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Re: Branchscape

Posted: 07 Feb 2012, 13:27
by tanisjihanis
(Wonderful Tyrese!)

Okay... lots of stuff going on right now!

The wall building is going great; we have completed approximately 60% of it. Itchy has built a windmill on the slopes, and is now working on a lighthouse. Xan is building a giant farm outside of the north gates, TTW has finished the post office, Venomm is working on the dome of WW(Which is rather needed, because more and more people request to join daily), and me n seru have finished the tree for the BR embassy that derigin requested.

Projects on stall include roots and the mushroom cavern. (Cause we got bored with them)

Evictions will occur next weekend!

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 07 Feb 2012, 14:27
by Serubin323
Ill get some more leaves and such for ww

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 07 Feb 2012, 18:44
by Tothewhat
Ya as Tanis said, I finished the post office. But a lot of people are asking me like wont people rob it and stuff. I have a solution! So, there is a mailbox (chest) for everyone in br. (please let me know if theres not one for you, or if you cant open it) Above all the mailboxes is a blank block. If you need to give someone something, you should put a sign above their chest, and say what your giving them (exaclty) and who its from. Make sure its a private sing, and add just the person you're giving it to. That way, no one can steal without us knowing! If you have a question about this, or anything to do with the post office, please let me know! Thanks!

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 07 Feb 2012, 19:49
by venomm2
But if anything ttw, that'll cause the mods a lot of trouble, and i dont think they will do it causse we are a private cuboid, ive run into minor griefs and that stuff before and the mods dont help because we added these people to our cuboid, not sure if the same logic applies to stealing, but still...

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 07 Feb 2012, 21:12
by tanisjihanis
She saying it won't be openable(the block placed above it will not be breakable) except by the person whose mailbox it is. Good idea TTW.

Kinda like the seal on a letter

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 07 Feb 2012, 22:06
by venomm2
o... GENIUS :shock:

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 08 Feb 2012, 21:53
by ItchyNL
Lighthouse is finished. I need a new project!

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 09 Feb 2012, 08:44
by tanisjihanis
tanisjihanis wrote:*snip*

-Half plank 'sky' bridges between the trees (These would be built in a design similar to the ones in the center of the cavern. See that for reference... If you make it properly, It should create a slight curve, with the lowest point of the bridge in the middle. The point is to make it look like rope bridges, not just long flat planks from tree to tree)
-Helping me build the wall around BR(I'm still working on a design, so just gathering smoothstone and vines at the moment)
-Guard towers(to be placed at key point on the wall)

Hmmm... Observatory?

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 10 Feb 2012, 17:21
by ItchyNL
This is what happens when i get bored @ work
Spoiler! :

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 10 Feb 2012, 17:24
by Milo_Windby
ItchyNL wrote:This is what happens when i get bored @ work
Spoiler! :
I have to admit, that looks sexygreat.

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 10 Feb 2012, 17:57
by tanisjihanis
That is truely impressive itch!

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 10 Feb 2012, 18:25
by ItchyNL
Never thought i had it in me.

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 10 Feb 2012, 21:28
by Tothewhat
Thanks guys. And Venom, Im sure our very own Seru would be able to help with stealing!

Tanis, I've been strolling around br a little bit, and besides that one path, and some others, is there anything specific you want me to beautify? Br's already pretty beautiful, and until the cavers are finished, I don't think I have anything to beautify. Also, Tanis, I still need to talk to you in game about my little idear for Br. Are we doing anything for Valentine’s day next week?
I can deliver Valentines from the post office!

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 11 Feb 2012, 09:58
by Tothewhat
Ok Tanis here I go:

I think BR should only have 1 main shop. Seru and I in a way share one. I've always been the town shop. Now Time says he wants to open a shop for Farming. I know it seems like he will do that, and I do everything else. But I sell mostly with food. And thats from farming. So if he opens a shop, most likely one of us will ahve no buisness. I think it will make more sense and be easier if we keep one shop. I've always been Br's shop and I love that. I love touring people around br and showing them my shop. Please keep one shop.

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 11 Feb 2012, 10:27
by tanisjihanis
My suggestion: you sell raw mats he sells player created mats.

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 11 Feb 2012, 11:19
by trovo22
Hey. I know Im new to the town but am hoping to create a supply shop. Now, this will not hurt TTW's shop nor Timelinks shop. This is a shop merely so that TTW and Timelink can restock. Let me know if it's an okay idea or out of this world.

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 11 Feb 2012, 16:18
by venomm2
well, looks like branchscape will have many shops, but what exactly is the issue in it?

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 11 Feb 2012, 17:21
by tanisjihanis
Issue: TTW would like to hold a monopoly on the trading in br.

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 11 Feb 2012, 19:44
by venomm2
Resolution: Deal with it


Re: Branchscape

Posted: 11 Feb 2012, 20:09
by tanisjihanis
DK and Trovo have been added to my list of private tree commissioners.

After I finish wilds and then gannons.... I'll do theirs

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 11 Feb 2012, 20:18
by venomm2
so thats four tree now???

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 11 Feb 2012, 20:30
by tanisjihanis
make it like... 6... perhaps

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 11 Feb 2012, 20:32
by venomm2
well damn...

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 11 Feb 2012, 21:36
by Tothewhat
Tanis, teach me, and ill help! :D
Its as simple as that!

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 12 Feb 2012, 13:27
by trovo22
Wait TTW, I thought you were supporting my idea. Make it so you could restock within BranchScape. So would you controling the monopoly of shops, would mine be included? I just want to know if I'm approved or denied by Tanis so please tell meh! BTW Tanis, if I payed 7 dias and a stack of gold how big would it be?

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 12 Feb 2012, 15:49
by trovo22
TTW I need a Mailbox, but my tree isn't built yet so... yea. Oh tanis, when we're both on could I show you the place I want my tree?

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 12 Feb 2012, 15:54
by tanisjihanis

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 12 Feb 2012, 17:46
by trovo22
Okay guys. So Tanis has given me the heads up for the supply store. Hopefully it'll be less of a burden for the shopowners. Thanks!

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 12 Feb 2012, 17:53
by tanisjihanis
Also, if anyone hasn't noticed, Seru has added a spoiler to the end of the OP detailing how to get a sexy BR banner(like mine), if you guys are interested.

(Sexy banner)

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 12 Feb 2012, 18:15
by Wildwill002
Whats the banners dimensions... just curious for completely none pixely reasons...