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There Goes the Neighborhood

Posted: 27 Sep 2011, 10:32
by Vanguard
A thought occurred to me a few minutes ago; I've been on the server long enough to build a house and gain veteran status, but I never actually, you know, introduced myself. That's somewhat rude, don't you think?

My name is Vanguard (clearly) and there's a slim chance that some of you might recognize me from The Escapist. Possibly if you're part of the ancient '08 crowd. If not I'll give you a mercifully brief rundown. I'm a freelance photographer, a writer of sorts (with a bi-weekly opinion column on a friend's gaming blog), a one-time contributor to The Escapist, and a member of LRR's community as of Desert Bus 3 onward.

So yeah, speaking of LRR I figured with 1.8 coming out it was time to dust off my copy of Minecraft and get back into the game. Somewhere in the intervening time where I stopped playing and now the LRRcraft server got a new map, so my nice chateau in the snowy mountains went poof, never to be seen again. Combine that recent bit of homelessness with the rather coincidental release of the first episode of Escapecraft and... well, here we are.

At this point I'm already set up just fine in East Harbortown and I'm helping with a few projects around there, but for the large part I find myself with an overabundance of free time, so if anyone needs a helping hand, whether it be with building, mining, farming or keeping the creepers away, feel free to ask.


Re: There Goes the Neighborhood

Posted: 27 Sep 2011, 10:37
by EricSmarties
First of welcome to the sever! Hope you have a good time here. As you are a veteran you obviously know most of the rules here on escapecraft, but it never hurts reading them over again here on the forums.
Vanguard wrote:I'm a freelance photographer.
I love photography as well and will pick it as one of my options for my further education :)

Re: There Goes the Neighborhood

Posted: 27 Sep 2011, 10:46
by XDelphi
Welcome to the server, Vanguard.
I'm happy to welcome you to our server, always nice to find a coherent person with a good grasp of the english language. I'm sure you know the rules, and won't need to brush up on them, but it couldn't hurt :)
We have a lovely community in Escapia that will help you out willingly if you need it. There are a few players you should keep an eye out for however, such as the Operators, Moderators and Mentors.
I'll get off now, and look forward to seeing you (Again) in game. I have no doubt you'll love it here :)

Re: There Goes the Neighborhood

Posted: 27 Sep 2011, 13:58
by MayorLennie
Hi Vanguard, it's nice too meet you. I look forward to seeing you in-game. I wonder if someday my Minecraft will get "dusty"? I can't fathom it, as I'm pretty hooked.

I also get bored or uninspired sometimes even though I have too many projects. So I love to take a break and help someone else once in awhile.

So if you need a scout, a digger, or materials gathered feel free to grab me.

Welcome to the community, I hope to see you active on the forums!


Re: There Goes the Neighborhood

Posted: 27 Sep 2011, 16:02
by Eddietester1066
Well, If you have an overabundance of free time and enjoy mining, there are sill something on the order of 3-4 million blocks in need of removal at IC. <trollface/>

Re: There Goes the Neighborhood

Posted: 02 Oct 2011, 18:40
by arogon343
>.> late welcome!
I like your skin By the way. Its classy.