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How hard is updating to new Launcher

Posted: 23 Aug 2013, 16:05
by Losarot
Hey everybody , im starting my semester of school but was hoping to get updated on the old Minecraft and maybe be around someday.
But it seems lot of changes have gone on since i was here last both in server and in the game itself.

So any advice on updating to the new launcher im really behind on things and could use a hand.
Anything i need to know about the server too, anything new besides Invun being in charge of stuff , :?
(who let that happen )

See you soon I hope


Re: How hard is updating to new Launcher

Posted: 24 Aug 2013, 01:38
by TyrasEngineer
If you log in to the old launcher, there's a big button at the top which says that there's a new launcher available with a download link, I think. Click that and it's all pretty self-explanatory.