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Re: Port Royal Official thread of piratin' bizness

Posted: 19 Nov 2011, 07:31
by SMWasder
This the land we now own.


Re: Port Royal Official thread of piratin' bizness

Posted: 20 Nov 2011, 11:47
by SMWasder
More updates:

Up on the west side I've finished terraforming and there are plots. The road that leads out to a dead end is where the bridge shall join the roads. A word of warning; all the plots up on the cliffs are on top of hollow land. I've also added in a small garden.

Re: Port Royal Official thread of piratin' bizness

Posted: 01 Dec 2011, 18:51
by random980
I should probably tell you. A few days (like a week-ish) Volstag and I got round to making the TTT station, we even made and layed down some tracks. Feel free to connect you tracks to our existing ones.

Also we have planned (as part of the TTT-Lucky 38 train route) for the line to branch off from your already existing 'Island station' and eventually lead towards Lucky38. So the question is, do you mind if we partly hijack your local subway system?

Re: Port Royal Official thread of piratin' bizness

Posted: 02 Dec 2011, 01:25
by Jakeman214
Hey Random, Good news! Ok, I'll try and get on to link TTT Station to Port Royal Station now that your end is complete. As for the Subway, You may need to widen the tunnel to accomodate tracks in both directions but go for it. I'll also fix up Port Royal Station's subway platform for that purpose, and scrap the original Subway plans that got sidelined.

As Lucky38, Port Royal and The Twisted Twin Towers are all USSR towns, that should be easy to establish.

Re: Port Royal Official thread of piratin' bizness

Posted: 02 Dec 2011, 07:35
by SMWasder
Sounds good. I'm perfectly happy to allow you to whatever you need. I guess you could use some of the tunnels that were already dug, but I'm not sure how useful they would be to you. Jakeman did pretty much all the work on the rails and subway system around PR so it's best to listen to him about all of this, especially as I can't make it online so much at the moment. I'll lend a had if I'm around.

Re: Port Royal Official thread of piratin' bizness

Posted: 02 Dec 2011, 08:40
by random980
Ok cool, thanks for responding at speedy like.
Well i was hoping you had maybe a rough map of PR with the subway lines shown via red lines or something. A map would be helpful to see which tunnels need to be used and upgraded. We were hoping to either: make a 3rd line run along the existing rails leading to the island station (in the same tunnel still). Or just making people use the existing line to Island Station then they can jump onto the L38 line from that station. Aiming for the latter.
Anyway a map/layout of your subway system would be very helpful :D

Also i just saw Tenacious D and Foo Fighters live. It was awesome.

Re: Port Royal Official thread of piratin' bizness

Posted: 02 Dec 2011, 09:08
by SMWasder
I'll probably do that later, I've actually been in 6th form for the past five hours, and the school's wifi doesn't let me login to MC.

Re: Port Royal Official thread of piratin' bizness

Posted: 03 Dec 2011, 00:15
by Jakeman214
Here you go Random, I've drawn up a quick map of the rails for you. As at time of writing, all tunnels dug are single block wide. I've begun to connect Port Royal King's Station to the TTT Station, and there are some rails at Port Royal Station leading the way to the Island Station.

You should probably do a Recce yourself and see what needs doing and leave me a list of stuff to do.

Re: Port Royal Official thread of piratin' bizness

Posted: 03 Dec 2011, 11:54
by random980
Thanks for the quick map jake.
We can use the outer tunnels to go directly from the main station to the island station. (From the island station it will go over land diagonally south-east then directly tunnel south to Lucky 38.)
If i catch one of you two on can we start work on renovating the stations and tunnels?

Re: Port Royal Official thread of piratin' bizness

Posted: 06 Dec 2011, 18:03
by SMWasder
Port Royal seems to have been griefed a little- generally missing glowstone, also a large section of road. I'm looking into it, but if there are things missing then please sort it out.

Re: Port Royal Official thread of piratin' bizness

Posted: 06 Dec 2011, 19:52
by Jakeman214
I saw a few blocks missing here and there, so I filled them with either Glowstone or Sandstone as I thought best. I didn't see where the road is missing till I checked just then.


Re: Port Royal Official thread of piratin' bizness

Posted: 07 Dec 2011, 07:07
by SMWasder
It's mainly glowstone taken from lanterns and roads, but the road out by ubercloz/stealthy's houses has been taken too. Probably better to contact a mod rather than fix it up ourselves, mainly for the FIERY WRATH.

Re: Port Royal Official thread of piratin' bizness

Posted: 07 Dec 2011, 08:01
by vallorn
did someone call for FIREY WRATH!? :twisted:

Re: Port Royal Official thread of piratin' bizness

Posted: 07 Dec 2011, 13:33
by SMWasder
Indeed, I did. Unfortunately I can't spend much time in game at the moment so I probably won't have time to sort it out :'( .

Re: Port Royal Official thread of piratin' bizness

Posted: 09 Dec 2011, 09:41
by SMWasder

Along with having farms above and underground, the East island is being port-ified. I'm probably going to tear down that wooden tower and replace it with a stonebrick/wood tower with a netherrack beacon in the top. If anyone wants a plot for a large ship then that area outside the harbour is probably the best place. I'm also going to start making the new land we have ready for building, so I'll be fixing creeper holes, building roads and marking boundaries.

Re: Port Royal Official thread of piratin' bizness

Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 14:58
by SMWasder
I am thinking of actually doing some work on getting PR going again, so if anyone is interested in living in a classy, secluded town in north Fyra, here is the place to sign up. I will probably add new things to the town depending on the interest, and I'll ask all current plot owners if they still want their plots. Work will actually commence, so long as people want to live there.

Re: Port Royal Official thread of piratin' bizness

Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 15:00
by Mattybcd
SMWasder wrote:I am thinking of actually doing some work on getting PR going again, so if anyone is interested in living in a classy, secluded town in north Fyra, here is the place to sign up. I will probably add new things to the town depending on the interest, and I'll ask all current plot owners if they still want their plots. Work will actually commence, so long as people want to live there.
I know i've been here befor, but can I live here? (I'll pay.)

Re: Port Royal Official thread of piratin' bizness

Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 15:19
by SMWasder
Mattybcd wrote:
SMWasder wrote:I am thinking of actually doing some work on getting PR going again, so if anyone is interested in living in a classy, secluded town in north Fyra, here is the place to sign up. I will probably add new things to the town depending on the interest, and I'll ask all current plot owners if they still want their plots. Work will actually commence, so long as people want to live there.
I know i've been here befor, but can I live here? (I'll pay.)
You won't need to pay, plots are always going to be free. I'm just interested to know who still wants to live here.

Re: Port Royal Official thread of piratin' bizness

Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 16:25
by Mattybcd
SMWasder wrote:
Mattybcd wrote:
SMWasder wrote:I am thinking of actually doing some work on getting PR going again, so if anyone is interested in living in a classy, secluded town in north Fyra, here is the place to sign up. I will probably add new things to the town depending on the interest, and I'll ask all current plot owners if they still want their plots. Work will actually commence, so long as people want to live there.
I know i've been here befor, but can I live here? (I'll pay.)
You won't need to pay, plots are always going to be free. I'm just interested to know who still wants to live here.
I know plots are free, but I'll still pay.

Re: Port Royal Official thread of piratin' bizness

Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 23:19
by random980
This reminds me to do more work on the TTT, they really should be more than just 2 shells and a train station!
OH, just realized i can more than double the height of them now! ^_^
When i finish my other projects i am going back to work on them, also a while ago someone replaced all the cobble and wood with stone slabs and i think the other tower was sandstone. Do you know anything about this?

Re: Port Royal Official thread of piratin' bizness

Posted: 09 Apr 2012, 05:53
by SMWasder
I thought that was you :s. I'll check later.

What I'm thinking of doing with PR is reducing our land claim to the north and finishing the bridge to the island. We don't need all the space and it looks quite unnatural, I'd rather make use of the island first (especially as that takes us closer to the rails).

Re: Port Royal Official thread of piratin' bizness

Posted: 21 May 2012, 01:56
by Invunarble
So I was scrolling through some of the groups here, and I found this...
Just wondering, is this town still operated? if so, i'd like a harbor-dock-port-thingy please!

Re: Port Royal Official thread of piratin' bizness

Posted: 25 May 2012, 08:55
by SMWasder
Uhm... Basically no. I've not really been interested in anything about it for a while... it's pretty dead. I've actually got something new planned anyway.

Re: Port Royal Official thread of piratin' bizness

Posted: 28 May 2012, 18:36
by Invunarble
That's a bummer. Fort Tusk on water seemed pretty appealing to me.

Re: Port Royal Official thread of piratin' bizness

Posted: 17 Jun 2012, 00:48
by Jakeman214
Yo SMW, sup mate? I'm back after a long disappearence, and was wondering what you had planned for Port Royal, if anything? Can you you also add me to the cuboid on it, so I can grab my stuff out of some chests?

Re: Port Royal Official thread of piratin' bizness

Posted: 17 Jun 2012, 06:00
by SMWasder
...I didn't really have anything planned for it. I can add you to the cuboid, if you've got any ideas we can always start up again.

EDIT: Touched up a few things around town, like the beach. Actually come up with an idea, I'll show you what I had in mind if we're on at the same time.