post suddenly appears
>2 days later, someone proclaims PoE is dead
>post suddenly appears

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 18 Mar 2013, 08:44
by minnerthecat
Invunarble wrote: >2 days later, someone proclaims PoE is dead

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 18 Mar 2013, 13:39
by Victini998
>Victini randomly posts because there is no PoE so far this month.

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 19 Mar 2013, 07:05
by Skunk_Giant
Skunk is still here.
PoE is still alive.

No promises on new posts (but I'll edit the topic title when I DO put a new post so you know for sure. Well, assuming I don't forget)

That is all.

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 24 Mar 2013, 04:35
by Someguy42
I died a little when I saw Skunk posted last and I looked and there was no new post :(

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 24 Mar 2013, 12:05
by Invunarble
Not only did PoE die, but Stalke just died too! Quick, someone call an ambulance!

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 26 Mar 2013, 06:40
by Skunk_Giant
PoE did not die. It's in a stable condition, just waiting on a post transplant.

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 26 Mar 2013, 19:44
by ItchyNL
Skunk you should not be allowed to post in here unless its next part of the story!

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 31 Mar 2013, 22:53
by Skunk_Giant
The Prophet stood.
When had he last seen the sun? Where, in fact, was he? It appeared to be a house, but he had no memory of acquiring it. Was it an Escapian house?
He wondered, why was he writing? It was a warningm yes, but how clear was the warning? These visions, were they indeed visions into the future? Perhaps, if he just stopped writing, he could - no. He couldn't think that way. He couldn't stop writing.
But what if he did? Perhaps the events would no longer be set in stone. Perhaps it would be for the best.
So for what may have been days, weeks, months or even hours, the Prophet stopped writing. He sat in the room and stared at the windowless wall, occasionally sleeping and eating. Finally, he stood and decided enough was enough. He reached for the doorknob, desperate to get out and see the world again...
And the doorknob fell to the floor.
A sudden burst of pain hit his head, and he knew now that not writing was simply not an option. Somehow, he knew. Writing was the only way out. These visions had to be recorded...

Inv looked uncomfortable. "Spy," he whispered, "I'm not sure about this. This guy has nothing to offer us."
"If what he says is true, Escapia is in danger. We have to help," warned Spy. Spy nodded to Walker. "Inv, get back to the ship and alert the fleet to prepare for combat. Walker, how long do we have to plan?"
With that, through the rain and fog, a great fleet of ships came into view. "With two fleets, we wont need to plan." He grinned. "You made the right choice, Spy."

Foxes sat in silence and darkness. She had been moved to a new room, but she could still hear voices outside.
"Glitch!" a voice cried. "Ship sightings off the coast of Futuria!"
The man who she knew was Glitch called out from nearby. "How many? Escapian?"
"Not by the looks of it Sir... It looks like-"
"Those assholes again? They've got quite the fleet too."
"Open fire, Sir?"
"No," Glitch sighed. "Let's speed this operation up."
"Sir... The operation will take at least a few more days, maybe even weeks to be done properly. There's no way we can-"
"Screw the operation! We wont get the chance to get back here any time soon, and there's no way we can hold off a fleet that big. Prepare all teams to go, and do what you need to do to speed the operation up."
"Sir, there's no way I can guarantee success on the operation. In fact-"
"Just burn the damn thing!"
"And the prisoner?"
"We're taking her with us. We leave her here, she tells the Escapians everything."
"There's another option, Sir."
"I'm not an executioner." A bright light appeared at the end of the room, and Foxes shielded her eyes. "You!" Glitch yelled from the open doorway. "Out. We're leaving. Now."

Spy raced back onto his ship where the Escapians were preparing for war. Inv had spread the message quickly, and no man wasn't pulling his weight... But what about LS? His powers were gone, and he would be rusty on fighting without them.
"LS," he called out, making his way to LS13's room. "LS, I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to sit out this fight. I'm not risking your life on it." No response. "LS?" Spy knocked on the door and listened for a reply. He heard a faint whispering, but nothing else. "You in there?" Spy waited another minute before opening the door. "LS?"
LS turned suddenly. "Spy. I... sorry, I was..."
Spy observed the room. LS was alone. "I don't want you in this fight."
LS sighed and hesitated before submitting. "Alright. Fair enough."
Spy nodded and shut the door slowly. LS hadn't even tried to argue. He pushed the thought from his mind and rushed back to the main deck to oversee preparations.

Foxes followed Glitch outside and got her first good look at the camp these 'Agents' had set up. Agents of what, she wondered?
"What are you doing here?" she demanded.
"Quiet!" Glitch snapped back. "I need to think!"
Foxes thought of asking again, but her question was quickly answered. Within moments, her beloved Futuria began to burn. The Agents were lighting up all the islands! "NO!" she cried. "You can't burn it! You can't burn Futuria!"
Glitch kept moving, ignoring Foxes. The Agents began to leave Futuria, setting sail as the fleets in the distance drew closer.
"You have to stop the fire! It'll ruin the land! Nobody will be able to bui-"
"This is for the good of Craftmine!" Glitch yelled. "You Escapians have caused nothing but trouble! You just go from one place to the next, leaving the lands as soon as they become inconvenient!" he grabbed Foxes by the arm. "You think I like this? You think I like burning once cherished lands? You think I'm just pure evil?" Foxes pulled away and began running, but Glitch quickly caught up with her and grabbed her again. "I spared your life! I spared it, because I have human feelings! There is no pure evil in this world, only differing perspectives, and OUR perspectives, I'm afraid, differ significantly!"
"If this isn't evil, then what is?" Foxes replied.
"You want to know about evil? Look at your Empire! Look what they've done! YOUR EMPIRE HAVE CREATED PURE EVIL, AND IT'S UP TO ME TO STOP-" Glitch stopped mid-sentence, a look of agony spreading across his face. The fires continued to spread around the two, threatening to trap them, but Foxes was more focussed on Glitch. He let out an inhuman cry before falling to his knees. Foxes rushed over to him, but it was too late. Glitch was no more. Horrified, she looked around. Behind the flames, a dark figure watched in the distance.
"We are not here for you," it calmly said, its voice echoing. Then, just like that, it was gone.

"I see Escapian ships!" Minner yelled. "Lots of them!"
Skunk pushed through the storm and followed the sailor's gaze. "They've stopped!" he observed. "Why?"
Daemon and Stalke joined them. "They look like they're preparing for battle!" Stalke remarked. "We must be near Futuria!"
"Hang on!" Daemon yelled. "Look! Ahead of them! More ships!"
"Those aren't Escapian..." Skunk uttered.
"I don't like the looks of this," Daemon cut in. "Skunk, those ships could be dangerous. This ship isn't stable enough to take part in a battle!"
"Well gents, it's your call. Quite frankly, I thought we'd all be dead by now, so I'm happy either way."

His bags packed, Zinrius stepped out into the empty streets of Escapia. Quietly, he made his way into the less populated mountains and took a seat on a log.
"Zin?" a voice whispered.
"Yeah, it's me."
LS stepped out of the shadows. "We just need to be careful. I doubt Wokka or Mountbatten would approve of this."
"What? Breaking into Mojang's Head Quarters and then stealing and using highly illegal equipment thought to be non-existent, but apparently still held by a select few Griefers? Yeah, they probably wouldn't be too happy."
Zin pulled a map out. "Here, everything in this circle is in Escapian lands. We're somewhere here."
"What's that big uncharted area?" LS asked, pointing to the other side of the map.
"Mojang HQ. Everything past there is known only by Mojang staff. We'll take this route to this town here," Zin said, pointing to an Escapian town. "If the storm has passed by then, we'll ask if we can take one of their ships. Otherwise, we'll continue through these mountains."
LS nodded. "Got it."
Zin looked him in the eye. "You sure you want to do this?"
"Of course."
"Because there's no turning back. After tonight, they'll notice we're gone. We'll need to cover our tracks, but they still might try to follow us."
"Actually, Zin... I think they might have other worries..." LS said nervously.
"What are you talking about?"
LS pointed down to the populated area of the Empire where a fire was quickly spreading. They were far away, but LS was sure he could see cannons firing and Leaders flying around, struggling to hold back the attacks.
"Wait... we're under attack?"
"What if it's the Griefers?" LS asked. "Maybe the Modifiers are here! Should we turn back?"
"And do what? We're powerless. We're pretty much useless against them!"

Demon charged, sword directly in front of him, ReCUT soldiers directly behind him. He was leading the attack on Mountbatten's home, which had come much quicker than expected. He expected the revolution to take weeks, but already they had taken a large part of the town and barricaded it off. He just wondered how long his men could hold off against the Leaders.
Vic rushed ahead of Demon and kicked the door open. There sat Mountbatten at his desk, thinking. He didn't look up when the rebels arrived.
"Louis Mountbatten, you're now a prisoner of ReCUT."
Mountbatten stood up slowly and raised his hands. "Alright then. Take me away."
Demon was cautious. He had expected Mountbatten to try and use his powers against them. He was going to offer a peace treaty to ensure Mountbatten didn't try anything, but the man had already surrendered. He didn't like it. "Mountbatten, before you try anything, know that the rebels are taking this Empire quickly. We plan to spread out to other Escapian towns soon, and I wouldn't be surprised if we had the Empire within a week. However, we want as few casualties as possible, so we're willing to negotiate with you... so long as you co-operate."
"Demon, if I wanted to, I would have wiped you and this group out by now. Take me away. Imprison me. Negotiate with me. Do whatever. I give up."

Minner, Stalke and Daemon
a) Go join the Escapian fleet.
b) Turn back to Escapia
c) Go somewhere else (state where)

LS and Zin
a) Go back and help Escapia fight
b) Continue to Mojang HQ

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 31 Mar 2013, 22:55
by Skunk_Giant

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft NEW POST YAY

Posted: 31 Mar 2013, 23:03
by Invunarble

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft NEW POST YAY

Posted: 31 Mar 2013, 23:24
by minnerthecat
As much as I would like to help Escapia, we're harbouring a fugitive (not that my character knows that). Secondly, our ship isn't exactly combat ready. Futuria was my first home however; I'm familiar with the land and it's nearby! Perhaps we should sail there to look for help, or at least a better ship. There's no sense sailing back to Escapia!

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft NEW POST YAY

Posted: 01 Apr 2013, 06:10
by Someguy42
Celebration time come on! New post, I'll go with what ever option the others choose.

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft NEW POST YAY

Posted: 01 Apr 2013, 20:06
by LS13
Gah hard choice... powers and adventure or battle and friends... eh... f it, onwards into uncharted territory! I vote we move on to Mojang!

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 10 May 2013, 09:00
by Skunk_Giant
"Louis Mountbatten, I'm sorry it had to come to this," Demon said, walking alongside the handcuffed Mountbatten.
Mountbatten simply stared ahead as he was escorted away.
"I don't like it," Vic whispered to Demon. "This isn't right. Mountbatten's up to something. He should have attempted some sort of escape."
"Maybe he really has just given up. Mentally I mean." Demon replied, watching as Mountbatten was put into a guarded cell. "Just... keep an eye on him."

"CHAAAAAARGE!" Skunk yelled, waving his sword madly in front of himself, oblivious to the yells from his crew for him to come back.
"What the hell is he doing?" Daemon asked.
"He's lost his marbles," Stalke replied. "What's he even charging at?"
"I think it's that rock," Minner answered. "I could be wrong though. We really shouldn't have given him a sword."
"Alright, so once Skunk calms down, what's the plan?" Stalke asked. He turned to Minner. "Minner, you suggested we come here, and you know these lands. Any ideas?"
"Well, I was thinking we could look for a better ship and some supplies. This place was abandoned pretty quickly, there must have been stuff left behind... But now I think maybe we should investigate that..." he said, looking beyond the others.
Stalke and Daemon turned around to see huge clouds of smoke floating up in the distance. Skunk noticed their gazes and followed. As soon as he saw the smoke, he looked at his sword, to the smoke, and back to his sword.
"Skunk... slowly come back here-"
But it was too late. Skunk was already running towards the smoke. "CHAAAAAAAAAA-!"

Zin sighed, watching as the city of Escapia began to crumble. "It's up to you LS. If you want to fight for Escapia now, then by all means, go ahead and I'll follow you. But if you want to take this risk and get our powers back, we need to leave. Now."
After a moment of hesitation, LS raised his bow. "Onwards, to Mojang HQ!"

Foxes turned at the sound of the voice. Someone was coming through the burning forest. She rushed over to Glitch's body and searched it, finding an iron sword. "STAY BACK!" she cried.
"CHAAAAARGE! CHAAA-" Skunk leaped out of the burning forest before turning around. "Wait, where did everyone go?"
"Skunk, what's going on?" Foxes asked.
"Uh... Futuria's on fire... I think." Skunk turned his attention to Glitch's body. "Wait... did you..."
"It wasn't me!" Foxes yelled. "This... thing. This... It... It just killed him. Just like that."
Minner, Daemon and Stalke suddenly leaped through the flames.
"Skunk!" Stalke yelled. "Foxes! You're alive! What's going on?"
"I thought you might know!" Foxes replied. "These Agents, they took control of Futuria after it was abandoned. They kidnapped me too!" Foxes pointed at the ships sailing in the distance. "Look, right now, those ships are abandoning the island, and if we're not quick, we'll get caught in the fire. Not to mention, from what I heard, there's some other group on their way here, and I'd rather not meet them."
"That's the Escapian fleet," Minner explained. "They're on their way here!"
"Not according to Glitch and his men," Foxes said, motioning to the body. "I heard him talking with another Agent. He specifically asked if it was an Escapian fleet, and was told it wasn't. Regardless, we need to leave. I'm assuming you guys have some sort of escape ship?"
"Uh, you could call it a ship. Maybe. In some countries," Daemon responded.
"Of course it's a ship!" Skunk yelled. "It just might not be able to sail immediately."
"What do you mean? Surely Wokka and Mountbatten sent you with an excellent ship for a rescue mission!"
"Well, that's the thing..." Stalke said quietly. "We... kinda... aren't with Escapia. Right now."
"What do you mean not with Escapia?" Foxes demanded.
"Well, Stalke's sorta... kinda... a criminal." Skunk explained.
"A CRIMINAL?" Minner yelled. "You didn't tell me that!"
"Well no," Skunk admitted. "But we didn't tell you he wasn't a criminal, so really, I'd say you're in the wrong for making an assumption. You know what they say - when you assume, you make an ass out of you and- wait how does that quote end?"
"You're criminals? What the hell is going on?" Foxes yelled, raising her sword.
"We're not REALLY criminals!" Skunk promised. "See, Stalke just killed Zin."
"STALKE KILLED ZIN?" Foxes cried.
"FAKE ZIN! EVIL ZIN!" Stalke yelled back.
"You've been isolated here for a while, haven't you?" noted Skunk.
"Oh shut up. Let's just find a way off Futuria, then I can turn you in to the Escapian authorities."
"Agreed," said Stalke. "I don't think we should actually let her turn us in..." he whispered to an unamused Daemon. "But the finding a way off Futuria part sounds good."
"Alright, this Glitch guy must have had another ship waiting for him. We just need to head to the coast and find it," Foxes explained.
"Did it occur to you that we're surrounded by fire?" Daemon asked.
"No... no it did not."

"DerekBall away!" Derek yelled, firing a cannonball into Futuria.
"What in Notch's name are you doing now, Derek?" Spy demanded.
"Firing! DerekBall away!" he yelled again.
"Look around, Derek. Nobody else is firing at the island!"
Derek observed his surroundings. What Spy said was in fact true. While he was firing at Futuria, everyone else was on the other side of the ship firing at the rather threatening ship sailing from Futuria. "So should I-"
"Got it."
"Spy!" Inv yelled. "We're reaching shallow waters! If you want to get infantry on Futuria, we need to drop them in the ocean and have them walk the rest of the way. It's just shallow enough, but if we don't turn this ship around soon, the storm will shipwreck us on Futuria!"
"Have you got a team ready?" Spy asked.
"I took a look at the group of islands. A lot of it's up in flames, but I couldn't see anyone. I doubt I'll need a team. Maybe a partner to watch my back at the most. You'll need all the crew you can get on these ships anyway. I'll take LS with me!"
"No!" Spy yelled. "I'm not risking him here!" Spy looked around desperately, eyes finally resting on the one crew member he could spare. "Derek, you've got a new mission!"

Furious with his selected partner, Inv rushed towards LS' room. He had told Derek to prepare three sets of armour and weapons. He knew LS would want to be in the battle, regardless of what Spy said - and besides, he needed LS to identify Glitch, if Glitch was there. Otherwise, there'd be no evidence to prove that the Seahaven Army's base had been destroyed.
"LS!" he yelled, kicking the door open. "We need you, now!"
But LS was nowhere to be seen...

Notch sat quietly, his face lit up only by his computer screen, twirling part of his beard around his finger.
Jeb entered the dark room. "Notch, I have an update."
"The Agents are under attack. They've started an early, uncontrolled burning of the latest target."
Notch nodded. "And?"
Jeb swallowed. "SuperGlitch has been killed. We're unsure if the Escapians are responsible."
"The Escapians?"
"The former rulers of Futuria. They abandoned it."
"Could it have been Walker's men?" Notch asked.
"It's possible... But our reports suggest our worst fears. We believe there's a high chance that it was The Collective."
Notch took this in silently.
"The Agents are no longer officially working with us. Which means we can do it."
"Do what?"
"I personally believe now is the time to complete and release the Beta."


Just so I can get a more up to date idea of who to offer choices to, can you please reply here if you're still reading?

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 10 May 2013, 09:07
by TyrasEngineer
I'm still reading >_>

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 10 May 2013, 09:12
by RobipodSupreme
I'm still reading.

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 10 May 2013, 10:52
by Sti_Jo_Lew
Still need to catch up so I know what the balls is going on.

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 10 May 2013, 13:56
by Invunarble

ergo, yes, I still read this. :D

Re: The Prophecy of Escapecraft

Posted: 10 May 2013, 16:57
by dandres
Still Reading