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So I'm not new here but still

Posted: 19 Jan 2011, 08:44
by moimanticore
Hello I'm Manticore, or moi, or just mm. I'm a student, gamer, tracour, artist, genius currently not doing anything worthwhile exept whacking out rock underneath Imperial city.

I'v been gaming all my life, so when Minecraft hit the fan I took a look and the whole thing had a Gmod feel for me, "Just do what you want". I loved it from the first time.
Looking for people to play with I joined a few servers, non good, got grieffed a couple times and I ended up stopping searching for servers. 2 weeks later in my daily run through the escapist I saw an article of someone building Imperial city in Minecraft. I joined here and logged on in. What I expected was alot of guys working on a city and some griefers but what I found were some of the most awesome builds and persons I have met in Minecraft.

I'm enjoying myself and I hope you will continue being awesome. Thanks