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Dead Spaces

Posted: 09 Mar 2011, 20:48
by UnusualStranger
Greetings fellow minecrafters. It recently came to my formerly isolated attention that there is something that needs some addressing. Dead Space.

No, not the game you assuming fools! I am talking about space that has been claimed by a particular town or group of people, but is so large, or has not been touched in a long period of time, that all it turns into is a land claim that sits there empty.

Now, this is kind of two fold for me personally, as some individuals recently moved in close by and built a town of sorts. They did have an outline for a wall, which was no problem for me at the time.

HOWEVER, the kicker for me was I recently found after some time of inaction this wall has spread a great distance, and is now claiming a very large amount of land. Upon initial examination, I found many signs claiming that the land was for sale, which was slightly ridiculous to me because the distance from spawn alone is measurable. However, it rose a new concern for me as well.

The area claimed with this large wall (with no doors readily apparent. Really? One door in the back, one in the front?) is also just as large. I wouldn't have a problem if it was all one claimed spot, or if perhaps there was some known plan for the very large amount of area claimed. Yet, just simply walking the area myself it just seems to be too big a slice of land, all walled off, that will simply not be used, and not be able to be freely traversed.

Sure I lost the point in that rambling somewhere, so let me put it here. What does everyone else think about large areas of unused space that is simply claimed? Or perhaps claiming more than will ever really be necessary? Pretty sure my opinion is apparent, so I want to know what everyone else thinks.

Re: Dead Spaces

Posted: 09 Mar 2011, 22:35
by Furdabip
I have come across an area marked off and such before, and everytime I check on it, it's still undeveloped, so I say maybe ask the mods to check the logs to see when the last time anyone built there was, and if it's been over a month, it clearly can be reclaimed by anyone.

Re: Dead Spaces

Posted: 10 Mar 2011, 02:26
by vallorn
*Cough* V88 *Cough*

ive always thought Dead Towns like Fort Itl/Fort Mountbatten were a bigger problem. but people claiming massie slices of land merely to sell it on?
thats... thats!

Stop tossing mud around, its not very nice... ~ Milo
how in gods name was saying that "Tossing Mud"? - Vallorn
Because Corinth is not "Dead Space" and uses its space wisely. ~ Milo

Re: Dead Spaces

Posted: 10 Mar 2011, 11:54
by Lord_Mountbatten
Yeah, if they haven't done anything within the walls, nor placed any signs up explaining anything, it's rather unfair on others.

Re: Dead Spaces

Posted: 10 Mar 2011, 17:04
by wokka1
/me fires up the ion cannon...

Re: Dead Spaces

Posted: 10 Mar 2011, 19:58
by The_Fuzz22
wokka1 wrote:/me fires up the ion cannon...
Deep Tiberium crystal deposits explode.

Escapecraft server is no more.

(Yeah I just added "Tiberium" to my Chrome spell-checker dictionary)

Re: Dead Spaces

Posted: 10 Mar 2011, 20:29
by Zinrius
wokka1 wrote:/me fires up the ion cannon...
Actually, if you're doing such a thing we need to make it into a show. :D I wouldn't mind me seeing some "FIR3 MAH ION LAZUR" in action.

Re: Dead Spaces

Posted: 11 Mar 2011, 03:37
by vallorn
Zinrius wrote:
wokka1 wrote:/me fires up the ion cannon...
Actually, if you're doing such a thing we need to make it into a show. :D I wouldn't mind me seeing some "FIR3 MAH ION LAZUR" in action.
IL BUILD THE STAND! (out of that most durable of blocks)! SAND!

Re: Dead Spaces

Posted: 11 Mar 2011, 03:59
by Zinrius
vallorn wrote:
Zinrius wrote:
wokka1 wrote:/me fires up the ion cannon...
Actually, if you're doing such a thing we need to make it into a show. :D I wouldn't mind me seeing some "FIR3 MAH ION LAZUR" in action.
IL BUILD THE STAND! (out of that most durable of blocks)! SAND!
I'll get the glass!

Re: Dead Spaces

Posted: 11 Mar 2011, 05:16
by Blackadder51
Zinrius wrote:
vallorn wrote:
Zinrius wrote: Actually, if you're doing such a thing we need to make it into a show. :D I wouldn't mind me seeing some "FIR3 MAH ION LAZUR" in action.
IL BUILD THE STAND! (out of that most durable of blocks)! SAND!
I'll get the glass!

I"ll Get the beer!

Re: Dead Spaces

Posted: 11 Mar 2011, 06:49
by vallorn
Blackadder51 wrote:
Zinrius wrote:
vallorn wrote: IL BUILD THE STAND! (out of that most durable of blocks)! SAND!
I'll get the glass!

I"ll Get the beer!
we have beer? THEN CAKE FOR ALL!

Re: Dead Spaces

Posted: 11 Mar 2011, 10:48
by Zinrius
vallorn wrote:
Blackadder51 wrote:
Zinrius wrote: I'll get the glass!

I"ll Get the beer!
we have beer? THEN CAKE FOR ALL!

HOORAH! *Insert manly pelvic thrust here*
