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Middle earth/frya??

Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 15:52
by arogon343
It would appear that my creation of the shire has sparked off quite a few ideas for making landmarks ffrom the lord of the rings.... I am basicly proposing a large project for anyone who wants to chip in can help me and turbo turban and some others build landmarks from LOTR.
so far on the list of things that we are constructing are:
@: the shire
@: Bree
@: Isengard
@: Helms deep

Darktaint was toying with the idea of moria but that may be a big big thing to do at the moment.
Any comments, idea's, requests or critisisms??
Id be glad to hear em

Re: Middle earth/frya??

Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 15:55
by Zinrius
Isn't Vault 88 sort of like Moria ?

On another note, has Moria ever been FULLY illustrated to re-create ?

Re: Middle earth/frya??

Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 15:57
by Jake55778
Moria should be easy enough, how hard can it be to build a mine in Minecraft? Just fill some tunnels with TNT to make them wider, stick a winding path and some pillars in, and have a narrow bridge over another TNT created chasm.
(I just got Vet so I'm eager to solve problems with TNT)

I'm a big Lord of the Ring fan so I might chip in if I can.

Re: Middle earth/frya??

Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 16:05
by arogon343
Exactly and most of the important parts of moria were in the films if not the books, and i suppose tnt would work and create a more natural effect, and any help is appriciated ^_^ the current starting of the shire are the south frya railway at the first stop, theres a path leading to the shire.

Re: Middle earth/frya??

Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 16:08
by DuplicateValue
arogon343 wrote:and i suppose tnt would work and create a more natural effect
Except they weren't natural - they were clean and meticulously carved from the stone.

It was, after all, a city, not a mine.

Well... It was a mine too, but you know what I mean.

Re: Middle earth/frya??

Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 16:13
by Jake55778
"Mines of Moria" Kinda implies a mine, but I suppose it would also have had to house the dwarves so I guess it could be a city too. You see that kind of smooth craftmanship in parts (Balin's Tomb and the hall with all the pillars) but most of what's shown in the films is roughly carved from stone caverns.

Re: Middle earth/frya??

Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 16:26
by Iron_Fang
A mine with houses carved out and a throne room like the one in ironforge on world of warcraft? Also i thought I read something about a waterfall in the shire so I made one please tell me if there is not one so I can plug it up. Also arogon I am gonna make the pond connect to the sea like a river and am gonna build my hobbit hole next to one of those small ponds

Re: Middle earth/frya??

Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 17:09
by DuplicateValue
Jake557 wrote:"Mines of Moria" Kinda implies a mine, but I suppose it would also have had to house the dwarves so I guess it could be a city too. You see that kind of smooth craftmanship in parts (Balin's Tomb and the hall with all the pillars) but most of what's shown in the films is roughly carved from stone caverns.
Actually now that you mention it, I think that hall with all the pillars was the city, and the rest were the mines. I vaguely recall them giving the name of the city when they walked into that hall in the movie.

I need to go read those books again...

Re: Middle earth/frya??

Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 18:09
by arogon343
Your pretty much on the mark, moria had 2 parts to it, the mine which had the bridge of kazahdum, and the city, the hall with pillars was a sort of meeting or focal point and the doors on the sides of the room led to the actual city with the houses and what not. and iron fang i dont mind it, we will never get it precisely right, we just need to keep it themed and have the main features present.

Re: Middle earth/frya??

Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 18:12
by vallorn
one sec isnt IsenGuard bigger than White Gold tower? if so... i forsee issues.

also il build Mount Doom!

Re: Middle earth/frya??

Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 18:29
by arogon343
If you want to vall, go for it, though make it geologicaly correct, so have it pretty much realy far east of helms deep. and helms deep has a placement, its rough co ords are x=800 z=-1000

Re: Middle earth/frya??

Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 18:34
by vallorn
arogon343 wrote:If you want to vall, go for it, though make it geologicaly correct, so have it pretty much realy far east of helms deep. and helms deep has a placement, its rough co ords are x=800 z=-1000
were being geologicaly correct? :shock:

okay sure so long as i get to go nuts with the Lava therin.

Re: Middle earth/frya??

Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 18:36
by arogon343
well we are bein roughly geologicaly correct. the shire is to the north west. helms deep is south east of that, orthanc being north of helms deep and minath tirith (probs wont build that :S) being slightly south east of that and mordor being far again to the east.

Re: Middle earth/frya??

Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 18:50
by Blackadder51
Make sure you claim the land if its a mega project. This will stop un wanteds living on your land.

Re: Middle earth/frya??

Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 19:16
by marurder
Minas Tirith.

Why not build it to challenge IC and then have a Frya VS Escapica war? :P

Re: Middle earth/frya??

Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 19:18
by Lord_Mountbatten
Fyra, not Frya.

Yup, excitingly contructive comment there.

Re: Middle earth/frya??

Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 19:21
by aflycon
Lord_Mountbatten wrote:Fyra, not Frya.

Yup, excitingly contructive comment there.
This. Why is it so hard to spell Fyra? ^_^
Also, I posted a settlement in Settlements and Their Rules. y u no update? :'(

Re: Middle earth/frya??

Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 19:24
by Lord_Mountbatten
There's a certain word that's alliterative with my name or title.

Re: Middle earth/frya??

Posted: 19 Apr 2011, 19:38
by aflycon
Is it.. Legate? >_>

Re: Middle earth/frya??

Posted: 20 Apr 2011, 02:29
by vallorn
Blackadder51 wrote:Make sure you claim the land if its a mega project. This will stop un wanteds living on your land.
/me claims all of Fyra.

Re: Middle earth/frya??

Posted: 20 Apr 2011, 05:29
by donkypoink
dont think moria is possible, i said it on the server and ill say it again, moria is made uot of HUGE HUGE HUGE chambers (like the one with the pillars and the bridge) the depth of wich these chambers reach would let you get stuck on bedrock, believe me i got a pritty good idea of how big a room in minecraft can be and moria is to big.

Re: Middle earth/frya??

Posted: 20 Apr 2011, 05:45
by vallorn
donkypoink wrote:dont think moria is possible, i said it on the server and ill say it again, moria is made uot of HUGE HUGE HUGE chambers (like the one with the pillars and the bridge) the depth of wich these chambers reach would let you get stuck on bedrock, believe me i got a pritty good idea of how big a room in minecraft can be and moria is to big.
then it doesnt need to be quite that big.
a large(yes i know it will be VERY large) room with lots of pillars should suffice.

and we could have the bridge over a chasm into the Void.

Re: Middle earth/frya??

Posted: 20 Apr 2011, 06:18
by donkypoink
If it turns out nice, probably, but i will say that if you dont know how to do it awesome i shouldnt do it at all.

Re: Middle earth/frya??

Posted: 20 Apr 2011, 06:57
by DuplicateValue
It doesn't take much to give the illusion of gigantic halls in Minecraft.

First of all, you have all the horizontal space you could possibly need, so that's not an issue. Your only limit is vertical height. And this can be overcome by having the rooms stretch up say 25-30 blocks past the highest torch - then anything above the 15 mark becomes shrouded in darkness, and should give the impression of a very high ceiling.

Re: Middle earth/frya??

Posted: 20 Apr 2011, 17:25
by donkypoink
true, true :geek:

Re: Middle earth/frya??

Posted: 20 Apr 2011, 17:35
by derigin
Well, just for kickers anyway, I'm going to create Beorn's Hall in a plot I claimed just south of spawn.

Edit: The Hobbit (1977) soundtrack makes for great adventure music.

Re: Middle earth/frya??

Posted: 20 Apr 2011, 18:07
by arogon343
Erm whats that (something i actualy dont remember of LOTR)
but as long as it is geologicaly correct idc
Also it will probably get turned down but i was going to ask what would everyone think of a fight or pvp few hours in frya or somthing and we could do each of the battles like helms deep ect. just a thought.
Any thoughts or suggestions?

Re: Middle earth/frya??

Posted: 20 Apr 2011, 18:09
by DuplicateValue
It's from The Hobbit.

If you haven't read it, I highly recommend you go do so immediately.

Re: Middle earth/frya??

Posted: 20 Apr 2011, 18:15
by vallorn
Beorn... thats the shapeshifter correct?

Re: Middle earth/frya??

Posted: 20 Apr 2011, 18:17
by DuplicateValue
Yep, he took the form of a bear I think.