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Re: Branchscape

Posted: 11 Mar 2012, 18:29
by Tothewhat
Anything specific?

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 11 Mar 2012, 18:40
by Serubin323

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 11 Mar 2012, 18:43
by Tothewhat
Thanks Seru for posting! :) One quick question, I have to put this in like a 23x23 area. Anything specific? Cause I dont think I can fit that in that space...

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 11 Mar 2012, 18:55
by Tothewhat
Thanks everyone for posting, if you have another Idea, please let me know!

I probably won't be on irc much tomorrow. I have to go put my cat down. Great..... :cry:

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 11 Mar 2012, 19:24
by Serubin323
heh, the castle 1:1 fits in a 200x200 area

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 12 Mar 2012, 14:03
by Serubin323
Woah, Put your cat down? I'm so sorry :(

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 12 Mar 2012, 14:12
by Tothewhat
Thanks Seru. We might be able to wait another day or two, have to talk to the vet.

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 12 Mar 2012, 15:10
by Dominikvl9965
So hey ttw do you still remember the cottage plot you gave me well I forgot about and went to br to start on it so I went to my plot but someone else was living there.So could I get a plot in the main tree If there is some space?If there's not I'll just have to wait for windwillow.

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 12 Mar 2012, 15:29
by Choiku!
Dom, ull have to wait for windwillow :/

And don't expect me to be on this entire week, ill be lucky if i am able to just jump in for a few minutes

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 12 Mar 2012, 16:37
by Serubin323
Dominikvl9965 wrote:So hey ttw do you still remember the cottage plot you gave me well I forgot about and went to br to start on it so I went to my plot but someone else was living there.So could I get a plot in the main tree If there is some space?If there's not I'll just have to wait for windwillow.
There is no room right now. I'm not sure if we have any plots really. Tanis do we?

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 12 Mar 2012, 17:00
by Tothewhat
Ya Dom, until Tanis said he can figure out how project managers can hand out plots, you have to talk to seru and tanis bout that, sorry i cant help.

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 12 Mar 2012, 20:44
by tanisjihanis
We have cottage plots to the northwest of br, outside of the walls. Dis made about 8 over there.

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 12 Mar 2012, 21:17
by Zinrius
The world tree is such a great project :( but the way Steveab is industrializing the production of wood makes this poor innocent elf sad. They deserve better...

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 12 Mar 2012, 21:27
by 697134002
Zinrius wrote:The world tree is such a great project :( but the way Steveab is industrializing the production of wood makes this poor innocent elf sad. They deserve better...
Go and replant two saplings for every tree he cuts down.

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 13 Mar 2012, 02:17
by tanisjihanis
That's a brilliant idea 6971. I approve. Also, zin I highly doubt your claims of innocence. ;P

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 13 Mar 2012, 10:33
by Mattybcd
Uhm, I kinda updated :$

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 14 Mar 2012, 20:36
by tanisjihanis
I will be out for the next 2 days: Camping trip. Time to experience some real trees...

And examine their branch structures for Yggdrasil planning purposes ;)

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 15 Mar 2012, 10:54
by Serubin323
tanisjihanis wrote:I will be out for the next 2 days: Camping trip. Time to experience some real trees...

And examine their branch structures for Yggdrasil planning purposes ;)
We will miss you! Have fun!

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 16 Mar 2012, 15:59
by Choiku!
I've been gone for the last few days...but i'm back. :)

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 16 Mar 2012, 16:02
by LS13
I shall be back late tomorrow night :D

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 18 Mar 2012, 14:08
by tanisjihanis
This has been discussed for quite some time, but I suppose its time for an official head nod.

HarborTown(HT) and it's current owner, steveab have agreed to join up with the BR empire. This marks the BR's empire's first steps into a world beyond borjan! Hurrah, celebration, shenanegans and whatnot!

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 18 Mar 2012, 15:48
by XxGhOsTxReCoNxX
Cool, Steve is the owner. And 20,000 post in Gen discussion :DD

Sucks :(

Posted: 18 Mar 2012, 20:54
by Tothewhat
So, I guess Im just having a bad month, but today didn't go well. I spent most of my day in the ER, wasn't fun. I had poured multiple cups of boiling water all over my body when I tripped and spilled it all. After a few pain killers, and disenfecting creams and whatnot, they told me I had 2nd degree burns, not the best news. There are blisters all up and down my leg. :( I will be home from school until Thursday, bed bound because I can't walk. My leg might be scarred, hopefully not. I will be on MUCH medication to reduce the pain, but that means I really can't do much. They told me I was actually VERY lucky for the situation. Could have been MUCH worse, with definate scarring. I still will probably not use boiling/hot/warm water, for a few months. I was in very VERY serious amounts of pain.
I proabably will be like, living on irc. If any of you are on, I will be to. Also, if anyone needs anything done or planned in singleplayer (Yeah right) let me know, I will be very bored.

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 18 Mar 2012, 21:46
by LS13
Why not get on the server? Ik u updated, but u could always use mcnostalgia or other ways of downgrading. And ouch, sorry for that :/ I once spilled hot tea all over my leg, but got it off quickly and only got a minor burn, hope u feel better

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 19 Mar 2012, 07:21
by tanisjihanis
That really sucks ttw..
Hope you heal up fast!

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 19 Mar 2012, 08:25
by Tothewhat
Thanks guys. Im only hoping that my burn doesn't get infected :/ THAT would suck. And Ls, I would downgrade, but waffle and I are busy, like testing out stuff with the new update on a different server. I miss escape so much, but it cant be THAT long until we update.

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 19 Mar 2012, 11:34
by Serubin323
Choiku! wrote:I've been gone for the last few days...but i'm back. :)
Meh, no one cares =P
Love you Choiku! <3

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 19 Mar 2012, 11:35
by Serubin323
Tothewhat wrote:Thanks guys. Im only hoping that my burn doesn't get infected :/ THAT would suck. And Ls, I would downgrade, but waffle and I are busy, like testing out stuff with the new update on a different server. I miss escape so much, but it cant be THAT long until we update.
Burn? What did you do, Try to fire spin? (hehe)

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 19 Mar 2012, 12:37
by tanisjihanis
Choiku! wrote:I've been gone for the last few days...but i'm back. :)
D: I missed that! Welcome back choiku! ^_^

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 19 Mar 2012, 13:29
by Tothewhat
Seru I said it if you scroll up.... :/

Poured a few cups of boiling water that I had just took of the stove all over my body. (Bare Skin) I was VERY VERY lucky. Could have EASILY scarred, hopefully it wont.