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Superior Summit City Ratings and Reviews.

Posted: 17 Aug 2011, 15:55
by ChirpsAreFlying
Superior Summit City Rankings and Reviews.

I am going to be going around checking out cities and rating them. I will be posting my ratings on here and I will be rating everybody equally. It will be out of aproximatly 160 points. Guides are welcome and help the evaluation process go more smoothly. You can request that I only evaluate your town with a guide if you feel it necessary. The rating system is as follows...

Pathways/Sidewalks.             /20
Variety of Buildings.               /20
Parks and other features.       /20
Location.                               /20
Ease of use for new players.    /10
Number of residents.       /30
Original style.                        /10
Number of original style buildings +4 per building
City hall.                               /10
Rules.                                     /10
Random blocks (creeper holes, random old leaves etc.).                        /10
Overall Score: /160

If you would only like a written review and not to be rated numerically, just say so in your post and that is all that I will do.

If you really want to make sure your city or any city gets rated, just post the name and the co-ordinates here and it will be gotten to. Pictures of the nicer areas of the city will be put up as well and there will be a scoreboard with the top cities.

EDIT: Because of the difficulty of determining the number of residents, the number will be based on the number of houses.

The city with the most points gets the Summit Seal and bragging rights. Reviews can be bi-monthly if requested.

Rankings so far:
1. Beorn- 150.5 points.
2. Market Plaza- 125 points.

Market Plaza

My first impression of Market Plaza was that it had a very nice town hall. Inside of the town hall are some rules which are mostly necessary and are very easy to listen to. The city hall is very nice but lacks a variety in materials outside of just sandstone. Inside of it was obviously thought out and well planned as well and the lookout from the top is very nice although there is a possibility of falling on your way up there. New people can easily get a plot here and people even offer their assistance if it is necessary. There are some nice pathways but some are also made of gravel and others are just one lane which is not exactly user friendly. There are some nice shops and there are defiantly a lot of residents if that is what you are in to. The parks are nice and there is also a gigantic water fountain quite close to where you arrive. There are random pillars of water in certain places but there is a large variety of building types. It is fairly original as many people live there and there are, again, very many different types of buildings. I certainly suggest this town for new players as it is very accessible and it would be very easy to start off here.

Pathways/Sidewalks. 8/20
Variety of Buildings. 18/20
Parks and other features. 14/20
Location. 20/20
Ease of use for new players. 9/10
Number of residents. 28/30
Original style. 7/10
Number of original style buildings +4 per building
City hall. 7/10
Rules. 9/10
Random blocks (creeper holes, random old leaves etc.). 5/10
Overall Score: 123/160

When immediately getting off of the ''train'' and arriving at Beorn, you see the rules. The rules are all together and are very easy to abide by. There is a building (I assume the resident list building) in which I find very original (+4 points) and it lists a very vast amount of names and it in itself is a very beautiful building. The roads are all very structured and have the same type of block except in some places there are blocks missing and roads end in random places. There is an amazing bridge in the city that is made from glow stone blocks, cobble and planks and looks very good at night time (+4 points). There are still places in this town though, in which there are either random drops or random mounds. I ran into a number of people in this town, which shows that it is a well off town in itself. The number of buildings in this place is stupendous. I could in fact spend a whole day (real day, not mine craft day) looking at them and touring the city. Something that this city does lack though is parks though it makes up for the parks with other structures, parks are always nice. This city is very easy to use for new players as there are a lot of places for everybody and the rules are very simple to follow. The city hall is not specifically called that or there might just not be a sign but I am assuming that it is the one with the pillars and has a magnificent layout. Finally, an overpowering pirate ship floats just beyond spawn and it is magnificent, a must see (+4 points). Overall this is a great town for people who have been playing for a while and would like to interact with others and it is great for new people who are starting out as well.

Pathways/Sidewalks. 17/20
Variety of Buildings. 20/20
Parks and other features. 8/20
Location. 20/20
Ease of use for new players. 9/10
Number of residents. 30/30
Original style. 9/10
Number of original style buildings +4 per building (x3)
City hall. 9 /10
Rules. 10/10
Random blocks (creeper holes, random old leaves etc.). 6.5/10
Overall Score: 150.5/160


Re: City Ratings

Posted: 17 Aug 2011, 15:58
by Iron_Fang
market plaza, it isn't really a town but has residents! fyra west rail 1st stop, the flying thing

Re: City Ratings

Posted: 17 Aug 2011, 15:59
by derigin
Sure, why not. Beorn. 1st stop south in Fyra.

Number of residents. +1 point per resident.
We have 90 residents. Mwahaha!

Here is a slightly outdated map of the city:
White are houses. Red are public buildings or landmarks.

EDIT: Please comment on ways I could make the town better. Constructive criticism always helps!

Re: City Ratings

Posted: 17 Aug 2011, 16:00
by MrWhales
derigin wrote:Sure, why not. Beorn. 1st stop south in Fyra.

Number of residents. +1 point per resident.
We have 90 residents. Mwahaha!

Here is a slightly outdated map of the city:

"Residents" is more like it :P

Re: City Ratings

Posted: 17 Aug 2011, 16:03
by givemeabreak432
Haven is my town. If you rate it, please ignore castle. It's not done, and probably never will be. Just message me in game when you decide to rate it, and I'll show you how to get there.

Re: City Ratings

Posted: 17 Aug 2011, 16:11
by Godavari
ChirpsAreFlying wrote: Parks and other features.       /20
Location.                               /20
City hall.                               /10
Never come to Borderpost! :shock:

Re: City Ratings

Posted: 17 Aug 2011, 16:24
by vallorn
Parks? what are these? MagmaVale has no need of them! only of an awesome floor! :D

Re: City Ratings

Posted: 17 Aug 2011, 18:33
by michaeld20
I used to do this, But then i was beaten....

Re: City Ratings

Posted: 17 Aug 2011, 18:34
by michaeld20
Do mill city if you can, Ill walk you there sometime

Re: City Ratings

Posted: 17 Aug 2011, 18:45
by vallorn
i request a review of MagmaVale. final stop on the Fyran south line. walk into the tunnel in the Volcano straight ahead for the stairs down. :)

Re: City Ratings

Posted: 17 Aug 2011, 19:16
by Milo_Windby
I request you don't do the Royal Sheep Trading Post.
The idea of some stranger to the city coming in and giving it a rating just does not sit well with me.

Re: City Ratings

Posted: 17 Aug 2011, 19:49
by ChirpsAreFlying
Milo_Windby wrote:I request you don't do the Royal Sheep Trading Post.
The idea of some stranger to the city coming in and giving it a rating just does not sit well with me.

Request understood and respected.

Re: City Ratings

Posted: 18 Aug 2011, 02:16
by Iron_Fang
Chirps it sounds like you did harbourtown lol
I said it was the flying thing :D
The way to it is next to harbour town if you go straight down the road and take the first right, it is a wooden tunnel

Re: City Ratings

Posted: 18 Aug 2011, 03:49
by Aenir_bEPU
Market Plaza has residents?

But yeah. It's floating. That place be ground'd.

Re: City Ratings

Posted: 18 Aug 2011, 09:42
by random980
Do Solar City!
Its in V3 (Terra) at x-650 and z+210

Re: City Ratings

Posted: 19 Aug 2011, 04:57
by Tulonsae
Umm.. Beorn has a house for every resident plus additional buildings. If you think there are only 30 houses, then you didn't see all of Beorn. In fact, you missed a great deal of it.

Tulonville is a district of Beorn, but we're still working on it. It has its own town hall.

Re: City Ratings

Posted: 19 Aug 2011, 11:26
by Aenir_bEPU
I'm surprised he didn't mention Beorn's lighthouse to be honest.

It provides an amazing view at night if you take the Lift to the top of it.

Re: City Ratings

Posted: 19 Aug 2011, 13:30
by Milo_Windby
And that is why I don't want the RSTP to be rated =D

Re: City Ratings

Posted: 19 Aug 2011, 14:33
by vallorn
good thing MagmaVale is small! :D

Re: City Ratings

Posted: 19 Aug 2011, 15:22
by SMWasder
Hmmmm... I'm in two minds on this; I see the usefulness as sort of tourist guide, but I'm not sure about the idea of having a numerical rating system which would basically rank different settlements. Perhaps it might be better just to write a Travel Guide of Escapia, which I suspect might be more accepted by city-owners. :?: In fact, I might do just that myself :lol:

Re: City Ratings

Posted: 19 Aug 2011, 15:25
by aflycon
He set a maximum of thirty points so that Beorn wouldn't kick too much ass.

Re: City Ratings

Posted: 19 Aug 2011, 15:46
by Milo_Windby
SMWasder wrote:Hmmmm... I'm in two minds on this; I see the usefulness as sort of tourist guide, but I'm not sure about the idea of having a numerical rating system which would basically rank different settlements. Perhaps it might be better just to write a Travel Guide of Escapia, which I suspect might be more accepted by city-owners. :?: In fact, I might do just that myself :lol:
I like this idea and in fact I would accept someone doing this for the RSTP.

Re: City Ratings

Posted: 19 Aug 2011, 15:49
by Aenir_bEPU
SMWasder wrote:Hmmmm... I'm in two minds on this; I see the usefulness as sort of tourist guide, but I'm not sure about the idea of having a numerical rating system which would basically rank different settlements. Perhaps it might be better just to write a Travel Guide of Escapia, which I suspect might be more accepted by city-owners. :?: In fact, I might do just that myself :lol:

Re: City Ratings

Posted: 19 Aug 2011, 16:18
by SMWasder
I'm actually going to do that, because apparently it's gone down well and I really could do with getting to know the world better. :D

Re: City Ratings

Posted: 19 Aug 2011, 17:28
by Milo_Windby
Aenir_bEPU wrote:
SMWasder wrote:Hmmmm... I'm in two minds on this; I see the usefulness as sort of tourist guide, but I'm not sure about the idea of having a numerical rating system which would basically rank different settlements. Perhaps it might be better just to write a Travel Guide of Escapia, which I suspect might be more accepted by city-owners. :?: In fact, I might do just that myself :lol:
How did you get a picture of my post? >.>

Re: City Ratings

Posted: 21 Aug 2011, 16:15
by ChirpsAreFlying
Well, as I am open to ideas, I can infact just give your city a review instead of a rating. I do not mind doing this as I realise that not everybody would like me to rate their city as they might not get the ranking that they expected. Though I have been to RSTP on more than one occasion and believe that it would definatly not be a low ranking city. So if you would like to re-think me ranking your city, Milo, I am happy to oblige.

Re: Superior Summit City Ratings and Reviews.

Posted: 21 Aug 2011, 16:30
by gigem06
Chirps, Your first review is of Harbortown, not Market Plaza. MarketPlaza is a district adjacent to Harbortown (above it actually).

I appreciated your review, although I think you would actually be benefitted by having a tourguide when you conduct these visits. For instance, you did not realize that the "one-lane" roads you referred to are actually service alleys only intended to provide rear access for owners in our otherwise wall-to-wall townhome areas.

But in any case, the town is still very new (less than one month old actually) and very much under construction, so I appreciate the review and would encourage you to come back again sometime in a few weeks and check it out again :) Thanks!

Re: City Ratings

Posted: 21 Aug 2011, 18:43
by MrWhales
Milo_Windby wrote:I request you don't do the Royal Sheep Trading Post.
The idea of some stranger to the city coming in and giving it a rating just does not sit well with me.
A little xenophobic, huh Milo? I'm sure it would get an excellent review. RSTP is possibly the best city I've ever been in.

Re: Superior Summit City Ratings and Reviews.

Posted: 21 Aug 2011, 18:49
by Aenir_bEPU
How is that xenophobic???

Re: Superior Summit City Ratings and Reviews.

Posted: 21 Aug 2011, 23:06
by ChirpsAreFlying
gigem06 wrote:Chirps, Your first review is of Harbortown, not Market Plaza. MarketPlaza is a district adjacent to Harbortown (above it actually).

I appreciated your review, although I think you would actually be benefitted by having a tourguide when you conduct these visits. For instance, you did not realize that the "one-lane" roads you referred to are actually service alleys only intended to provide rear access for owners in our otherwise wall-to-wall townhome areas.

But in any case, the town is still very new (less than one month old actually) and very much under construction, so I appreciate the review and would encourage you to come back again sometime in a few weeks and check it out again :) Thanks!

And so it will be done. I apologize for the mistake and I will re-evaluate your town as long as I have a guide. I will also request a guide for any other cities that are close together, such as these.