The Voyage of the HMS Lily

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The Voyage of the HMS Lily

Post by minnerthecat » 06 Sep 2012, 12:04

Hello everyone, Minnerthecat here with a preview of a project I'm working on in-game. "The Voyage of the HMS Lily" (or "HMS Lily" for short), will be a series of short books I'm putting together about the origin of Flonneshire meant to read somewhat like a (poorly written) novel! If anyone here is putting together a library and would like copies of the volumes, I would be happy to produce some for you! Likewise, if anyone has copies of any books they're willing to share with me, I'm building a library of my own as well! So without further ado, here is the first complete volume of the story, feedback is welcome and much appreciated!

Flonneshire, a small fishing village in the southern seas of Borjan began as a simple outpost founded by shipwrecked Sea-Captain, Minnerthecat during his voyage to chart the waters of Borjan. Starving, exhausted and far from his home in FutureShift, Minner's situation was made worse when he soon found himself in the middle of a violent storm.

"Blast it!", he exclaimed as he struggled with the wheel of his single-masted schooner. They had been two weeks out of Modokia's port and the voyage had taken a toll on Minner and his crew. The storm was the last thing any of them needed and it appeared that their journey was about to have a sudden and tragic end. The violent winds made the cold rain feel like razor blades across one's skin, but the crew struggles onwards. "Status report Supatuff!", shouted Minner to his navigator. Supatuff was a seasoned sailor and one of Minner's oldest friends. "Sky's black in every direction Minner, I don't think we're getting out of this one in one piece!", Supatuff called back. Minner cursed under his breath, it wasn't the answer he was hoping for and his arms were aching from trying to keep the ship on course.
"Joshelplex, full sail! We've got to try and make land before this thing gets any worse!", called Minner to the other man on deck. Joshelplex was a tall, muscular man; a knight of the Order of the Rose back home in Modokia. He was brilliant with a blade, but almost useless on the deck of a ship, a fact that was worrying Minner more and more as the storm worstened. Joshelplex sprung into action without a word, loosening the rigging to drop the sail the full length of the mast. As the rope was loosened however, the wailing wind tore at the sail, smashing Joshelplex against the mast with a sickening "thud".
Supatuff quickly rushed over, grabbing hold of the rigging and buying Joshelplex some time to recover. The sail threatened to toss the navigator as well, but he clung to the rope for dear life until Joshelplex was able to grab hold once more, blood streaming from his forehead. The two men struggled with everything they had against the endless assault of wind and rain, successfully securing the sail once more. But there was no time to rest. Out of the darkness before them was an awful sight. Only meters off the ship's bow, the jagged rocks of a cliff face loomed high over the roaring waves. An icy chill washed over Minner's entire body as he and his crew careened towards the rocks, and a most certain death. The ship was torn apart with the awful sound of snapping wood. Splintered boards and the groaning of the ship in the throes of death were the last thing any of the crew remembered before they were plunged into the frigid waves below.

--End of Volume 1--

Thanks for reading everyone, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
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Re: The Voyage of the HMS Lily

Post by Gannondorf1000 » 14 Sep 2012, 17:18

Bravo minner bravo
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Re: The Voyage of the HMS Lily

Post by trovo22 » 05 Nov 2012, 11:49

Great story!
DURRR lalala NINJA!!!


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Re: The Voyage of the HMS Lily

Post by minnerthecat » 06 Nov 2012, 00:10

Well thanks you guys! :) Maybe I'll get around to writing a second volume
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Re: The Voyage of the HMS Lily

Post by Gannondorf1000 » 06 Nov 2012, 09:20

I do hope so Minner Von Cattington!!
It seems all of my signature and avatar has failed, I will fix as soon as I can!
???: You have no weapons, defenses, or a plan! The Doctor: I know and doesn't that scare you to death?

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