motormaniac wrote:I am interested.
Edit: Question. What file type would you like the videos to be? I have software on here that records .avi videos but they take up looooots of memory.
If you have the capability to transform them, then .mp4 would be appreciated, however .avi files are fine for pre-editing and are going to be transformed into .mp4 files for uploading anyway.
Moving on...
It's good to see that people are still interested in this and the spreadsheet is filling up nicely. Before we go any further with this, I'll give you all a list of who is currently firmly upon the team:
- M477h3w1012
- Robipodsupreme
- Davejavu
- Aeroeng15
- Random980
- Tehbeard
- Spyboticsguy
- TyreseEngineer (even though he hasn't posted in here the lazy person)
- Haxxorzd00d (Who should have also posted *grumble grumble*)
- Iron_Fang
- Wildwill002
- Andy25100
- ItchyNL
- Teknovirus
- MrWhales
- Thelepearchauns
- Motormaniac
- Shaunpat99
I would like to be reassured that you do actually have a microphone for recording purposes before we start properly. Simply reply to this thread with a time and date where you are available to meet in Mumble for about five minutes, tops. Please make sure that you have your microphones working and all that good stuff.
Sti, I'll wait for definate confirmation on your part before I start considering you for recording/playing shizzle, feel free to post a time and date just like those above though, I still need confirmation about your, no-doubt, wonderful vocals.
Looking good guys... looking good.