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Zeke's Books and Book Publishing

Posted: 20 Sep 2012, 10:41
by zekesonxx
Zeke's Publishing

Do you have a book that you wrote? Want it to be published to all of Borjan and Fyra?
Just don't have the time to mass-produce it yourself? Well now you can, with Zeke's Publishing!

Thanks to our facilities (Which are still under construction) we can easily mass-produce books.
Very minimal effort is required on your part. And we have very nice rates.
We will sell the books for you, operating on a 20/30/50 split (We get 10%, authors get 30%, shops 50%)

Initial Fee 3 diamonds (Includes 15 books)
10 books 2 diamonds
50 books 7 diamonds
100 books 14 diamonds
Buy More and Save!

Own a shop and want to sell our books? Well you can just plain do that!
We operate on a 20/30/50 split (We get 20%, authors get 30%, you keep 50%)

Authorized Book Sellers:
  • This forum page
    Right here
If you do run a unauthorized shop, please consider giving some of your profits to the authors.
We're a lot more concerned about them losing profits then we are of our own.

You can buy books on here too! Limit 2 per player.

Books Available:
  • None yet. :(

Re: Zeke's Books and Book Publishing

Posted: 20 Sep 2012, 12:44
by minnerthecat
This sounds like an excellent service and I'll definately consider using it once I finish a complete version of my book. I'd also like to buy some books once some have been posted!

Re: Zeke's Books and Book Publishing

Posted: 20 Sep 2012, 16:36
by Invunarble
I want to reproduce my literature by aflycon. 200 copies pls.

Re: Zeke's Books and Book Publishing

Posted: 20 Sep 2012, 16:59
by Wildwill002
I'm curious... how does this mass producing of books work? To my (rather limited) knowledge the printing press plugin aint in the server yet. Surely one guy spending ages copying up a book would get tedious. Also out of random curiosity, could I get a deal on copying a 36 book series (all 50 pages full in all books but the last) 10 times each? :D

Re: Zeke's Books and Book Publishing

Posted: 20 Sep 2012, 17:08
by zekesonxx

Re: Zeke's Books and Book Publishing

Posted: 20 Sep 2012, 17:10
by zekesonxx
Wildwill002 wrote:I'm curious... how does this mass producing of books work? To my (rather limited) knowledge the printing press plugin aint in the server yet. Surely one guy spending ages copying up a book would get tedious.

I have my ways...
WildWill002 wrote:Also out of random curiosity, could I get a deal on copying a 36 book series (all 50 pages full in all books but the last) 10 times each? :D
The books need to be 49 pages long due to copyright information going on the first page. If you can make that happen we can get on publishing.

Re: Zeke's Books and Book Publishing

Posted: 20 Sep 2012, 17:17
by Wildwill002
Hmmm... how long would it take to copy one 49 page book 10 times?

Re: Zeke's Books and Book Publishing

Posted: 20 Sep 2012, 18:04
by zekesonxx
Wildwill002 wrote:Hmmm... how long would it take to copy one 49 page book 10 times?

Not too long, we'd need you there to sign the books however.

Also, the initial coping is 15 books.

Re: Zeke's Books and Book Publishing

Posted: 20 Sep 2012, 18:37
by Sti_Jo_Lew
Whelp, time to get cracking on PoE so you can mass-produce it for me. :P

Re: Zeke's Books and Book Publishing

Posted: 01 Oct 2012, 12:13
by zekesonxx
Sti_Jo_Lew wrote:Whelp, time to get cracking on PoE so you can mass-produce it for me. :P