Branchscape is Finished!

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Branchscape is Finished!

Post by tanisjihanis » 05 Nov 2011, 14:57

Gather round ye new players, and ye old, and hear the story of Branchscape and how it came to be...
Spoiler! :
In the younger days of the server, long before the new worlds were discovered, in the golden age of the corinthian empire, just before the rise of the USSR, an intrepid band of players by the names of Tanisjihanis, Wildwill, and Viactic SnarSnar set out on an epic journey to build a tree...large enough to house a city!

From the start, the players were unknown and lacked experience. They were lent a large expanse of land by corinth, where they could build their prototypes far away from prying eyes. The construction was fraught with difficulty, and materials were painstakingly difficult to obtain. Thus, the leader Tanis created a set of plans to help most efficiently construct their structures. However, there was a lack of coordination, and in one of the schism that rent the land (an update), one of the original founders, WildWill was separated from the group for a long period of time. When he returned, he left the project in search of a fresh start. This caused a huge slow in construction, and left the project on the verge of puttering out. Another player, Vallorn in an unusual act of kindness not involving lava steped in and revived the project, adding his own spin to it.

In the light of this new burst of activity, there was a sudden flow of new ideas and residents to the tree. A rail was established in no small part thanks to the help of Jaggorax, the founder of Corinth, and Branchscape was established as completely seperate from corinth. Viactic and Tanis were swept up in the river of this sudden success, and immediately began plans to create a double of their structure in the new world, recently uncovered by Hax. But alas, this venture stretched their resources too thin, and production came to a halt. When another schism shook their world, Viactic was lost from the server, never to return. At the end of the schism, Tanis looked around to find that he was alone. His creations lay empty and lifless, their previous inhabitnts rushed off to colonize new worlds. Struck by lonliness and unsatisfaction in his creations, Tanis decided to burn them to the ground. However, when he was prevented from doing so by the strange laws of minecraft nature, he instead put the tree under the care of Nart, as he was urged to do so by his friends, and he left the server for a great length of time.

When Tanis returned to the server, he came back with new ideas, and renewed confidence. However, as he looked around, he found that many of those he had once known well were gone, replaced by many new faces. He found that the server had grown much bigger than him and his old project, but this was something that he resolved to change. And so, New Branchscape was born!

Working in isolation, Tanis strove to fix all the imperfections he had found in his original creation, and to create a utopian city. Over the course of the next few months, he worked in solitude, to deconstruct, and rebuild the majority of the porject, creating a dome, open air branches, and a symetrical road system where there had before been a jumble of misshapen and claustrophobic passages and houses. During this period of time, he dedicated himself to the completion of the project, to the exclusion of aquiring personal wealth, and interacting with other players. However, eventually, his drive puttered out and in search of new inspiration, he went exploring the new worlds. It was there that he met Venomm. Venomm showed Tanis the world in a new light, with the possibility of meeting new players and gaining appreciation for his creation. Together, the two returned to Branchscape, where Venomm took up residence, and started his own project, while Tanis continued his.

And now...
It is finally finished!
...Probably ;)

TL;DR: I finished Branchscape after putting approximately 300 manhours of work into it.

Now selling plots! Post on the Branchscape forum topic if you would like to obtain one.

Directions from terra spawn:
C. S. Lewis wrote:-When we become adults, we must put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up
-To truly own something one must be capable of giving it away

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Re: Branchscape is Finished!

Post by vallorn » 05 Nov 2011, 15:28

excelent. however this time i shall not be having a home there. i have 3 or 4 in Fyra alone another will not be used. :(
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Re: Branchscape is Finished!

Post by Furdabip » 05 Nov 2011, 15:38

Needs more cowbell.

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Re: Branchscape is Finished!

Post by Serubin323 » 05 Nov 2011, 17:43

I'm in love! Hehe

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Re: Branchscape is Finished!

Post by tanisjihanis » 06 Nov 2011, 08:51

Sorry to hear that val, :(
but I do thank you for your help in the past! (hey, i even credited you in the epic story!)
Not sure what cowbell is furd -_-
I did think the quotes at the end were a nice touch seru, and i couldn't pass yours up. My fave is mr whales tho xD
FYI, the anonymous tourist is strnad i believe. :lol:
C. S. Lewis wrote:-When we become adults, we must put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up
-To truly own something one must be capable of giving it away

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Re: Branchscape is Finished!

Post by vallorn » 06 Nov 2011, 09:10

do you still have the massive field of flowers i left at the bottom of the tree? ;)
Lord_Mountbatten wrote:I didn't quite hear you over the sound of my eyebrow shooting into the sky.

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Re: Branchscape is Finished!

Post by tanisjihanis » 06 Nov 2011, 09:12

Eyup! but there are a bunch of mushrooms down there now as well :D
C. S. Lewis wrote:-When we become adults, we must put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up
-To truly own something one must be capable of giving it away

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