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Re: Branchscape

Posted: 26 Feb 2013, 17:12
by Invunarble
aeroeng15 wrote:That's because I was politely asked to trim it.
vallorn wrote:aero can I ask you to remove 1 or 2 of those images from your Sig? its annoying when I have to scroll past these blocks of images so many times per thread.

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 26 Feb 2013, 17:33
by tanisjihanis
Well to be fair, those banners are quite snazy.

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 26 Feb 2013, 20:32
by tanisjihanis
Okay, due to request, there is a tentative Branchscape Kareoke Livestream party planned for this Sunday (3/3/13) at 2:30 Central Standard Time.

Hopefully we can get a decent number of people onboard, we will be using the branchscape livestream and will be giving out our temp username and password for those interested in participating.

This means that if you would like to participate, you need to the the Livestream Procaster (free) at

Join us on Sunday @ !

We hope to see you there, and please leave your song suggestions in the comments.

(Link to check timezone: ... html?p1=24)

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 27 Feb 2013, 17:33
by MrWhales
Lord_Mountbatten wrote:
MrWhales wrote:Edit: Non sequitor, but I'm attempting to compile a signature bigger than most of my posts.
Do that and you will find your signature mysteriously blank and your ability to edit it gone.
Spoiler tags to hide stuff?

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 27 Feb 2013, 17:59
by tanisjihanis
Muh Barfday

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 27 Feb 2013, 18:09
by Wildwill002
Yay! You're the same age as me now. Trust me, this age is overrated

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 27 Feb 2013, 21:06
by LS13
Yay I'm older than tanis by over a month!

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 28 Feb 2013, 02:34
by RobipodSupreme
which age is this?

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 28 Feb 2013, 08:14
by tanisjihanis
Turning 17

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 28 Feb 2013, 11:16
by RobipodSupreme
Woo, I'm only a month and a bit younger than you! Herpy berfdeh!

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 28 Feb 2013, 13:06
by Invunarble
Oh nooo! I hope I don't end up as a babbymod babbybranchscape-thread-poster-guy...

My birthday is still a month away. :c

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 03 Mar 2013, 15:09
by tanisjihanis
Time change on kareoke livestream due to request: moved to 3:30.
Which is in 1hr and 30 mins from this moment.

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 03 Mar 2013, 15:15
by Invunarble
A karaoke? In the middle of the day? When noone is drunk or anything?

You should probably set your time for a bit later if you are going to do a karaoke for the lols. :P

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 03 Mar 2013, 15:49
by LS13
Well considering a bunch of us are underage, we are (for the most part with some exceptions) always not drunk...

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 03 Mar 2013, 18:21
by tanisjihanis
Alright, so the livestream went okay. I can run a take two next weekend at the same time if that is agreeable.

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 03 Mar 2013, 21:48
by Choiku!
LS13 wrote:Well considering a bunch of us are underage, we are (for the most part with some exceptions) always not drunk...

edit: am i allowed to caps on forums posts? idk, i think i am, but idk... :mrgreen:

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 03 Mar 2013, 22:03
by tanisjihanis
Yes. I am proud, well done sir.

So, I've been thinking a lot, and I have a question for any of our Forum Topic Readers out there interested.

If you were given care of the Branchscape Capital (complete control), what would you do with it? What would you plan to do with it?

Please, constructive answers only. I know about half of you out there would like to burn it to the ground, but I already know those of you that are interested in that and I don't need to hear about it in this situation. (Pretty much everyone, including me has had that urge before.)

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 03 Mar 2013, 22:48
by LS13
tanisjihanis wrote:Yes. I am proud, well done sir.
Me too man, pretty impressive :D
tanisjihanis wrote:If you were given care of the Branchscape Capital (complete control), what would you do with it? What would you plan to do with it?
If I were actually active enough and not consumed by schoolwork, theatre, and choir I would make a giant ice tree.

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 04 Mar 2013, 02:36
by Iron_Fang
tanisjihanis wrote:Yes. I am proud, well done sir.

So, I've been thinking a lot, and I have a question for any of our Forum Topic Readers out there interested.

If you were given care of the Branchscape Capital (complete control), what would you do with it? What would you plan to do with it?

Please, constructive answers only. I know about half of you out there would like to burn it to the ground, but I already know those of you that are interested in that and I don't need to hear about it in this situation. (Pretty much everyone, including me has had that urge before.)
Allow black adder on it tbh :)

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 04 Mar 2013, 13:56
by Invunarble
Why yes, I am genuinely sure that blackadder would be a caring and loving owner to a large, completely not-flammable tree. I am sure he would care and nourish it every single day happily and genuinely, and never ever ever have an urge to do anything harmful to it at all.

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 04 Mar 2013, 17:51
by Wildwill002
tanisjihanis wrote:If you were given care of the Branchscape Capital (complete control), what would you do with it? What would you plan to do with it?
Try and gain more residents whom are more active and begin to terraform the local area so that it looks as though the tree is growing out and roots are appearing above ground

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 05 Mar 2013, 11:01
by Choiku!
Assuming i had the time (summer, palace finished, etc) i would first start with terraforming a lot of the land in and around the capital to look cleaner and i would then redo the roads and paths of br to help people, especially newcomer, around branchscape because even now i sometimes get lost. I would then work on clearing out the plots in the main tree to allow for more residents to join and live in, there are many old houses and structures lying around and the branch rooms on the 3rd floor need to be remade(unless thats been done while i was away). I also remember that you started on the final floor of the tree and attempted to make plots(dunno if you finished that either). I would also work on completing WindWillow and the arboreal bridge thing as well as making sure we have all the amenities possible within the town, ideally so people would have access to basically everything essential. I could go on listing pretty much very single project that was half finished, which are most knowing branchscape :P, but the point is i would make the most use of what we have. However the key issue i see with the capital is that it is in the old world, which is hard to change a second time as we can tell from the first experience. The main thing i would do to solve this is set up an easier way to travel back and forth from branchscape. The borjan rail is long and has many breaks in it (4 or 5 if i recall correctly).

TL;DR: Terraform/organize/makelessconfusing, finish old projects and make amenities better, acquire more residents, and better travel to and from branchscape.

Edit: new building style proposal god tree:

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 05 Mar 2013, 11:29
by Sti_Jo_Lew
I would probably try to make the trees look less symetrical and more realistic. That, and redo/update the roads and public buildings.

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 05 Mar 2013, 12:18
by RobipodSupreme
I would set everything on fire, and then force the ex-residents to build a 256 block high statue of me, with laser eyes, from the remaining materials.

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 05 Mar 2013, 14:15
by MrWhales
RobipodSupreme wrote:I would set everything on fire, and then force the ex-residents to build a 256 block high statue of me, with laser eyes, from the remaining materials.
Someone read the "be constructive, not set it on fire" part of his question.

Also, SAFW City is under BR control as whatever Tanis chooses. So I imagine at the moment, it's a park I used to live in.

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 05 Mar 2013, 14:25
by RobipodSupreme
MrWhales wrote:
RobipodSupreme wrote:I would set everything on fire, and then force the ex-residents to build a 256 block high statue of me, with laser eyes, from the remaining materials.
Someone read the "be constructive, not set it on fire" part of his question.

Also, SAFW City is under BR control as whatever Tanis chooses. So I imagine at the moment, it's a park I used to live in.
See, construction >.>

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 05 Mar 2013, 23:28
by LS13
Venom, there is a rail running from frost into br that was meant for mail but it was never completely set up. It could be adapted as a train station.

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 06 Mar 2013, 10:36
by SMWasder
Chop it down, force the residents to smelt cobble and pave the whole thing over. We could turn it into a giant car-park.

That or just keep it roughly as it is, with a few swanky-ass buildings added.

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 06 Mar 2013, 22:05
by Tothewhat
So I've been reading through everyone's ideas, a lot I like, a lot I find rude that people are joking when tanis asked to be serious, but...

I'd WANT to do exactly what wild said, but I know I wouldn't be able to get myself to change anything, physically with the main tree, (remember the station lift?).
I care for memories too much.

Although, if I could do ANYTHING, my two main goals would be activising it with new residents, and finding a way to reduce lag.. If that's possible..

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 06 Mar 2013, 23:36
by Choiku!
LS13 wrote:Venom, there is a rail running from frost into br that was meant for mail but it was never completely set up. It could be adapted as a train station.
i was actually thinking of going with the nether rail idea once again because, if i remember correctly, in the nether 1 block traveled = 7 in normal world, which in general would reduce travel time, i think someone attempted a nether rail before but it never happened tho, but maybe we can pull it off. If not then then the mail rail is defiantly a good halfway point, the issue is getting a single rail to go from nyasta to frost