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A brief break from escapecraft

Posted: 24 Aug 2011, 10:59
by Cyphafrost
Bad news, everyone.

I am forced to take a break from Escapecraft. Why, you ask?

We had a terrible storm up here in my area of NH. I was at work when it hit, so I didn't know what might be happening at home. Lightning struck several time outside my building (and my house too, as it turned out). The power flickered on and off repeatedly, trees were so sideways looked like they were in a hurricane, and there was a horrible amount of rain. When the storm ceased and I went home, I decided to go on my computer a bit. I hit the power button.

Nothing happened.

I checked to make sure it was plugged in, and it was. Long story short, my computer is busted. If it can't be fixed, I have to go computer shopping.

That is why I am taking a break from Minecraft. Now, I can't get on to relock my chests after the flush, so could a mod make sure my Fyra cuboids are set up so my stuff doesn't get stolen? I hid most of it, but better to be safe than sorry. Thanks.

See you as soon as I can.

Re: A brief break from escapecraft

Posted: 24 Aug 2011, 12:25
by Aenir_bEPU
Do the fans start up or anything at all? Or is it complete silence?

Re: A brief break from escapecraft

Posted: 24 Aug 2011, 14:11
by wokka1
Wow, bad luck Cypha, didn't you just get your computer repaired recently? Do you have a UPS to protect your PC from surges and power faults?

Re: A brief break from escapecraft

Posted: 24 Aug 2011, 14:12
by Cho
if you hear nothing when trying to turn on the power - check the fuse on the power supply. You could wind up with a $5 repair bill.

Re: A brief break from escapecraft

Posted: 24 Aug 2011, 14:14
by MKindy
:/ Do you (or your parents, if you live with them) have some form of homeowner's/renter's insurance? If so, they might cover it for you. We got struck by lightning a couple years ago here, and our insurance replaced our busted sweet-sweet-52" plasma TV, TiVo, cable box, and all the phone wiring in the house (since that's where it came in from).

Re: A brief break from escapecraft

Posted: 24 Aug 2011, 22:04
by xidontcarex
i feel so sorry for you :( nature disasters are one of the worst things that can happen, and u can do nothing about it

and like cho said, check your fuse if its complete silence. Also, how was your computer damaged? if its water or lighting damage, then chances are its fried. however, if ur computer isnt damaged in anyway, check your power, and also check your plugs, maybe ur electricity just failed for 1 of the plugs u plug it into

Re: A brief break from escapecraft

Posted: 25 Aug 2011, 08:00
by Cyphafrost
Ok, so to answer aenir's question: I have no idea if the fans work. It's complete silence.

Wokka: yes, I have had computer troubles. But that was with my laptop. This is my desktop. I couldn't use my desktop when I had laptop issues because my desktop was being used at work during that time, and there's horrible internet there.

Cho: It makes no sound when I hit the power button, and it acts like it's unplugged, even though it's plugged in. I'll check the fuse. That could be it.

idontcare: It couldn't have been water, since I live on a hill and the computer is on the second story. It was either to much electricity if lightning struck my house, or all the power outages (the power kept flickering on and off at work , so I assume the same for at home). Also, it's not the plug. I tried several different plugs.

Re: A brief break from escapecraft

Posted: 25 Aug 2011, 10:07
by Aenir_bEPU
It might just be the power supply.

Re: A brief break from escapecraft

Posted: 27 Aug 2011, 07:34
by Cyphafrost
Good news everyone!

My computer is fixed. The problem with it was that the power supply was fried.

A mod can lock this now.