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Re: Branchscape

Posted: 14 Apr 2012, 15:10
by tanisjihanis
MrWhales wrote:
viaticsnarsnar wrote:I tryed making a branch and it was really bad, so i think i might leave you up to the branches

I'd like to have a residence here, but I havent looked at the plans too much. So.... I'll be back?
He's back^

Just noting that whales finally got his residence here :D

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 14 Apr 2012, 15:19
by ItchyNL
I hope you sept well Tanis. You needed it.
Congrats to everyone who got promoted.

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 14 Apr 2012, 15:21
by tanisjihanis
Yeah... a little bit more sane today....

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 14 Apr 2012, 21:50
by LS13
Im making an awesome adjustment in frost to the postal service, where mail will be auto delivered to houses. Im thinking of eventually connecting frost's postal service to br too :)

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 15 Apr 2012, 07:54
by Tothewhat
Yeah, LS, Thats was supposed to be my job to deliver, but honestly, I have no idea where everyones house/tree is, and half of the residents in BR, don't have a mailbox...

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 15 Apr 2012, 08:03
by Xan_Krieger
First some suggestions for the Branchscape website
1: List of ranks and the people who have them <-already there, turns out Internet explorer derps the site, thanks to M4 for teaching me about the compatibility issues
2. screenshots of BR

Secondly some Farmscape stuff
1. I am making progress daily, it's just slow.
2. Just putting this warning out there that if you jump in the farm area (in the one partially completed area) there is a risk of jumping between the glass panes (a nice cost cutting measure on my part) and having your head in the lava. Also there is only one ladder to get down to the bottom. I am NOT responsible for deaths on the farm. Why? Because I'm posting this warning, besides there's no reason to jump (unless you're really depressed and want to end it all).

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 15 Apr 2012, 08:20
by Tothewhat
I love how your asking yourself questions in that post...

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 15 Apr 2012, 15:19
by tanisjihanis
LS13 wrote:Tanis's plot-- still empty
;_; eventually...

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 15 Apr 2012, 16:33
by Zinrius
I shall redeem myself and proof I am the master of trees, and so, I declare a competition to see who can build the most impressive tree kingdom in the server starting now. You all vs me, The Server Elf.

It shall not be an easy battle, but my kingdom must rise and claim the seat of power!

That is all, Good luck.

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 15 Apr 2012, 17:09
by Wildwill002
How longs this here competition going on and you dont get creative right?

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 16 Apr 2012, 08:13
by tanisjihanis
Zinrius wrote:I shall redeem myself and proof I am the master of trees, and so, I declare a competition to see who can build the most impressive tree kingdom in the server starting now. You all vs me, The Server Elf.

It shall not be an easy battle, but my kingdom must rise and claim the seat of power!

That is all, Good luck.

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 16 Apr 2012, 18:23
by LS13
Dont worry tanis, we got a full year head start :P

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 16 Apr 2012, 18:45
by Tothewhat
And with all your little Tree Making Minions on our side, we will NEVA FAIL!!!!!

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 16 Apr 2012, 18:46
by tanisjihanis
but but but... I wanted zin's tree making skills on my side ;_;

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 16 Apr 2012, 20:01
by Tothewhat

That means A LOT!!!! :'(

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 16 Apr 2012, 20:08
by tanisjihanis
I meant in addition to my 'little Tree Making Minions' silly. Oh well, doesn't look like that's going to happen. Okie dokie-- In response to this challenge I WILL...

...keep doing exactly what I'm doing.
Interested in seeing what you come up with though zin. More tree on server is always a good thing.

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 16 Apr 2012, 20:13
by LS13
Zin u rnt goin to use any special mod powers r u :P

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 17 Apr 2012, 03:05
by vallorn
You people are building me and Black more firewood? YAY! :)

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 17 Apr 2012, 07:14
by tanisjihanis
Stay away ye fiery monstrosity! We shall poke ye with long an pointy sticks we will, ifen ye gets too close.

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 17 Apr 2012, 07:39
by SMWasder
Fire? I'd watch out for mysterious accidents if I were you. You never know who's watching... Always watching...

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 17 Apr 2012, 08:02
by tanisjihanis
D: there's no escape from the haunting bedrock!

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 17 Apr 2012, 11:16
by J4Numbers
The person who sets fire to branchscape, will be hunted down by Steveab with a stack of his legit TNT

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 17 Apr 2012, 14:00
by Tothewhat
Same as always in Branchscape. People threatening each other with greater and greater stuff each post.

*sighs* Feels like home

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 17 Apr 2012, 15:24
by LS13
Hehehe me and fire in the last hunger games round :I

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 17 Apr 2012, 17:25
by viaticsnarsnar
remember the little tree project we started a year ago...soooo many memories! you just made my day w/ that message :) glad to see that some friends, even after so long, still care about you!

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 17 Apr 2012, 17:43
by Xan_Krieger
Tanis, you wanted to see the progress.

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 17 Apr 2012, 19:55
by tanisjihanis
viaticsnarsnar wrote:remember the little tree project we started a year ago...soooo many memories! you just made my day w/ that message :) glad to see that some friends, even after so long, still care about you!
Always mate, glad I made your day! Everyone meet one of the two other founders of branchscape.

Seriously mate, you should come check the place out. I shelled out 10 bucks to get it cuboid moved to the new world, and we've been expanding ever since.
Just take the south borjan(new world marked with a B and light blue carpet at the hub) rail all the way to it's end and see the website: under 'Where?' for more instructions.


Re: Branchscape

Posted: 17 Apr 2012, 20:03
by viaticsnarsnar
I was able to see the AMAZING...simple stunning Branchscape, Xan showed me so, thanks again Xan. We defidently have to catch up! but yeah im ecstatic to be back! saw the website, thank you for including me in the history :) and do you know of Wildwill or Jaggorax? well you should probally put my return in the history section and im just so excited to be back!!!!!!
p.s. I'm planning on going head into the scape and helping out as much as I can, it will be good to have a master tree builder back and uhh...hopefully you won't have me start off as a resident! :P

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 18 Apr 2012, 04:03
by J4Numbers
*sigh* I shall add you to the history in a footnote now
Also, what would you rather start as?

Re: Branchscape

Posted: 18 Apr 2012, 08:01
by tanisjihanis
He's starting as a dedicated resident. That's where I put wild when he came back.