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Underground Tunnel System

Posted: 18 Jun 2011, 22:28
by TheBaldr
I built a fairly long tunnel system under Frya. It just a 3x3 tunnel, I tried my best to go around claimed land and got permission when possible. What are the rules when someone claims land above the tunnel(not knowing it is there), then digs down to it and starts building in it?

Re: Underground Tunnel System

Posted: 18 Jun 2011, 23:56
by derigin
If another person hits your man-made tunnel, they are expected to close up the hole, and to change direction.

Also that would make a great ring road for a subway. :P

Re: Underground Tunnel System

Posted: 19 Jun 2011, 09:11
by donkypoink
''fairly long'' isnt the correct word im afraid :shock:

Re: Underground Tunnel System

Posted: 19 Jun 2011, 19:50
by Tulonsae
Is this part of the tunnel system that has a station in Beorn?