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Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Posted: 01 Dec 2011, 21:34
by Eddietester1066
vallorn wrote:
Infesord wrote:What on earth do you mean by "Now do Solitude" ?

Anyway, if you catch me online I can set you for up for work at IC. Another mod might be able too but you'd best wait for me.
Solitude is one of the city's in Skyrim.
Yeeeah... Let's get this one finished first, m'kay?

On the bright side, we're getting really close to finishing another quadrant, so we're around 75% dug out.

Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Posted: 02 Dec 2011, 02:36
by Iron_Fang
I keep on going to help IC when I am not busy but infes ain't on and I got some blackadder class A TNT for me to use

Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Posted: 03 Dec 2011, 07:48
by Infesord
Update: Level 7 South East Corner Cleared!

Only the 6th Level remains and all the platforms as well, Won't be long before the whole corner is cleared.

As for Solitude... or anything else? SHEESH I think I'd rather just use worldedit for the clearing and focus more on the actual building. I mean it was cool to consider doing this all by hand, but it just takes so long. It has actually been EXACTLY a Year since this project began and we're still working on it. Although to be fair I blame that on lack of volunteers, I mean back when the project was still a huge mess and lots to do, and it was a pain to get to it, we still had tons of helpers all the time. Now... not so much. Unless the volunteer ratio can be kept consistent I am not digging out another huge area by hand.

ANYWAY, keep it up guys :)

Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Posted: 03 Dec 2011, 13:38
by Iron_Fang
Way back when TNT was not enabled it was going slower

Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Posted: 04 Dec 2011, 01:27
by Infesord
Yes but it still cool to see so many people talking and working on it simultaneously. Each person doing their own little thing, and I remember when the warehouse actually was a cool place to come back to for payment and a general sense of awe. In fact I am totally clueless where everyone went as time went on, especially when TNT was enabled. Perhaps the exclusion of TNT to only certain people made those TNT-less players resent those who did get TNT.

But I think the bigger thing is that we have lot of people come into Imperial City and do lots of work, then they got bored with MC altogether and left. Such players like Yaedien, KratzKranks, Izzataa, Rodech, still have their boxes with diamond payments and other items they gained while at IC, and I know countless other names who have done quite some work at IC such as Hytro, Mkindy and Mydrox.

Today, I foresee Me and Eddietester doing the majority of the rest of work needed to be done. Maybe that'll change? Only time will tell.

Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Posted: 04 Dec 2011, 15:19
by Rodech
I came back a while ago only to find I was locked out of my own chests, presumably due to it being moved and cuboids being reapplied. Don't think I was ever paid either, but it never bothered me. It's just that I burned out with MC and found other games to occupy me while I'm at college.

Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Posted: 05 Dec 2011, 00:40
by Infesord
Rodech, I was the one who locked all the chests down there (after a theft of the area) and you did get payed for it. If both of us are ever in game simultaneously I can open em up for ya and what not. There was a theft as mentioned above from some of the chests a long while back but most of the stuff should still be there, and I can easily figure out what you had so I can pay you what is due :)

Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Posted: 05 Dec 2011, 18:13
by Rodech
No worries, I probably won't be active until a new survival world goes up for 1.0.0 though. Whenever that happens, I'll try to catch you.

Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Posted: 15 Dec 2011, 05:52
by Infesord
Okay, random and CRAZY update time. I have been up to some major platform clearing and box rearranging by the old North West Corner. I also began carving out the start of the next, and FINAL corner of the Imperial City main dig area: the South West Corner.
Staircase SouthWest.jpg
New Box area.jpg
Top of SouthWest.jpg
Thats the whole setup for the last corner. Pretty much the same as the previous corner except reversed and the staircase comes before the boxes and not in the middle or whatever. As for the old big platform with many boxes:
New Level 4 Junction area.jpg
Platform Removed.jpg
I have condensed them here for the people who actually had valuables (read: diamonds iron or gold ore or vast amounts of rock) so I did remove a lot of people's boxes and items that really didn't have much of value in it. Mostly old diamond tools I handed out so they were IC property anyway. People who have chests with stuff inside to retrieve are (in no particular order): Rodech, Fuzz422365117, Luke2006, smeelo, EricSmarties, Izzataa, Yaedien and KratzKranks. This list and area will be bigger when I remove the South East corner boxes as well, using a similar method of only including boxes and names with people who had vast valuables worth retrieving. All the boxes have a cmodify on them allowed the owners of the items inside to open the chest so you can do it without me.
Old Box area.jpg
Final Main SE area to clear.jpg
As for the final area in the South East. I think I can handle the rest as I can blast the very orderly area with my TNT and the platforms as well. Eddietester, you can start working up top on the new corner if you wish as you do best. I had thought about using random TNT to just remove all the easy dirt but not sure now about that. If you wish eddietester I can take care of that so you just have to deal with mostly rock since TNT can make extremely short work of so much dirt/gravel/sand.

Things are looking good though, so lets keep it up!

Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Posted: 18 Dec 2011, 14:23
by Rodech
Can't access my chest due to the cuboid

Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Posted: 19 Dec 2011, 00:38
by Infesord
Yeah I somehow neglected to think about that. I 'll go ahead and fix that.

Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Posted: 19 Dec 2011, 09:35
by Wildwill002
Roughly what % of clearing up is left?

Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Posted: 19 Dec 2011, 21:05
by Rodech
Thanks Infesford, I've retrieved my belongings.

Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Posted: 20 Dec 2011, 00:28
by Eddietester1066
Wildwill002 wrote:Roughly what % of clearing up is left?
Only the SE corner upper layers (4-9) remain. Based on the number of caves & old mining drifts I've found, I'm guessing it's about 50% air. Once that is cleared, I believe there are also some steps that need to be cut in the border, and then it's time to crack the whip on the build team...

Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Posted: 20 Dec 2011, 01:48
by Infesord
Yeah its really hard to say overall what percentage we are at because of the edges that will need to be done after the main area is removed. I also need to ask the admins about some the made structures in the area that may need to be moved so we can do all the edges, because at the moment only the west and east edges look doable due to lack of anything in the way besides the land.

On the south there is the Priory of 9 and a Pixel art of Blastoise (for some weird reason) and at the north we have the Mod Fortress and the dragon symbol laid out on the ground.

But if you want some numbers? I would say that with the main center digging we are 80% completed. 85% when I finally clear the South East Corner (shouldn't be long till that happens) and all the platforms sitting around. As well I am removing boxes of players with little worth and moving boxes with people valuables to the claim area just at the bottom of the main lift from the warehouse.

Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Posted: 22 Dec 2011, 00:19
by deep_leviathan
How much longer will the project go on do you think?

I'd like to help sometime soon, if theres still work!

Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Posted: 02 Jan 2012, 12:49
by sag185
Me and eddietester cleared the top level of the last corner left, i've been slowly getting through my tnt supplies helping out, just need some tools and i can get started again, i went through 3 picks of my own >.<

Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Posted: 08 Jan 2012, 04:18
by Infesord
Update Time!

Okay, lots of work done once again, but more so in many different areas, mostly because I'm still setting things up for the edges to be worked on. The final corner in the South East is being chewed away at a feverish pace with eddietester and sag185's handy work up top, which I have helped from time to time cleaning it up a bit from all the "swiss cheese" holes up there from past incorrect TNT uses.
Box setups.jpg
Top area.jpg
Swiss Cheese.jpg
I do have to say though, out of all the workers at IC, Blastoise has got to be the laziest. I mean cmon he has 2 Hydro Pump cannons, he could just blast that swiss cheese away... or at least eat it.
Anyway, other things to note in this update is the edges, which still presents us with more work to do, hence the changed title in for this thread. I have figured a simple method to remove the edges out bit by bit using the layering system we have used before. The only problem is some of the top areas are so encroached by huge mountains it will take some time to smash those down to foundations when we get around to them. I mean it's either that or I manually use my Minor Ion Cannon method to blast em. In any case, here are some more pics:
West Edge.jpg
West Edge Top Area.jpg
As well, the Warehouse has gotten some upgrades and had some of those ridiculous chests gutted out. I figured most were mostly filled with nothing much and was mostly right. plus all those signs were causing the frame rate issues up there as well. Although there is still the sign room with tons of signs, but those arn't going anywhere because of its true nostalgia value.

The main thing about the warehouse is 3 (and in the future, 4) new rail tracks that actually go down to the ground floor outside the city to each of the edge walls. That will be your way to and from the warehouse to get to the work area when we start to work on the edges.
New Warehouse.jpg
The east area has some basic planning started, but nothing too crazy right now.
East area.jpg
East Edge.jpg
Heres a photo on the dark side of the Imperial City that hasn't seen work on it in ages, and it looks interesting NOT being surrounded by a bunch of floating random blocks like it was months and months ago.
Imperial City unfinished.jpg
As well, here's an interesting photo of what it may look like if you are making an ocean of your own using very practical methods.... or if you had some huge leak in your grassy basement.
Leaky Roof.jpg
Lastly, here is what IC looks like from up high currently. just to give you an idea of what we've got.
Top View of IC.jpg
But yeah, stuff looks good so far. I can't wait till we all start working on the edges. I estimate a few months to when we get to that part. At least then we might be able to convince Lionheart (or drag him here by force) to start building and stuff :D

Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Posted: 08 Jan 2012, 09:44
by Wildwill002
Its funny to think that with just a few commands this could all have been done in a month

Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Posted: 08 Jan 2012, 10:23
by sag185
But that takes the pride out of it.

Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Posted: 08 Jan 2012, 10:24
by mydrox
and the fun

Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Posted: 08 Jan 2012, 10:26
by Wildwill002
And it wouldnt help people make new friends through work on the project :3

legit ftw

Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 10:46
by herpmyderp
I helped make so much swiss cheese :D

Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 12:12
by Eddietester1066
herpmyderp wrote:I helped make so much swiss cheese :D

Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 13:02
by vallorn
herpmyderp wrote:I helped make so much swiss cheese :D
you can thank me for the area where the leafpocalypse was. :lol:

Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 16:21
by Mattybcd
Ya know only read the first page of this thread, and I gotta alot of spare time ont hands what the hell I'm in my town has resis I can wait to do that

Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 18:22
by sag185
I just spent a few hours making a massive go at the bottom half of layer 8, I've made a long, long side ready to be tnted, but decided to go before i fell asleep. Just thought id say i helped. also herp, swiss cheese in the IC project is the number one cause of death of kittens.

Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 19:44
by The Bum
Infesord wrote:Lionheart (or drag him here by force) to start building and stuff :D

I hope you bring smelling salts and body bags....

Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 19:52
by vallorn
The Bum wrote:
Infesord wrote:Lionheart (or drag him here by force) to start building and stuff :D

I hope you bring smelling salts and body bags....
you have my stick!

Re: The Building Of the Imperial City: Now with moar work!

Posted: 10 Jan 2012, 18:27
by Infesord
To be fair, not ALL the holes in the Swiss cheese surface is caused by TNT use, some of them really are just natural caves that haven't been filled in or layered off by me.